Be Well and Be Green

Angie Gust: Wellness Advocate

This podcast is dedicated to empowering you to improve your personal wellness and enhance the wellness of our planet Earth, especially in terms of the climate crisis. read less
Santé et condition physiqueSanté et condition physique


Why should you care about your breathing?
Why should you care about your breathing?
Episode 2:  In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, continues using John Travis’s 12 dimensions of wellness as a framework to talk about personal health and wellness.  This episode focuses on breathing and how breathing and meditation can elicit the relaxation response.  The climate crisis is discussed in terms of its negative effect on respiratory health. Several personal actions are suggested so that everyone can be part of the solution. References Andrews, TM. Independent. April 10, 2017.  Kentucky coal mining museum installs solar panels because it will save money. Asthman and Allergy Foundation of America.  Chen S, Bloom DE. The macroeconomic burden of noncommunicable diseases associated with airpollutionin China. PLoS One. 2019, 18;14(4):e0215663.  D’Amato, G, Cecchi, L. Effects of climate change on environmental factors in respiratory allergic diseases. Clin Exp Allergy 2008; 38: 1264–1274.  D'Amato G, Cecchi L, Amato M, et al. Climate change and respiratory diseases. European Respiratory Review. 2014; 23(132):161-69.   D'Amato G, Baena-Cagani CE, Cecchi L, et al. Climate change, air pollution, and extreme events leading to increasing prevalence of allergic respiratory diseases. Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine.2013:12 Epel, ES, Jue Lin, EH, Dhabhar, FS,Adler, NE, Morrow, JD, and  Cawthon, RM. Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Dec 7; 101(49): 17312–17315.  Epel E, Daubenmier J, Moskowitz JT, Folkman S, Blackburn E. Can meditation slow rate of cellular aging? Cognitive stress, mindfulness, and telomeres. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2009;1172(1):34–53.  Gimon, E, O’Boyle, Clack, CTM, McKee, S. March 2019. The coal cost cross over: Economic viability of existing coal compared to new local wind and solar resources. Hoge, EA, Hölzel, BK, Marques, L, Metcalf, CA., Brach, N, Lazar, SW., & Simon, N. M. (2013). Mindfulness and self-compassion in generalized anxiety disorder: Examining predictors of disability. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013. International Renewable Energy Agency. Schutte NS, Malouff JM. A meta-analytic review of the effects of mindfulness meditation on telomerase activity. Psychoneuroendocrinology.2014;42:45–48.  Travis, J, Ryan, R. The Wellness Workbook, 3rd ed: How to Achieve Enduring Health and Vitality. 2004, Ten Speed Press, New York. ZiskaLH, Beggs PJ. Anthropogenic climate change and allergen exposure: the role of plant biology. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2012; 129: 27–32.
Exploring ourselves and our planet through our senses
Exploring ourselves and our planet through our senses
Episode 3:  In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, continues discussing John Travis’s 12 dimensions of wellness as a way to touch on all aspects of personal health and wellness. This episode focuses on sensing and how caring for and working to improve our senses will enhance our overall wellness. She also discusses climate change and highlights the upcoming Climate Action Summit, organized by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, September 23, 2019.  He is asking global leaders for specific doable plans to enhance their nationally determined contributions by 2020. Several personal actions are suggested so that everyone can be part of the solution. References Al-Ayash, A, Kane, R, Smith, D, Green-Armytage, P.The influence of color on student emotion, heart rate, and performance in learning environments. Color Research & Application, 2015; 41(2). Berk, L and Tan, S. The Laughter-immune connection. American Association of Therapeutic Humor, 1996. Coles, S. Mottainai vs methane:The case for textile recycling. ReNew Magazine, 2016; 136:34-37. Denworth, L. 2019. Children change their parents’ minds about climate change. Scientific American.  Hadhazy, A. Why Does the Sound of Water Help You Sleep? Live Science. 2016 Light KC, Grewen KM, Amico JA, Boccia M, Brownley KA, Johns JM. Deficits in plasma oxytocin responses and increased negative affect, stress, and blood pressure in mothers with cocaine exposure during pregnancy. Addict Behav. 2004;29(8):1541–1564. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2004.02.062 Lundberg, T. Long-term results of vibratory stimulation as a pain relieving measure for chronic pain. Pain 1984, 20: 13-23. Rajendra K. Pachauri et al., Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Topics 1 and 2 (November 2, 2014): 40-62. Safi, M. India plans nearly 60% of electricity capacity from non-fossil fuels by 2027.  The Guardian, December 22, 2016. Tercek, M.  The Climate challenge unites us. Nature Conservancy 2018 The Economic Times. India to achieve 175 GW renewable energy ahead of 2022 deadline. February 23, 2018. Travis, J and Ryan, R. The Wellness Workbook, 3rd ed: How to Achieve Enduring Health and Vitality. 2004, Ten Speed Press, New York.
How do you eat for your own and the planet's wellness?
How do you eat for your own and the planet's wellness?
Episode 4:  In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, continues discussing John Travis’s 12 dimensions of wellness as a way to improve your own personal health and wellness. This episode focuses on eating and the benefits of a whole food plant-based diet. She also discusses food choices in terms of climate change. For instance, eating beef and lamb has a larger greenhouse gas impact than grain, fruits and vegetables. Several personal actions are suggested so that everyone can be part of the solution.   References Campbell, T. Colin, Chen, J and Parpia, B. Diet, lifestyle and the etiology of coronary artery disease: the Cornell China Study. The American J of Cardiology 1998: 82(10) supplement 2; 18-21. Clune, S, Crossin, E, Verghese K. Systematic review of greenhouse gas emissions for different fresh food categories. J of Cleaner Production. 2017; 140: 766783. Campbell TC, Campbell TM II. Broken hearts. In: Campbell TC, Campbell TM II. The China Study. Dallas, TX: BenBella Books; 2006:111-134. Esselstyn CB Jr, Ellis SG, Medendorp SV, et al. A strategy to arrest and reverse coronary artery disease: a 5-year longitudinal study of a single physician’s practice. J Fam Pract. 1995;41: 560-568. Esselstyn Jr, CB, Gina Gendy, G,  Doyle, J, Golubic, M,  Roizen, MF. A way to reverse CAD?  The J Family Practice,  63; 7: 356-364. Greger, M. Want to be healthier? Change your taste buds. Nutrition Lisle, D and Goldhamer, A. The Pleasure Trap – Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health and Happiness  2006. Healthy Living Publications. Meyers, SS,  Zanobetti, A Itai Kloog, I, Huybers4, P, Leakey, ADB.  Increasing CO2threatens human nutrition.  Nature, 2014; 510:139–142. Travis, J and Ryan, R. The Wellness Workbook, 3rd ed: How to Achieve Enduring Health and Vitality. 2004, Ten Speed Press, New York
Movement for increased wellness
Movement for increased wellness
Episode 5:  In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, continues discussing John Travis’s 12 dimensions of wellness as a way to improve your own personal health and wellness.  This episode focuses on moving and how the benefits of moving are associated not only with physical health, but mental health as well. She also discusses some good news in energy production, for instance, the bi-facial solar panel, and a couple examples of using the legal system to protect our planet.  Several personal actions are suggested so that everyone can be part of the solution. References Ambrose, J.  BP solar firm blazes ahead in search for UK's shiniest grass. Bartels, M. 6/6/18 Americans Think Climate Change Should Be NASA's Top Priority, Not Sending Astronauts to Mars. Newsweek 6 June 2018 Accessed 24 Aug 2019 Cavicchioli, R et al.  Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change. Consensus Statement. 2019 Nature Reviews. CDC. 2016. National Centers for Health Statistics.  Leading causes of death. Columbia Law School. Sabin Center for Climate Change Law. Accessed 8 Aug 2019  Earls, M. Whistle-Blower Complaint Highlights CDC Turmoil on Climate. August 14, Scientific America. Accessed 27 Aug2019 Gibson, T. 2011 These Exercise Machines Turn Your Sweat Into Electricity.  Global Climate Change: Evidence. (2008 June 15). Accessed 1 July 2019, from IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Summary for Policymakers (2014) Irfan, U. Fossil fuels are underpriced by a whopping $5.2 trillion. May 17, 2019. Accessed 8 Aug 2019 Lamarche-Gagnon, G et al. 2019.Greenland melt drives continuous export of methane from the ice-sheet bed. Nature 565, 73–77. Naomi Imatome-Yun. 23 Feb 2016 Eric & Peety: A Story of Mutual Rescue.  Forks Over Knives. NY Governor News. Governor Cuomo Announces Green New Deal Included in 2019 Executive Budget Pavegen.  Small Footprint Family. 2018. The time is now: 6 things we must do about climate change. Trevizo. P. Texas sues Exxon Mobil over environmental violations from Baytown fire. Accessed 6 Aug 2019. United Nations. The Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World. WHO. 2018. Top 10 causes of death.  Heart disease is the main cause of mortality in the US and globally.
Feelings in relation to our own wellness and the wellness of the planet
Feelings in relation to our own wellness and the wellness of the planet
Episode 6:  In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, continues discussing John Travis’s 12 dimensions of wellness as a way to improve your own personal health and wellness.  This episode focuses on feeling and how to be truly well, it is important to express all of your feelings.  She also discusses the outcome of the Climate Action Summit held in New York on September 23rd which unfortunately, was less than stellar.  Several personal actions are suggested, such as reducing consumption of single-use plastics, so that everyone can be part of the solution.   References  Bastin, JF, Yelena Finegold, Y, Garcia, C, Mollicone , D, Rezende, M, Routh, D, Zohner, CM, Crowther, TW. The global tree restoration potential. Science, 2019; 365 (6448): 76 DOI: 10.1126/science.aax0848 Calderón-Garcidueñas L., Calderón-Garcidueñas A., Torres-Jardón R., et al. 2015. Air pollution and your brain: what do you need to know right now. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 16, 329–345.  Garden Rewilding lawns and gardens into miniature rainforests. Ifran, U. Sep 24, 2019. The UN Climate Action Summit was a disappointment. Vox. Kessler, RC, Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Jordi Alonso, Corina Benjet, Evelyn J. Bromet,et al. 2017. Trauma and PTSD in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys, European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8:sup5, DOI: 10.1080/20008198.2017.1353383 Lundberg A. 1996. Psychiatric aspects of air pollution. Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 114, 227–231. Oudin A., Bråbäck L., Âström D. O., et al. 2016. Association between neighbourhood air pollution concentrations and dispensed medication for psychiatric disorders in a large longitudinal cohort of Swedish children and adolescents. BMJ Open, 6, e010004 Sengupta. S, Friedman, L. Sept. 23, 2019 updated Sept. 24, 2019. At U.N. Climate Summit, Few Commitments and U.S. Silence. Accessed 5 Oct 2019. Szyszkowicz M., Frank-Cannon T. C., Alto L. T., McAlpine F. E., et al. 2009. Does neuroinflammation fan the flame in neurodegenerative diseases? Molecular Neurodegeneration, 4, 7. United States Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) (2016) The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. United States Global Change Research Program. Van Susteren, L The psychological impacts of the climate crisis: a call to action. BJPsych Int. 2018 May; 15(2): 25–26. Weir K. 2012. Smog in our brains: researchers are identifying startling connections between air pollution and decreased cognition and well-being. American Psychological Association, 43, 32. Willey J. B., Grafstein E., et al. 2010. Air pollution and emergency department visits for suicide attempts in Vancouver, Canada. Environmental Health Insights, 4, 79–86.
Thinking for wellness
Thinking for wellness
Episode 7:  In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, continues discussing John Travis’s 12 dimensions of wellness as a way to improve your own personal health and wellness.  This episode focuses on thinking and how optimism is related to your ability to use the placebo effect to help your health and on the other hand, how pessimism increases the chances that you will have negative physiologic outcomes- the nocebo effect.  She also discusses the C40 Cities  which organizes the World Mayor’s Summit each year –most recently Oct 9-12 in Copenhagen, and how they are working to address climate change. Several personal actions are suggested, such as participating in the political process, so that everyone can be part of the solution.   References BBC News. Unilever to cut plastic use to appeal to Gen Z.Accessed 1 Oct 2019 7 October 2019 Beacom, N. Planting native prairie could be a secret weapon for farmers.  Accessed 14 October 2019 C40 Cities. Accessed 28 Oct 2019 Benfield, K. 2012 What communities should do to protect against climate change. Accessed 21 Oct 2019  Carbon Offsets to Alleviate Poverty. Accessed 28 Oct 2019 Curtis, S. Oct 15, 2019. Mayors of 94 cities are taking the Green New Deal global, as states fail to act on climate crisis. The Conversation. Accessed 16 Oct 2019. Horovitz, B. Oct 14, 2019. From the rooftops, Big Box Stores are embracing solar. Accessed 16 Oct 2019 Housman, J. Oct 21, 2019. Accessed 22 Oct 2019 With this new label, climate neutral gear may take a big leap forward.
Balancing work and play to improve personal and planetary wellness
Balancing work and play to improve personal and planetary wellness
Episode 8:  In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, continues discussing John Travis’s 12 dimensions of wellness as a way to improve your own personal health and wellness.  This episode focuses on work and play. Angie points out how work and play are connected and form the foundation of our lives. She further suggests that maintaining a good balance between work and play will improve your overall wellness. With regard to the environment, she discusses the New York Times opinion piece from October that stated that climate change will cost us even more than we think and draws attention to the December 6th (2019) US nationwide climate strike. Several personal actions are suggested, such as buying holiday gifts with the planet in mind e.g.  donating to organizations that are helping the planet in someone’s name, so that everyone can be part of the solution.   References   McMahon, J. Jan 23, 2017. 9 things you can do about climate change. Accessed 22 November 2019 Oreskes, N and Stern, N. Oct. 23, 2019. Climate Change Will Cost Us Even More Than We Think. Accessed 18 November 2019 Project Drawdown. Accessed 15 November 2019 Vigdor, N. Oct 11, 2019.  Accessed 12 October 2019 Jane Fonda Arrested During Climate Protest Outside U.S. Capitol   Yale School of Management. Finding Common Ground in the Climate Change Debate. Accessed 30 October 2019     Yarnold, D. CNN. October 26, 2019. The majority of birds in North America face threat of extinction. Here's what we can do. Accessed 27 October 2019
Communicating to improve your wellness
Communicating to improve your wellness
Episode 9:  In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, continues discussing John Travis’s 12 dimensions of wellness as a way to improve your own personal health and wellness - this episode focuses on communication. Truly listening is a gift.  Listening can relieve stress in the speaker in that they know they are acknowledged and affirmed.  For the person listening, it can relieve stress in that they can become harmonious with another individual.  Angie talks about how while this year, 2020, is a critical year for our planet, unfortunately, the outcome of last month’s United Nations Climate Change Conference was another lost opportunity. Several personal actions are suggested, such as keeping a look out for gatherings in your area hosted by World War Zero, a bipartisan effort to unify the public in support of climate action. References Berg, N. 2019. Six inexpensive things cities can do to become more sustainable now. Ensia. Accessed 2 December 2019 Blankenship, A. October 18, 2017. Who is richer? Democrats or Republicans? The answer probably won’t surprise you. Accessed 10 December 2019 Carnegie, D.  A combined edition of How to win friends and influence people and How to stop worrying and start living.  Dale Carnegie and Associates Inc., Hauppauge NY, 1936/1944. CBS Channel 3. Minnesota. Gov. Walz signs executive order on climate change Accessed 8 December 2019 Fourth National Climate Assessment Vol II. Accessed 9 December 2019 Friedman, L. Nov 30, 2019. John Kerry Launches Star-Studded Climate Coalition.New York Times. Accessed 2 December 2019. Hatemi, PK, McDermott, Eaves, LJ, Kendler, KS, Neale, MC. 2013.Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State: A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out‐Group Political Preferences. American J of Political Science. Accessed 12 December 2019 Meyer, R. Dec 2, 2019. The Atlantic. John Kerry’s New Bipartisan, Star-Studded ‘War’ on Climate Change Miller, E. Cheap at Last, Batteries Are Making a Solar Dream Come True. Nam, HH et al. Amygdala structure and the tendency to regard the social system as legitimate and desirable. Nature Human Behavior Sengupta,S. Dec 15, 2019. U.N. Climate Talks End With Few Commitments and a ‘Lost’ Opportunity. Accessed 15 December 2019 Stracqualursi, V. November 30, 2019.CNN. Pelosi to lead group of Democratic lawmakers to UN climate change conference. Accessed 30 November 2019 United Nations Climate Change. 2019. COP25 to Be the Launchpad for Significantly more Climate Ambition. Accessed 3 December 2019 Werrell, K. and Femia, F.  October 25, 2019. U.S. Army War College: Climate Change Presents Serious Threat to the Military Mission in 20 Years. Accessed 5 December 2019.. Wicker A. 10 things you can do to shop more sustainably. Accessed 14 December 2019
Finding life meaning
Finding life meaning
Episode 11: In this episode the host, Angie Gust, continues discussing John Travis’s 12 dimensions of wellness, focusing on the 11th dimension, life meaning. The idea of a meaning filled life intersects with several of the other dimensions of wellness  --feeling, thinking, communicating, sensing, to name a few and at its root are these fundamental questions: "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "Where am I going?" "What do I want?" "What contribution do I want to make during my time here?"  As we don’t want to wait until the late stages of our life to contemplate this issue, it might be good to consciously set aside time to reflect on what a meaningful life might look like for us. In terms of the environment, Angie discusses the large impact plastic is having on climate change.   References Bruggers, J. Jan 24, 2020 Booming Plastics Industry Faces Backlash as Data About Environmental Harm Grows. Accessed 1 February 2020 Buettner, D. (2012). The blue zones: 9 lessons for living longer from the people who've lived the longest (2nd ed.). Washington, D.C.: National Geographic. Center for International Environmental Law. Plastic and Climate: The hidden costs of a plastic planet. Accessed 4 February 2020 Goodreads. Mother Teresa quotes.  Accessed 29 January 2018 Seventh Day Adventists.  Living a healthful life.  Accessed 1 February 2019 Travis, J. W., & Ryan, R. S. (1988). The wellness workbook. Berkeley, Calif: Ten Speed Press.   UN News. Accessed 2 February 2020 UN News. UN chief outlines solutions to defeat ‘four horsemen’ threatening our global future. Accessed 2 February 2020 UN News Jan22,2020 Geopolitical tensions. The climate crisis. Global mistrust. The dark side of technology Accessed 2 February 2020
Episode 13: In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, talks about the suggestions from Life Extension as to how to care for yourself if you have symptoms of the coronavirus. In addition to the basics that CDC and others have offered to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 (social distancing, avoid travel, wash your hands, strengthen immunity, disinfect surfaces), they also offer integrative approaches, for instance, taking zinc lozenges every 2 waking hours for no more than 3 consecutive days. She also notes that Jamie Margolin, the co-founder of Zero Hour, a youth climate action group, notes the irony of how quickly the world has been able to mobilize and respond to slow the spread of the coronavirus.  She wonders where is that rapid response for the climate crisis? Clearly, political leaders are able to make changes quickly if they are motivated. References Barone, V. April 8, 2020. Pope Francis says coronavirus could be ‘nature’s response’ to climate change. New York Post. Accessed 10 April, 2020 Fallon, M. Jan 13, 2020. Youth Climate Groups, Allies and Mothers’ Voices Demand Tangible Action and Time Bound Changes from Larry Fink in Advance of His Annual Letter. Common Dreams. Accessed 12 April, 2020 Gonzalez, G, Sandhaus, S, Dosik, J, Roberts, A. 2019 novel coronavirus. Life Extension. Measures Margolin, J. Coronavirus Shows Us Rapid Global Response To Climate Change Is Possible.  Teen Vogue. Accessed 6 April, 2020 Merideth, S. Mar 20, 2020. This is a yes-we-can moment’: What the coronavirus response means for climate action. CNBC.  Accessed 6 April, 2020. Ortiz, D.A. Nov 4, 2018.  10 simple ways to act on climate change. BBC Future. Accessed 4 April 2020. Pontin, J. Jun 16, 2018. The 19th century crank who tried to tell us about the microbiome. Wired. Accessed 15 April 2020. Salk. Oct. 13, 2015. Janelle Ayres receives Young Faculty Award from DARPA. Salk News. Accessed 12 April 2020. Servan-Schrieber, D. Nov 17, 2011. A doctor’s quest to heal his own cancer with food. Accessed 1 April, 2020. Sorkin, A.R. Feb 24, 2020. BlackRock C.E.O. Larry Fink: Climate Crisis Will Reshape Finance.The New York Times. Accessed 14 April, 2020. Wyns, A. Apr 13, 2020. How our responses to climate change and the coronavirus are linked. University of San Diego. Accessed 15 April 2020.
n't wait for full blown illness to manifest
n't wait for full blown illness to manifest
Episode 14: In this episode, the host, Angie Gust, goes over some of the same information from Life Extension on upper respiratory tract infections as last time as well as using the 2nd dimension of wellness- controlled breathing- if infected with the coronavirus. William Faloon, one of the founders of Life Extension Foundation, emphasizes this key message-- Don't Wait for Full-Blown Illness to Manifest before you initiate self-care. With regard to controlled breathing, it has been recommended by some physicians to help clear the lungs of mucous if you have coronavirus.  Turning to the environment, the next UN Climate Change meeting,  Cop26, that was scheduled for November this year, has been pushed back to next year. However, there was a 2 day virtual climate meeting on April 27 and 28, called the Petersburg Climate Dialogue, among 30 nations, co-chaired by Germany and Britain, where policy makers underscored that spending to rebuild the economy after the COVID 19 shutdowns should not restart growth built on the old fossil fuel platform.   References Birch, J. 4/24/2020. Does deep breathing help coronavirus patients with symptoms? Huffpost Environmental Voter Project Faloon, W. 2013. What to do if flu symptoms develop in you? Gonzalez, G, Sandhaus, S, Dosik, J, Roberts, A. 2019 novel coronavirus. Life Extension. Accessed 2 April 2020. Measures Marshall, S. 1998. Zinc gluconate and the common cold. Review of randomized controlled trials. Can Fam Physician 44:1037-42. Munshi, S. 2020. How to Breath better Part 1. Prasad, AS, Fitzgerald, HT, Bao, B, Beck, FW, Chandrasekar, PH. 2000. Duration of symptoms and plasma cytokine levels in patients with the common cold treated with zinc acetate. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 133:245-52. Ramaswamy, D. April 28, 2020. Coronavirus treatment: Health experts recommend deep breathing exercises. International Business Times. Ridge, T. April 22, 2020. My fellow conservatives are out of touch on the environment. The Atlantic. Rowling, M. April 27, 2020. Environment ministers seek fair, green coronavirus recovery. Thomson Reuters Foundation. Saner, E. April 9, 2020. Do breathing exercises really work? UK doctors on how to protect against coronavirus – and manage symptoms. The Guardian
Coronavirus and nutrition
Coronavirus and nutrition
Episode 15: In this episode, Angie Gust goes over information from nutrition experts in relation to the coronavirus. One such expert, Dr. T. Colin Campbell posed the question, "Does a whole food, plant-based diet – known to prevent, and even reverse a broad range of chronic degenerative diseases – act in a similar way to minimize viral diseases?” Based on his studies with the hepatitis B virus, he says that a whole food plant based diet might offer an important path to fight the coronavirus pandemic. The important UN climate meeting, COP 26, that was supposed to convene this November, will take place between Nov 1 and 12, 2021.   References Akhtar, A.  Our Symphony With Animals ~ On Health, Empathy & Our Shared Destiny With Animals. Pegasus Books, NY, 2019. Borenstein, S. May 19, 2020. World carbon pollution falls 17% during pandemic peak. US News and World Report. Campbell, TC. Apr 27, 2020.The Path to Recovery through Nutrition: Our Most Important Defense Against COVID-19. Campbell, T. C., Chen, J., Liu, C., Li, J. & Parpia, B. Non-association of aflatoxin with primary liver cancer in a cross-sectional ecologic survey in the People’s Republic of China. Cancer Res. 50, 6882-6893 (1990). Campbell, T. C., and Howard Jacobson. Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition. BenBella Books. 2014. Campbell, T. C. & Campbell, T. M. I. The China Study, startling implications for diet, weight loss and long-term health. pp. 184-187, 2006. Campbell, T. C., Chen, J., Liu, C., Li, J. & Parpia, B. Non-association of aflatoxin with primary liver cancer in a cross-sectional ecologic survey in the People’s Republic of China. Cancer Res. 50, 6882-6893 (1990). Campbell, T. C. Nutrition renaissance and public health policy. J. Nutr. Biology 3(1), 124-138 (2017). J Nutr Biol. 2017;3(1):124-138. doi:10.1080/01635581.2017.1339094 (2017). Campbell, T. C. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health. 2016. Print. CDC. 2020. COVID-19 Forecasts. Chen, J., Campbell, T. C., Li, B. & Peto, R. Diet, life-style and mortality in mainland China and Taiwan. A study of the characteristics of 85 Chinese counties. (Harvard University, 1998). Chen, J., Campbell, T. C., Li, B. & Peto, R. Diet, life-style and mortality in mainland China and Taiwan. A study of the characteristics of 85 Chinese counties. (Harvard University, 1998). Ferris, D. May 14, 2020. How lockdowns boost renewables and harm coal. , E&E News reporter Energywire. Hickman, M. 2009. Study claims meat creates half of all greenhouse gases. Independent. Goodland, R and Anhang, J. 2009. Livestock and climate change: What is the key actors in climate change are...cows, pigs and chickens? World Watch. Le Quéré, C., Jackson, R.B., Jones, M.W. et al. Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions during the COVID-19 forced confinement. Nat. Clim. Chang. (2020). Pollan, M.  June, 2020. “The Sickness in Our Food Supply”. The New York Review of Books. Rowling, M.Vulnerable nations say delayed summit should not mean delayed climate actionThomson Reuters Foundation. Shikha G. et al. Hospitalization rates and characteristics of patients hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-NET, 14 States, March 1–30, 2020,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol. 69, No. 15 (April 17, 2020).  Singhal, T. A Review of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19). Indian J Pediatr. 2020 Apr;87(4):281-286. doi: 10.1007/s12098-020-03263-6. Epub 2020 Mar 13. Slisco, A. 5/7/2020. Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker Join Forces on Bill to Ban Most Factory Farming by 2040. Newsweek. Woodend, D. May 15, 2020. Are we ready to “Meat the Future?” Xiaomin Luo et al. Prognostic Value of C-Reactive Protein in Patients with COVID-19,” medRxiv, March 23, 2020. The study has not yet been peer-reviewed.
Let's help one another be well as we help the planet
Let's help one another be well as we help the planet
In this Episode, Angie Gust offers a resource from Life Extension at It provides information about potential therapies to discuss with your physician if you contract the coronavirus and have serious enough symptoms that you cannot manage them at home. In addition, given all that has happened in the last many months with the murders of George Floyd and others and the ensuing worldwide protests, she highlights an article on racism that posits it is a symptom of psychological ill-health; it indicates a lack of psychological integration, self-esteem and inner security. Let’s work together toward an anti-racist climate movement, so we heal ourselves, one another, and our planet. References Faloon, W. Age reversal network. Critical COVID-19 info. Ramiriez R. Jun 25, 2020. ‘Put up or shut up’: New York forges ahead with statewide environmental justice measures. Taylor, S. Jan 19, 2018. Racism is a sign of a lack of psychological maturity and integration. Psychology Today. The Growing Climate Solutions Act. Union of Concerned Scientists. Food and farms. Valinsky, J. June 19, 2020. Vatican calls on Catholics to divest from fossil fuels. CNN Business
Avoiding COVID-19: Make this a top priority
Avoiding COVID-19: Make this a top priority
In this episode, the host Angie Gust, talks about the important role of nutrition in susceptibility to the coronavirus.  A recent article reported that the Western Diet activates the innate immune system and impairs adaptive immunity.  This then leads to inflammation and causes your body to have weakened defenses against viruses like the coronavirus. It is so important to, if you don’t already eat healthy foods, to make it a top priority.  Turning to the environment, in July, presidential nominee, Joe Biden, came out with his Unity Task Force recommendations which will make historic investments in a green economy. References Andrew, S. July 21, 2020. Greta Thunberg will donate $114,000 to fight the coronavirus in the Brazilian Amazon. CNN. Bradner, E. and Mucha, S. July 14, 2020. Biden proposes $2 trillion for clean energy projects, calls for end to power plant emissions by 2035. Butler, MJ, Barrientos, RM. 2020. The impact of nutrition on COVID-19 susceptibility and long-term consequences. 87:53-54.doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.04.040. Epub 2020 Apr 18. CDC. COVID 19.  Considerations for schools. Obama White House. Fact Sheet: The Economic Challenge Posed by Declining Pollinator Populations Jun 20, 2014 Obama White House.
Coronavirus: The need for an optimal immune response
Coronavirus: The need for an optimal immune response
Episode 18: In this episode the host, Angie Gust, talks about a recent review article in the journal Nutrients that talks about the need for an optimal immune response in combatting the virus. The authors say that an optimal immune response depends on an adequate diet and nutrition in order to keep infection at bay. Thus, this article is confirming what we have talked about in earlier podcasts. Turning to the environment, while there has not been a lot of attention on the climate crisis lately, there has been some attention given to it in some of the stimulus packages related to the pandemic.  Let’s keep an eye on that and let's reach out to others to discuss your and their plans to vote.     References Carleton, T et al. Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits (Aug. 3, 2020). National Bureau of Economics Working Paper No. 27599, Available at NBER: Climate Impact Lab. Aug 3, 2020. Global death rate from rising temperatures projected to surpass the current death rate of all infectious diseases combined. Gewin, V. 2020. Perennial Vegetables Are a Solution in the Fight Against Hunger and Climate Change. Civil Eats. Iddir, M., et al. 2020. Strengthening the Immune System and Reducing Inflammation and Oxidative Stress through Diet and Nutrition: Considerations during the COVID-19 Crisis. Nutrients. 12(6): 1562. Mace, W. 2020. Police violence in the United States. A Global Perspective. Psychology Today. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Obesity Update 2017. Peters, A. 2020. Seventh Generation’s new line gets rid of all its plastic packaging. Fast Company.                                 Rahim, Z. 2020. A new anti-obesity coronavirus campaign is a nightmare for eating disorder sufferers. CNN. Ralph, L. (2020). To Protect and to Serve: Global Lessons in Police Reform, Foreign Affairs. Toensmeier E, Ferguson R, Mehra M (2020) Perennial vegetables: A neglected resource for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and nutrition. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0234611. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: 2015 Fact Sheet , July 2018. Wallace-Wells, D. 2020. Life after warming. What Climate Alarm Has Already Achieved. Intelligencer.
Coronavirus: More on diet and exercise
Coronavirus: More on diet and exercise
In this podcast, host Angie Gust discusses the importance of diet and exercise in defending ourselves against the coronavirus.  Consumer Reports analyzed 5 years’ worth of data from the Dept. of Agriculture on pesticides on fruits and vegetables and recommended choosing organic whenever possible for yourself and for others. Another study showed that moderate-intensity exercise may contribute to increased immune protection in all populations. Compound extreme weather events are becoming more common as a result of global warming.  References Borenstein, S. Sept 20, 2020.Climate change magnified weather extremes with parts of US on fire while others are under water. Consumer Reports 2020. Stop Eating Pesticides. October 2020. Eskenazi B, Marks AR, Bradman A, et al. Organophosphate pesticide exposure and neurodevelopment in young Mexican-American children. Environ Health Perspect. 2007;115(5):792-798. doi:10.1289/ehp.9828 Leandro CG, Ferreira E Silva WT, Lima-Silva AE. Covid-19 and Exercise-Induced Immunomodulation. Neuroimmunomodulation. 2020;27(1):75-78. doi:10.1159/000508951 Mostafalou S, Abdollahi M. Pesticides and human chronic diseases: evidences, mechanisms, and perspectives. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2013;268(2):157-177. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2013.01.025 Rahmati-Ahmadabad S, Hosseini F. Exercise against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19): Does workout intensity matter? (A mini review of some indirect evidence related to obesity). Obes Med. 2020;19:100245. doi:10.1016/j.obmed.2020.100245 The Japan Times. China unveils plan to reduce single-use plastic by 2025. Jan 2020. Walker, C. Sept 9, 2020 California's wildfires show how climate change is making forced evacuations and power shut-offs the norm. CNN
Coronavirus: Meditation and yoga practices
Coronavirus: Meditation and yoga practices
Episode 20: In this episode the host, Angie Gust, talks about a recent scientific publication that had Deepak Chopra as one of the co-authors. It speaks to how important it is for us, not just now during a pandemic, but on a regular basis, to make the 12 dimensions of wellness part of our lives. The authors concluded that "certain meditation, yoga asana (postures), and pranayama (breathing) practices may possibly be an effective adjunctive means of treating and/or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection". Turning to the environment, President-elect and Vice-President elect Kamala Harris have a plan for climate change.  They intend for the US to become the world’s clean energy superpower.  They say we can export our clean-energy technology across the globe and create high-quality, middle-class jobs here at home.  References Alkhatib A. Antiviral Functional Foods and Exercise Lifestyle Prevention of Coronavirus. Nutrients. 2020 Aug 28;12(9):E2633. doi: 10.3390/nu12092633. PMID: 32872374. Climate Reality Project. 2019. Climate denial machine: How fossil fuel industry blocks climate action. Barber, N. 2012.  Why Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don't.  Psychology Today. Barber, N. 2011. Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds. Psychology Today. Bushell W, Castle R, Williams MA, Brouwer KC, Tanzi RE, Chopra D, Mills PJ. Meditation and Yoga Practices as Potential Adjunctive Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19: A Brief Overview of Key Subjects. J Altern Complement Med. 2020 Jul;26(7):547-556. doi: 10.1089/acm.2020.0177. Epub 2020 Jun 22. PMID: 32579021 Hall, S. 2015 Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago. Scientific American. Lally, P. et al. 2010. How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real worly. European Journal of Social Psychology Eur. J. Soc. Psychol. 40, 998–1009 (2010) Lavelle, M. 2019. Former Exxon Scientists Tell Congress of Oil Giant's Climate Research Before Exxon Turned to Denial. Inside Climate News. Ludden, D. 2015.  Are Conservatives More Anti-Science Than Liberals? Politics and motivated cognition. Psychology Today. McKibben, B. Oct 2020. The most important global forecast that you never heard of. Newlight Technologies' AirCarbon Material has been certified carbon negative by the Carbon Trust. Sept. 2020. Financial Times. Supran, G and Oreskes, N.2020. ExxonMobil misled the public about the climate crisis. Now they're trying to silence critics. The Guardian. van Eeden, C.; Khan, L.; Osman, M.S.; Cohen Tervaert, J.W. Natural Killer Cell Dysfunction and Its Role in COVID-19. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 6351