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Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
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The Very Best Of
Album • 2010
Meilleurs titres
1. Schönes Wettér
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
2. Ja, Das Ist Nun Mal Mein Rhythmus
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
3. Avant De Mourir
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
4. Ja, Da Ist Meine Melodie
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
5. Schwarze Augen
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
6. Heie Tage
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
7. Es sind viele Jahre vergangen
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
8. Heiße Tage
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
9. Du gehst an mir vorbei
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
10. Mir geht's gut
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
11. In Debreczin
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
12. Denn ich bin zum Tanzen geboren
Kurt Widmann and his Orchestra
Meilleurs albums
1. The Very Best Of
Album • 2010