The Best of The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show with Rob McConnell

Rob McConnell

Welcome to The 'X' Zone.... a place where Fact is Fiction and Fiction is Reality where Canadian broadcaster, the host, creator, and executive producer, Rob McConnell has been at the helm of this Internationally syndicated terrestrial radio, TV and satellite program since 1990.

Topics that are discussed with those that Rob interviews from around the world include:

11:11, 2012, 666: The Number Of The Beast, 9/11, Alien Abduction, Aliens, Angels, Apocalypse, Astrology, Atlantis, The Bible, Chinese Astrology, Conspiracy Theories, Cosmology, Crop Circles, Cryptozoology, Crystals, Demonology, Dreams And Dream Interpretation, Electronic Voice Phenomena, End Times, End-Time Prophecies, ESP, Exorcism, Extraterrestrial Communication, Fairies, Forbidden Knowledge, Ghosts, Government Cover-ups, Hauntings, Herbalism, Kennedy Assassination, Kirlian Photography, Life After Death, Lost Tribes And Civilizations, Mind Over Matter, Near-Death Experience, Nostradamus, Numerology, Occult, Ouija Boards, Palmistry, Paranormal Hoaxes And Frauds, Paranormal, Parapsychology, Past Life Regression, Precognition, PSI, Psychic Phenomena, Psychic Phenomenon, Psychic Surgery, Raelians, Reincarnation, Remote Viewing, Sacred Geometry, Science Fiction, Séances, Shadow People, Shamanism, Spiritualists, Tarot Cards, The Apocalypse, The Bermuda Triangle, The Dalai Lama, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Michigan Triangle, Time Travel, UFO Crashes, UFOs, Unsolved Mysteries, Vile Vortices, VooDoo, Wicca, Zombies and much more!

Since 1990, Rob has interviewed more than 4,500 guests, a list of which can be view at

To read what guests have said about their visit to The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show, go to

If you would like to be a guest on The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show, go to and tell us about yourself and why you would like to come on the show.

Now, our The Best of The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show with Rob McConnell read less
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Rob McConnell Interviews - LOYD AUERBACH - Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations
Rob McConnell Interviews - LOYD AUERBACH - Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations
Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations - and author of A PARANORMAL CASEBOOK: Ghost Hunting in the New Millennium, which hit the bookshelves October 1, 2005 His 2004 releases were GHOST HUNTING: How to Investigate the Paranormal and HAUNTINGS & POLTERGEISTS: A Ghost Hunter's Guide (Ronin Publishing). His first book, ESP, HAUNTINGS AND POLTERGEISTS (1986, Warner Books) was named the "Sacred Text"` on ghosts by NEWSWEEK (in August, 1996). PSYCHIC DREAMING (1991, Warner Books; 1999 Barnes & Noble Books), deals with the current understanding of dreams in general and psychic dreams in particular. His third book, REINCARNATION, CHANNELING AND POSSESSION, was published by Warner Books in April, 1993. MIND OVER MATTER (Kensington Books, 1996) focused on the limits human beings set for themselves and on psychokinesis. Auerbach has recounted some of his more interesting paranormal investigations on a two audio-CD set called GHOST STORIES (Michael Scott Studios, 2001). In addition, he has a video lecture ("Exploring the Real-Life X-FILES: GHOSTS) and video seminar (with psychic Annette Martin). available. The seminar, GHOST HUNTING IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM, is a 5-plus hour video seminar that also offers a test of one's knowledge in order to become a part of the Office of Paranormal's referral network. In 1999, he released the first videotape on "The Haunting of the USS Hornet" (a haunted WWII era aircraft carrier in Alameda , CA ). He was a Consulting Editor & columnist for FATE Magazine, a 50+ year old national publication dealing with the "unexplained," from the beginning of 1991 to the end of 2004. He was President of the Psychic Entertainers Association (PEA) from 2001 - 2005. The PEA is an international organization of psychic entertainers (performers of including mentalism, bizarre magick, hypnotism, cold reading, and allied arts). He is immediate past President of the California Society for Psychical Study (repeating a run from 1988-92), and was 1989 President of Assembly 112 of the Society of American Magicians, making him the first parapsychologist to have actively served as an officer of both a psychical research group and a magicians' organization. He has been one of the very few parapsychologists active in both psychical research and mentalists and magicians' organizations -- -- he's also served as Chairman of the San Francisco Bay Area magician/mentalist group Club 53. -
Rob McConnell Interviews - PETER METZNER - Dreams, Synchronicity, Coincidences and Shadows
Rob McConnell Interviews - PETER METZNER - Dreams, Synchronicity, Coincidences and Shadows
Peter is a facilitator, trainer, keynote speaker and coach who through presentations, workshops, seminars, coaching and consulting helps leaders, teams and organizations better engage and align staff to business drivers and the organization's mission. Peter helps leaders develop the self-awareness, self-mastery and interpersonal skills that enable sustainable high performance and high functioning teams. Through experiential learning and a practical down to earth style, clients learn to implement behaviors that lead to greater individual, team and organizational effectiveness. Peter's focus includes: preventing executive derailment, transformational leadership and creating high performing teams. His approach focuses on clients creating self reinforcing and sustainable positive movement leading towards personal and professional breakthroughs and sustainable organizational effectiveness. Peter is a certified Peoplemap™ Trainer. He is also Everything DISC and MBTI certified. He has served as Vice President of Client Relations and Program Development for The Leadership Trust. Before joining the Trust, he was employed by the Center for Creative Leadership, where he helped customize executive development and training programs for major businesses and corporations. Peter also taught Psychology at Vance Granville Community College. Currently Peter facilitates seminars on Leadership and High Performing Teams at UNC Chapel Hill, Duke University Medical Center and The International Coaching Federation. He has recently been the Keynote Speaker for the Georgia University System's Staff Council Conference.
Rob McConnell Interviews - BART SIBREL - The US Astronauts Never Walked on the Moon
Rob McConnell Interviews - BART SIBREL - The US Astronauts Never Walked on the Moon
Moon Man is Bart Sibrel’s revealing memoir recalling his harrowing journey investigating what really happened during America’s famous “Apollo” missions. It features truly hair-raising and life-threatening encounters with agents from the US government’s secret agencies. Sibrel’s memoir divulges, for the very first time, his real-life espionage adventures while uncovering one of the CIA’s greatest secrets, including Sibrel’s discovery of privately recorded audio of an Apollo astronaut plotting his assassination by the CIA, which would not be necessary if the Apollo missions were real.Moon Man also exposes, for the very first time, the official CIA Code-Name for the real Apollo project, the military base where the first fake Moon landing was filmed, as well as the names of fifteen US government scientists and officials who were recorded in attendance for the first Moon landing falsification, some of whom are still alive today. This highly revealing information was provided to Sibrel by the Chief of Security of this secretive military base, who finally confessed his regrettable participation in this despicable government fraud on his deathbed.Bart Sibrel is an award-winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist, who has produced television programs and documentaries for over forty years. He has been employed by two of the three major US networks, worked as a television news reporter, and has produced segments for ABC, NBC, and CBS. Sibrel regularly speaks as a guest commentator regarding the Moon landing fraud, and has appeared as such on NBC, FOX, CNN, and HBO to discuss his films “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” and “Astronauts Gone Wild”.Bart Sibrel grew up as a devout supporter of the supposed Moon landings, yet over the years, gradually began to recognize their unfortunate falsification. In Sibrel’s mind, the claim that astronauts walked on the moon on the very first attempt with antiquated untried 1960s technology, when today with five decades of more advanced technology the US can only send astronauts one-thousandth the distance to the Moon, simply defies logic. Sibrel is convinced that until the Moon landing fraud is exposed, the governments of the world will continue deceiving the people under their care until their eventual
Rob McConnell Interviews - MICHAEL PETER LANGEVIN - Magic, Mysticism and the Occult
Rob McConnell Interviews - MICHAEL PETER LANGEVIN - Magic, Mysticism and the Occult
Michael Peter Langevin is widely known in the fields the occult, shamanic transformation, magic, mysticism and the often undefinable. Michael has greatly enhanced the way many people view physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellness. At the core of the teachings lies the transformation of consciousness, a spiritual awakening that he sees as the next step in human evolution. An essential aspect of this awakening consists in transcending our ego-based state of consciousness. This is a prerequisite not only for personal happiness but also for the ending of violent conflict endemic on our planet. Michael Peter was the CEO of CSI Media, and the Founder of Magical Blend Magazine, Natural Health and Beauty Magazine, Transitions Magazine and The Echo World magazine and other media channels. A visionary and entrepreneur who has studied with many shamans, magicians, holy men and gifted psychics, Langevin has had many strange experiences and just as many wonderful opportunities as the publisher of what Book-of-the Month Club called "the most open-minded magazine in the world." He was the host of the "Magical Blend" TV show and has been interviewed on countless radio programs. His writings have appeared in many anthologies and publications. For all his life Michael Peter has been exploring the occult and ancient mysteries. Michael Peter has traveled to and spent time studying many exotic locals all over the world. Michael Peter has been conducting workshops and lectures worldwide for large groups since 1985.He is available for personal consultation and readings. He presently is co-owner/ co-director of LangeviAxelsson Marketing and Social Media Promotions in the magical city of, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Rob McConnell Interviews - JONATHAN ZAP - The Deeper Implications of AI, "The Singularity Archetype."
Rob McConnell Interviews - JONATHAN ZAP - The Deeper Implications of AI, "The Singularity Archetype."
Jonathan Zap is an author, philosopher, journalist, and teacher who has written extensively on psychology and contemporary mythology. Jonathan grew up in the Bronx and attended the Bronx High School of Science. He graduated from Ursinus College with honors in Philosophy and English, and received a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing from NYU. He has taught English in high school and college and worked with troubled youth as the dean of a public high school in the South Bronx. As a wilderness guide, Jonathan has led inner-city kids and other young people on expeditions to remote desert canyons and Mount Rainier’s summit. (See “Crossing the Great Stream—Education and the Evolving Self,” published in Holistic Education Review for more on his experiences in education.) Jonathan also has a GG–a degree in gemology, and worked at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) as a staff gemologist and instructor in diamond grading and gemstone identification. Jonathan is the author of numerous published articles, essays, screenplays, and the Zap Oracle. He is the author of Crossing the Event Horizon—Human Metamorphosis and the Singularity Archetype, and his related sci-fi epic, Parallel Journeys. Jonathan has done numerous radio and television interviews. He is a frequent guest on Coast-to-Coast AM and the Gaia network show, Beyond Belief. He was a contributing editor and featured correspondent at Reality Sandwich (before it was taken over and turned into something unsupportable) and published 150 articles on that platform. He’s presented his work on the Singularity Archetype at the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) and the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS). Jonathan has a background in Jungian psychology, paranormal research, literature, writing, and many other subjects. He uses his eclectic background to take a multi-disciplinary approach to many subjects. He resides in Boulder, Colorado.