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The World Groove
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Japanese Anison: By Japanease Musical Instruments
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Meilleurs titres
1. Bangarang feat. Sirah
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2. Parabolic
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3. Private Eyes
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4. Private Eyes (Private Mix)
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5. 悲しくてやりきれない Kanashikute Yarikirenai
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6. ブルー・ライト・ヨコハマ Blue Light Yokohama
The World Groove
7. 恋のフーガ / Koi No Fuga
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8. 夜明けのスキャット Scat In The Dark
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9. また君に恋してる Mata Kimini Koishiteru
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10. もろびとこぞりて Joy To The World
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11. ジングルベル Jingle Bells
The World Groove
12. Silent Night / Silent Night
The World Groove
Meilleurs albums
1. Japanese Anison: By Japanease Musical Instruments
Album • 2012
2. Japanease Music By Japanese Musical Instruments
Album • 2012
3. World Music By Japanese Musical Instruments
Album • 2012