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Créé par Experts Amazon Music


Créé par Experts Amazon Music

La playlist de tous les talents féminins et non-binaires du moment.


1Ma faute (version 2025)2blade bird3Corine4Born Again5Je pense à vous (Edit)6Who are you?7La Différence (Single Version)8SWEET9Abracadabra10IT girl11Lost Your Faith12et si13key to my heart14By Your Side (In My Mind)15Mauvais Garçon16Fille lacrymale17scorpion ascendant scorpion (상승궁 전갈자리)18Messy19Orlando in Love20We're Not The Same21ROMEO22Stop Calling23PLAYSTATION24Lâche-moi la main25Déjà-vu26Tu vas me quitter encore longtemps ?27Tout dire28Feeling Alright29Tout pour moi30Ankles31L'oiseau32How I Love You33CINÉMA34Sports car35Comment on s'aime36Je me demande37tue moi38le monde est noir (sans personne)39tellement faible40Party People41Dissimule42Traitor43H2444BMF45La fête46Keep It47Ô travers48Nosebleeds49MTV50You're a Liar (You Love Me)51LOVE LOOKS PRETTY ON YOU52Passe ton chemin53GOLIATH54Qui j'étais55This Is Who I Am (From “The Day of the Jackal”)56Lucky57Scissors58Pushing Daisies59last night's mascara60GIRLS!61Diet Pepsi62Neon Lights63friends64toxic till the end65Wait So Yeah66Desde Hoy67Coraline68OK692 hands70One Eye Open71Baggage72SALTY73F*Me (feat. Yseult)74Five Years75Peggy76Vacillator77In The Living Room78That’s So True79Ties80ARE U SERIOUS?81starz82Light Years83Heartbreaker From Tennessee84Stupid85Love Me Not86One More Shot87rain88Animal89Mantra90Little Things91Pa’ Qué Volviste?92Forgiveness93My Serotonin94Heart Of A Woman95No Me Cansare96In My Bag97WHISTLE98SONAR99One Mind