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The Sons of Pioneers
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The Searchers (1956 Film Score) [Clean]
Album • 2013
Meilleurs titres
1. Cool Water
The Sons of Pioneers
2. Brad Dies (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
3. Camp by the Lake (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
4. Laurie & Martin (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
5. News of Debbie (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
6. Martin Dragging His Saddle / Burning Ranch (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
7. Debbie at the Tombstone (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
8. Ethan Returns (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
9. Assembly (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
10. Buffalo Herd / Buffalo Drums (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
11. Main Title (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
12. Martin to the Rescue (from "The Searchers", 1956 Film Score)
The Sons of Pioneers
Meilleurs albums
1. The Searchers (1956 Film Score) [Clean]
Album • 2013