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The Kavaliers
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Meilleurs titres
1. Back in Baby's Arms
Anne Murphy & The Kavaliers
2. Pretty Boy Lonely
Anne Murphy & The Kavaliers
3. The Wanderer
Freddie Keil, The Highbrows & The Kavaliers
4. The Twist
Freddie Keil, The Hi Brows & The Kavaliers
5. Love Me Forever
Beverley Hill, The Kavaliers & The Zodiac Strings and Chorus
6. Twistin' the Night Away
Freddie Keil, The Highbrows & The Kavaliers
7. My Heart Said Bossa Nova
Anne Murphy & The Kavaliers
8. Tossin' and Turnin'
Freddie Keil, The Hi Brows & The Kavaliers
9. Rave On
Freddie Keil & The Kavaliers
10. Should I
Freddie Keil, The Kavaliers & The Turner Sisters
11. Chock's Away
The Kavaliers & Freddie Keil
12. Three Nights a Week
Freddie Keil & The Kavaliers