You are not alone w/ Melissa D. Barry

Conscious Matters ® Podcast

31-03-2024 • 15 minutes

"There's no worse feeling than feeling alone in a room full of people or in a crowd."
With over 7 billion people on this Earth, it rationally shouldn’t make sense to feel alone, yet it is a feeling experienced by many of us. When we’re going through something hard and challenging, we often think that we’re the only one. Nonetheless, it doesn’t have to be your truth, your reality can look different. Today, I want to remind you that you are not alone and that you don’t have to do it all alone.

Listen up to this gem,
Namaste listeners!


GROW by learning about -

  • The glorification of independence;
  • Hyper-independence;
  • Trust issues;
  • The influence of our self-talk;
  • The impermanence of emotions;
  • And more ...


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