Why Research Matters

Inside 65: The RBA Podcast

16-02-2023 • 19 minutes

November 2022 | Research – it’s part of our DNA. It is an essential part of who we are and what we do. It informs the monetary policy process, deepens our understanding of the operation of financial markets, helps us understand the life of banknotes and more. But more than that, the way we do research matters. Join Head of Communications Judy Hitchen in learning more about why research is so important, the value of collaboration and our current research priorities.

Head of Research John Simon sums it up when he says: ‘What is the Chinese proverb or curse? ‘May you live in interesting times.’ These are really interesting times … and that means there are just so many questions that we don’t have the answers to. So I think this is a really exciting time if you happen to be a researcher because there’s no shortage of questions, what we need is more people doing that research to give us the answers.’


Assistant Governor (Economic) Luci Ellis

Head of Economic Research John Simon

Senior Research Manager Anthony Brassil

Senior Analyst Nalini Agarwal

Additional resources

Research | RBA

Research Priorities | RBA

Collaboration and Engagement | RBA

Researcher Profiles | RBA


Transcript of the Podcast - Why Research Matters (rba.gov.au)

First published: 29 November 2022

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