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World Choir for Peace
Écouter de la musique similaire
Vocal - Calm - Music / Chor Musik zum Entspannen
Album • 2021
Choral - Relaxation - Music / chorale relaxant
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Choir - Peaceful - Music / relajante música coral
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Meilleurs titres
1. O Love
Gereon Theis, Josefa Schmid, World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
2. Dream 1, Pt. 1
World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
3. Alleluia
World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
4. And I Heard a Voice (Ja ma kuulsin hääle)
World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
5. Eja Mater
Lavinia Meijer, Gereon Theis, World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
6. Ave Maria
World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
7. Let My Love Be Heard
World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
8. Jenkins: Tikkun Olam (Repair the World)
Karl Jenkins, Kathryn Rudge, Krzysztof Wisniewski, Valentino Worlitzsch, World Orchestra For Peace, World Choir for Peace & Nicol Matt
9. Jenkins: Let's Go (The Tower Of Babel)
Karl Jenkins, World Orchestra For Peace, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt, The Stay At Home Choir, Tori Longdon, Jamie Wright, Alexander Duggan & Jody Jenkins
10. Jenkins: Yet, Here I Am - I. Intrada
Karl Jenkins, Lucy Crowe, World Orchestra For Peace, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt, Jody Jenkins & Alexander Duggan
11. Jenkins: Ad Pacem (Towards Peace)
Karl Jenkins, World Orchestra For Peace, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt, Alexander Duggan & Jody Jenkins
12. Jenkins: Yet, Here I Am - III. Reflection
Karl Jenkins, Lucy Crowe, World Orchestra For Peace, World Choir for Peace, Nicol Matt, Alexander Duggan & Jody Jenkins
Meilleurs albums
1. Choral - Relaxation - Music / chorale relaxant
Album • 2021
2. Vocal - Calm - Music / Chor Musik zum Entspannen
Album • 2021
3. Choir - Peaceful - Music / relajante música coral
Album • 2021
4. Choeurs et Voix Zen - Chorale apaisante et relaxante
Album • 2020
5. Peaceful Choir - New Sound of Choral Music
Album • 2020