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Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
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Meilleurs titres
1. Down In My Heart (feat. Marie Thomlinson Lewey)
Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
2. This Little Light of Mine (feat. Paige Woodford Gothard)
Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
3. Oh How I Love Jesus
Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
4. Kum Ba Ya (feat. Ruby Tiegs)
Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
5. Tell Me Why (feat. Marie Thomlinson Lewey and Darryl Holden)
Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
6. Jesus Loves the Little Children
Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
7. Jesus Loves Me (feat. Cindy Richardson)
Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
8. Into My Heart
Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
9. Do Lord (feat. Mary Gresham)
Lenny Leblanc and the Heartbeat Lullaby Singers
Meilleurs albums
1. Jesus Loves Me Fast Asleep!
Album • 1991