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Jack And Mary
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Kneel at the Cross
Album • 2018
Meilleurs titres
1. Blessed Redeemer
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
2. Living Where the Healing Waters Flow
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
3. He Set My Tears to Music
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
4. Over in Glory
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
5. His Name is Jesus
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
6. Love of Jesus
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
7. Signs by the Side of the Road
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
8. Kneel at the Cross
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
9. My Father Planned It All
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
10. Love is Why
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
11. At the Foot of the Rugged Cross
Jack And Mary [feat. Jackie Stewart]
12. Half a Chance
Jack And Mary
Meilleurs albums
1. Kneel at the Cross
Album • 2018