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Sergiu Muresan
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Bombshell 2
Album • 2018
Complete Health (Post Workout Tracks For Deep Breath)
Album • 2018
Romantic Moments (St. Valentines Day Love Songs)
Album • 2018
Meilleurs titres
1. Mary Had a Black Lamb
Glory Oath + Blood & Sergiu Muresan
2. Scrape and Grind
Glory Oath + Blood, Jacopo Cicatiello & Sergiu Muresan
3. Distortions of Reality
Glory Oath + Blood, Jacopo Cicatiello & Sergiu Muresan
4. The Breath Catcher
Glory Oath + Blood, Jacopo Cicatiello & Sergiu Muresan
5. Snares to Explode
Sergiu Muresan & Jacopo Cicatiello
6. Rush the Rockets
Sergiu Muresan & Jacopo Cicatiello
7. Turbine Countdown
Sergiu Muresan & Jacopo Cicatiello
8. Three Eye Spy (Loop)
Sergiu Muresan
9. Smashtown Fight Song
Glory Oath + Blood, Sergiu Muresan & Robert Leslie Bennett
10. Cool Breeze
Sergiu Muresan
11. Digital Oppression
Sergiu Muresan
12. Gentle Waves
Sergiu Muresan
Meilleurs albums
1. Bombshell 2
Album • 2018
2. Complete Health (Post Workout Tracks For Deep Breath)
Album • 2018
3. Romantic Moments (St. Valentines Day Love Songs)
Album • 2018