Ed Sheeran Live from the SiriusXM Garage

Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

02-10-2023 • 1 h 21 minutes

Ed Sheeran feels wank about being Conan O'Brien's friend.

Live from the SiriusXM Garage, singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran sits down with Conan to talk about emulating his music heroes, the inspiration for his new album Autumn Variations, and unlikely celebrity run-ins. Plus, Conan and his team answer audience questions about their favorite films, childhood aspirations, and more.

For Conan videos, tour dates and more visit TeamCoco.com.

Got a question for Conan? Call our voicemail: (669) 587-2847.

Get access to all the podcasts you love, music channels and radio shows with the SiriusXM App! Get 3 months free using this show link: https://siriusxm.com/conan.

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