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Choir of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle
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1. Feast of the Immculate Conception: Introit (Mode 3)
Choir of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle & Josef Schabasser
2. Christmas Vespers: Hymn - Jesu redemptor omnium (Mode 1)
Choir of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle & Josef Schabasser
3. 3rd Sunday in Advent: Communion (Mode 7) - Dicite. Pusillanimes
Choir of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle & Josef Schabasser
4. 4th Sunday in Advent: Offertory - Ave Marie, gratia plena (Mode 8)
Choir of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle & Josef Schabasser
5. 3rd Christmas Mass: Alleluia - Alleluia, Dies sactificatus (Mode 2)
Choir of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle & Josef Schabasser
6. 3rd Sunday in Advent: Introit - Gaudete in Domini (Mode 1)
Choir of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle & Josef Schabasser
7. Christmas Vespers: Hymn - Jesu redemptor omnium (Mode 1)
Choir of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle & Josef Schabasser
8. 1st Sunday in Advent: Introit - Ad te levavi (Mode 8)
Choir of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle & Josef Schabasser