24. Citizen Science - Decentralize and Build Trust


03-11-2024 • 42 mins

Pieter Franken is co-founder of Safecast, one of the most successful citizen science projects in the world.
More here: https://imaginize.world/pieter-franken-safecast-citizen-science/

Safecast was created in 2011, a few days after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Pieter tells us how it operates, why it’s successful, and, most importantly, how it can be an example for people who really want to make a difference in the world.

Wired magazine talks about Pieter's work: "A non-profit organization is trying to transform those spontaneous initiatives into an international movement. Safecast was founded after the Japanese government failed to properly represent the scale of the nuclear fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.”

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