From reactivity to compassion: the power of self-acceptance w/ meditation teacher Chris Cirak

Conscious Matters ® Podcast

30-04-2023 • 41 minutes

Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.” – Dalai Lama
Everyone has their own way to deal with their pain. Nonetheless, oftentimes, we tend to opt for hitting where it hurts when we are hurt by another person or just hurt for whatever reason. As a way to cope with our pain, we share or deflect our pain on someone else, we point fingers and blame others because it’s too much to bear alone. When we can, in fact, choose compassion and healing instead of hatred and reacting from our wounded self.
This led me to wonder how self-acceptance and embodying our truest self, help in developing compassion inside of us to bring more happiness into our personal lives and into the collective well-being as well.

To help me answer this question, I invited Chris Cirak, the author of the book “Be You: The Journey of Self-Realization”, meditation teacher, and mindfulness retreat leader. Chris teaches living a life of joy and self-realization through empathy, presence, mindfulness, and human values.

Listen up to this gem,
Namaste listeners!


GROW by learning about -

  • Compassion for self;
  • Self-healing childhood wounds;
  • Letting go of reactivity
  • Stopping misusing our minds;
  • Compassion for others;
  • Mindfulness as a universal tool for getting in touch with self;
  • And more ...


WITH Chris


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~ Chris' Free meditations: here

~ Chris' book:  "Be You: The journey to self-realization": here

~ Conscious Matters' free 5-day self-love challenge: here

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