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Gereon Theis
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Meilleurs titres
1. Bulgaria
Florian Christl, Clara Büsel, Leandro Hauxwell, Alona Khlevna & Gereon Theis
2. Irrweg
Florian Christl & Gereon Theis
3. Save
Florian Christl, Clara Büsel, Leandro Hauxwell, Alona Khlevna, Gereon Theis, Benedikt Wagner & Michael Neumann
4. Prelude
Florian Christl, Clara Büsel, Leandro Hauxwell, Alona Khlevna, Gereon Theis, Benedikt Wagner & Michael Neumann
5. Budapest
Florian Christl, Clara Büsel, Leandro Hauxwell, Alona Khlevna, Gereon Theis, Benedikt Wagner & Michael Neumann
6. O Love
Gereon Theis, Josefa Schmid, World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
7. Delta
Florian Christl, Clara Büsel, Leandro Hauxwell, Alona Khlevna, Gereon Theis, Benedikt Wagner & Michael Neumann
8. Eja Mater
Lavinia Meijer, Gereon Theis, World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
9. Fifteen Million Acres
Lavinia Meijer, Esther Abrami, World Choir for Peace, Tim Allhoff, Gereon Theis & Nicol Matt
10. Come to Me
Gereon Theis, Josefa Schmid, World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
11. Healing Light: A Celtic Prayer
Lavinia Meijer, Esther Abrami, World Choir for Peace, Tim Allhoff, Gereon Theis & Nicol Matt
12. To Look for Owls
Lavinia Meijer, Gereon Theis, World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
Playlists en rapport
Ludovico Einaudi, Camille Berthollet, María Dueñas et plus
Autumn Classical
Renaud Capuçon, Itzhak Perlman/London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonio Vivaldi et plus
Musique Classique pour Travailler
Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Aram Khachaturian, Esther Abrami et plus
Classical Chill
Nestos, Challem, Ola Gjeilo et plus