16. Ten minutes w/ Sugata Mitra Preparing Children for Their Future, Not Our Past


14-06-2024 • 9 mins

See transcript here: https://imaginize.world/sugata-mitra-podcast/
Sugata Mitra is a physicist, educational pioneer  He was the creator of the famous “Hole in the Wall” experiment which was the inspiration for the School in the Cloud and for Self-organized Learning Environments, or SOLE which led the one million dollar TED prize in 2013, given to forward thinkers with bold ideas and a vision and strong wish for making global change.
Sugata believes the internet will become so integrated into our lives, it will blur the line between knowing and not knowing

IMAGINIZE.WORLD takes you beyond our familiar boundaries. You'll discover how forward thinkers, scifi visionaries and pioneering organizations see the future. You'll learn to imagine your future and develop ideas to move in that direction. Also see A Global Vision for 2043 from 200 people around the world.