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「...One First Love...」

1Utopia2Carpe Diem3Second Life4Summer Love5Dotted Sky By Night6Close to Her7Life Reflection8In Memory of Our Love9Wolf Stimulus10New Empire11Something New in My Heart12Tougher Than Rock13And I (Love Her)14Vibes Attraction15Space Intruder16Untouchable Girl17Melody Is My Name18Let Music in You19Forest of Pains20Colored Shadow21Dune22Self Control23First Light24Get Love Off25Spleen of Autumn26Sun Beach27Sailing Alone28Slow Motion29Last Moment with You30Nightbird31Ad Infinitum32Space Time33Cannes a Beach34Musically Linked35Starry Sight36Tavaen37The Seventh Dimension38Fireflies Above Each Dream39Halley's Comet40Lemniscate41Pachamama42Quantic Starship43Venus Conquest Story44Parallel Universe45Interstellar Love46Space Odyssey47Insomnia48I Come from Space49Tales from Lane Xang50Collapsar51Encrypted Poem52Playa del Silencio53Anarchy-Peace54I Don't Need Money to Get Rich55Sensational Perfume56The Black Sheep57Eirenekratia58Land of Bugs59Symbiosis60Flirt with Unconsciousness61A Way of Life to Hack62In These Time63The White Clover64My Country Is Called Earth65May We Dream Together66Flower in the Head67Native Blood Inside68Let Earth to Recover69Sam Neua70Platonic Romance71Eye Contact72There Is No Heaven for Gunners73Barbarian of the Lord74Each Life Is Precious75The Yin Yang Theory