No Mercy Business Podcast with Emily A Woodruff

Emily Woodruff

Business Coaching & Consulting with Emily A Woodruff for women in business who are ready to take their businesses to the next level. read less


Honor Your Journey by Writing Your Story- Interview with Lanette Pottle Episode 31
Honor Your Journey by Writing Your Story- Interview with Lanette Pottle Episode 31
Did you know that reading more books is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions? Of the individuals who make that resolution, did you further know that most would prefer non-fiction? Move over Brene Brown , but the point I’m trying to make is– what if it was your name on the cover of that book?    In today’s episode, Emily is talking to Lanette Pottle, an author and book coach for female entrepreneurs. “It’s like magic,” Lanette says, “writing your book boosts your authority.”   This makes sense, right? If you invest enough time to write an actual book about a particular subject, you must know a lot about it. You may not know it now, but you have a story to tell. Not only do you have a story to tell, but girl– it is *worth* telling. Your story can be a bridge that connects you to your audience on the most intimate level. Authors cannot help but be vulnerable with what they write. By telling your story, you are honoring your journey and creating a solid foundation of trust for your audience.  Connect With Lanette: Website  Instagram  LinkedIn  Facebook   SHE GETS PUBLISHED Home About   Connect With Emily: Read more about the Interview here: Join the Girls in Business Community on Facebook: Get FREE Instagram Highlight Covers: Engage on Instagram:
Gaining Clarity in Business by Unlocking Creativity with Mandy Nicholson
Gaining Clarity in Business by Unlocking Creativity with Mandy Nicholson
How many of you changed your major in college? I would say most of us did for sure. Whenever we grow and learn, our choices and decisions often reflect that. That is why young adults in college are likely to change their major at least three times while getting their bachelor’s degree. If you have been in the entrepreneur game for any amount of time, you have probably undergone similar change. In today’s episode of the No Mercy podcast, Emily talks to special guest, Mandy Nicholson.   Mandy is a Creative Genius consultant who hosts retreats for women to recalibrate by unlocking their creativity.    You might say, “Emily, that sounds fantastic. I’ve just never been the creative type.”   And I would say, “I get why you might think that, listener– but I will challenge you to shift your mindset.”   Many people think that creativity is a skill that you are born with, or else, you just don’t have it. That really isn’t the case. Creativity is a skill that you practice. Just like you practice entrepreneurship. You get better as you grow and learn. It influences your choices that you make day-to-day. I would even make the argument that entrepreneurship demands a certain level of creativity. Otherwise– your business just won’t be able to adapt and meet the needs of your audience. After all, our audiences grow and change as well. It is our job to keep up… creatively ;)     Unknown Speaker  0:03   Well, hello, everyone. And thank you so much for being with me within for another week on the no mercy business podcast. This is your host Emily Woodruff. And I have Mandy Nicholson with us today. Mandy, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.   Unknown Speaker  0:20   I would love to thank you for having me first, Emily, to be here. So I am the creative genius consultant. I'm an artist. I'm an author. And I'm also a creative retreat owner, and I help creative women to launch grow and scale their businesses and make more money. I'm on a mission in the creative space to change things and to change the narrative of society around creativity.   Unknown Speaker  0:49   That's so great. So I love the retreat idea. We first of all, you're in the UK, right? Yeah. Yeah. So we should just get that out the gate. I love this idea, though, of of having a retreat space, or almost like a co working space for creatives, because there's so many, like here, there's a couple places locally, that are just co working offices. And it really limits you if you are a creative, I don't necessarily need a small desk, I might need a big giant room to be able to spread out and do different things when I'm working on design projects. Or if somebody has an art, something that they need to work on. I would love to see more of this. So how did you come up with this idea? Or where did this where was it born from?   Unknown Speaker  1:40   It's a big story. So I have got a big story all in all, but this idea My late husband, Gary gave me a nudge towards my creativity in 2018 and said, stop talking about it and just do it. So we I launched my creative business on Boxing Day 2019. And I was kind of like, right, I've launched the business, this is great. It was going well, what next, and I put a castle on my vision board. And I was like, I want to move to Scotland. I want to buy a castle. And I want to run creative retreats for women from around the world. That was my next big goal. Yeah. I always like to have a what next. And then obviously the pandemic hits was in March of 2020. And then my husband died in April at the end of April 20, which was necessary. Yeah. It's you know what, though, he had a life limiting condition. And that man knew how to live and he taught me how to live and how to go for your dreams and goals. And I was left then as you know, as a widow with this castle on my vision board. And I kept looking at it. And we were going through grieving myself and my kids. And we got to march 2021. I said to my son, do you know what my daughter is off to uni? I think I'll sell the house. And I think we'll move to Scotland. So I can manifest this dream of owning this castle. Yeah. Or fully because if we're in situ, if we're in Scotland, then I might be able to manifest it. And he was like, okay, Mom, no problem. He was 17 at the time. So I put the house on the market and sold it the same day. A better get local something in Scotland and a little house and I'd have a studio in the house. And I generate the income through my business to eventually get to this castle a 10 year plan. So I was looking for houses. And this one came up in between two that I was looking at. And it was an X bank that had been left to go to a bit of wrack and ruin and I walked up to it to view it. And I'd literally put it in between two viewings didn't really know whether I wanted to look at it. And I walked up to the front of it. And I thought that looks familiar. And I walked in it to view it and I thought that looks familiar. And what happened was it's like the universe gave me a miniature version of the castle that was on my vision board. Yeah. This was a seven bedroom, xx bank in the town of dalbeattie on the west coast of Scotland that needed someone to buy it, love it and renovate it. And I was like the universe has just given me the opportunity to do this now, not in 10 years. I need to just accept this and I bought the house and I've automated it over the last year. So I now have three retreat rooms based on artists. So I've got a Manet room, a Van Gough room and a Picasso room where women can come and stay here for four days or seven days. And they will work with me. I've got a massive studio, a walled garden. We're in the middle. We're surrounded by the forests in Scotland. And it's like we're hugged in this little town by forests. So the great, wonderful, it's wonderful and it's it's just you quaint little Scottish town. And in it is me with this like what I call my mini castle now. So it's an 18th century property with big 13 foot ceilings and cornices and the curved staircase, it's beautiful. So I've created a space now where women can come and escape life and really tap into the creativity so that they can elevate their lives and live to their full potential because I followed my dreams to do this and took a huge risk. I want to help people to do the same. So that's the story.   Unknown Speaker  5:39   I love that I've like, want to look up plane tickets right now. It sounds so great. I'm so so what kind of things do you like host? Do you host trainings or anything like that? Or is it more of like a just an artistic retreat for someone to do themselves.   Unknown Speaker  5:57   So no, it's an artistic retreat you come. It's it's an all inclusive artistic retreat. So we cater for all your meals, all your art equipment is supplied. And you will work with me, you got me 24/7 For the time that you're here, and I'm obviously a business coach with my coaching business. And I've got lots of other income streams and businesses as well. So I know what I'm doing in terms of business. But I like you to set a goal when you come to these retreats with what you want to achieve while you're here. I like to push people outside of their comfort zones when they come here. And I have guest experts come in to do particular things with people. So I have a lady that comes in and does art journaling for an afternoon and mindfulness and how you can use it for well being. But I'll have you in the studio covered in pain painting on canvases and painting items that I've salvaged from the house and creating projects. And I'll be in the forest with you teaching you how to paint the energy of the forest. And so it's it's a it's a real inclusive weeks, things that you will never think of doing as a creative you will be doing while you're here.   Unknown Speaker  7:07   Yeah, or things you dream of doing. But don't ever put pen to paper. That's so great. Um, I'm coming. I'm coming. So you've also you've been you're you're an author, you have a book that you just wrote, What is that about? A talk about?   Unknown Speaker  7:26   Yeah, that's my story is so it's the first of I'm signed on a three book deal with Austin Macauley publishers. So I've written book one, which is called the lie phi one. And it's a fictionalized version of my story. So in 2009, I was your typical creative, went to uni did my degree in art ended up in another job because I couldn't get one in the creative space and spent sort of 1520 years working in retail. built a really successful career was earning six figures had a company car but wasn't following my creative Sure. Rain. And in 2009 It's almost like the universe reset me. And I experienced a car crash and then a series of unfortunate events. And I lost everything. I lost my marriage. My dad died, I was made homeless, I ended up bankrupt, I lost everything. And I did a bit rock bottom living in a social housing. With my two kids and my two dogs. It's all I had left my kids, my dogs, a few bits of furniture, 30 pounds in my bank account and clapped out old car, but the opportunity to rebuild. And that's the book book. One is the life I won. So in losing everything, I realized what really mattered. And that that was the springboard for me to rebuild my life, which is what I did. And that's Book Two, Book Two is called the life I created. And I'm about halfway through it now. So   Unknown Speaker  9:03   I love that. That's great. That's really, that's a really cool story. I'm sure there's more to it. A lot more. Yeah. So what do you do? What do you do as a creative people? Do you sell like art pieces yourself or anything? What do you do if people don't like the things that you make? Or they don't respond well to them? How do you handle that?   Unknown Speaker  9:26   I don't care. I paint what I love to paint. So and if people don't like it, it doesn't matter. You can scroll on and find somebody you do like it really doesn't matter. So I'm not one of but I deal with a lot of women who do care and do struggle with this thing and it's getting from I'm very lucky. I've worked hard on my mindset. I paint what I love to paint somebody out there will love it. Something painted for one person, isn't it? It's yeah, yeah, there's the one person who's gonna go that's the thing. I love so I've done a series of paintings about women and empowerment that are not everybody's cup of tea. I also like to do really small landscapes of the minutiae of the landscape that everybody walks past the detail, the little shrimps and the dark places. So I do what I feel like doing as a creative. So my creativity comes out in painting, it comes out in writing, it depends on how I'm feeling were pulled towards it for us. As creatives, we're pulled to whatever, aren't we? Yeah. Oh,   Unknown Speaker  10:30   yeah. For sure. How do you how do you feel the most creative? Or when do you feel the most creative?   Unknown Speaker  10:38   Don't I suppose I feel the most creative when the ideas pop in. And that's where I'm pulled, then, you know, I can be relaxing and doing nothing. And then I'll be like, right, I've got an idea. And I literally go and start writing a book or writing something or creating a piece or I'm in the studio painting some flower at the moment that I saw that looked fantastic. And I snapped a photo off. So that's it? Yeah, it just creeps over me. And then I don't have a set time. I do kind of work in my business at set times. But if I feel creative, I'm also prepared to stopping what I'm doing right there and then go and do what I want to do creatively.   Unknown Speaker  11:21   Sure. That's the beauty of being able to manage your own business, right is you can say, Nope, I feel the urge. And I gotta gotta respond to it. Yeah,   Unknown Speaker  11:31   that's why I created the business I've got, I wanted to create a freedom business that allowed me to go and do all of those things. Yeah.   Unknown Speaker  11:41   That's great. So what are some it sounds like you've you've learned a few lessons throughout your life? What are some that you might share with a new entrepreneur, somebody who might be pursuing, pursuing a new business or pursuing a new avenue in their business?   Unknown Speaker  12:00   Yeah, I mean, that's what I do for women. And I say this to all my ladies, or whatever you start with, prepare for the fact that it's going to change somewhere along the line, because you won't, might not end up what you started out doing as an entrepreneur. Things change, and you change as you grow. And as you learn in business, I would say expect your business to take two to four years to really get on rails because nothing happens overnight. That's important, no matter what. And if you go in expecting to be making 10 grand months, in three months, you're going to feel like a failure, because you might get lucky. But generally 99.9% of people have to work really hard for that level of, of income.   Unknown Speaker  12:47   And I think that that is so important to talk about, because there's so many courses of courses online, and there's so many coaches who will say, I can scale your business to six figures in 90 days. That's fantastic, if you can, but it's hard. It's hard to understand how if that is not your entire life, you don't have friends, you don't have family, you don't have responsibilities, how it would be possible, and just with how many other people how saturated the market is not doubting it, I'm not saying it's not possible, but it just as I want to get rich in 90 days, you know, it hasn't quite happened yet.   Unknown Speaker  13:31   Not possible. If you don't know how to do it, it really isn't possible. If you don't know how to do it, the marketing out there. It's a machine marketing, and you know, hitting on the right thing at the right time. It's like anything in life, isn't it, there's always the top 1%. And there's always that person that just has that wonderful idea at the right time when people are ready for it and it explodes. What you don't see is the 10 years of work that went into developing that idea and working behind the scenes on coming up with all the structure that goes with that idea. So there are no, there are no real overnight successes. And the people that are wealthy are the ones that are selling courses telling you that can make you a six figure business owner in 90 days because they can't. Because if you're not ready for that, they can't make you do it.   Unknown Speaker  14:19   Right. Right. That's the key right there, I think. Okay, I have one more question for you. And it's just about   Unknown Speaker  14:27   work that you've done in the past or some of your accomplishments. Do you have one creative accomplishment that that has given you the most satisfaction?   Unknown Speaker  14:40   I think the thing that I have loved doing the most and my biggest creative accomplishment is my creative Mastermind course because and here's why. I paid 10,000 pounds to a coach to teach me how to build an online business. And what I will It was not how to not do it. What it was was the best 10 grand I ever spent. And I looked at my creative mastermind, and I said, I want to build something totally amazing for women that isn't going to tank really, genuinely transform them, and build a system of how we bring the right people in, and we help them in the right way. And that's exactly what I'm doing. And I could have gone down that marketing route of telling everybody I could change their lives and make them millionaires. Most Creative. Women don't want to be millionaires. They just want to make it No. Right. So why would I market to that? And I think it's about really knowing your ideal client and building something. And guess what my ideal client is a version of me. And if I can help them to be as successful as me, then that is I love I get up every day happy because I've achieved this and created this thing. Women so that's my without a doubt my biggest accomplishment.   Unknown Speaker  16:04   That's great. So where can our listeners find you or connect with you online?   Unknown Speaker  16:10   Well, I am literally everywhere on every platform, but me on my website, which is www dot Mandi or for the retreats, it's the Art Bank   Unknown Speaker  16:25   Okay. Thank you so, so much for being here with us today. I really appreciate your time and it was great to talk with you.   Unknown Speaker  16:32   Yeah, I'm jus it's gone really quick. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you, Emily.   Transcribed by
Recovering in Business when Burnout Hits
Recovering in Business when Burnout Hits
Title: Recovering in Business when Burnout Hits Description:  Entrepreneurship can be a rollercoaster for your emotions, ammiright? For some, you may have started your business because you were feeling a bit… underappreciated in your old position? Maybe you even felt undervalued? Ringing any bells?? Maybe you just completely lost interest or the job didn’t spark your joy after a while. Or perhaps, you woke up from an autopilot-like state and realized… you never felt that “spark” to begin with. If you have ever felt this way, don’t worry– you are in good company. Left unchecked, these feelings result in burnout. Burnout is not this magical feeling that only teachers, nurses, or social workers can feel. It can be any job for any of the reasons mentioned before. Dare I say… you can even feel burnout in your *own* business. In today’s episode, Emily is talking to business specialist, Kylie Ota, who specializes in burnout recovery. For all the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, or CliftonStrengths enthusiasts out there, this episode is right up your alley. Kylie shows us her business expertise by explaining the four different archetypes that we, as female entrepreneurs, can display during burnout. But here’s the great news, not only does she give us these four different archetypes, but also how the burnout recovery can begin for each. Want to hear more? Tune in to this insightful episode of the No Mercy Business Podcast with special guest, Kylie Ota. @kylie.ota     Unknown Speaker 0:00 Hey. Well, hello, everyone. Thank you so much for being here for another week of the No Mercy business podcast. I am your host, Emily Woodruff. And I am super excited to have Kylie OTA on here today. Kylie, why don't you go ahead and tell us about your business and what you specialize in. Unknown Speaker 0:21 So thanks, Emily for having me on today. It was so great connecting with you initially, and just hearing about your podcast and a lot of the things that you've talked about regarding burnout, which is what I help people with. And your story about burnout really intrigued me. And so anyway, without further ado, my name is Kyle Yota. I'm a Business burnout coach for female entrepreneurs, and I help them really understand the root causes of burnout so that they can pluck it out of their lives and really heal and recover from it. Because my burnout journey was, it was a long, long process of recovery. The physical pieces were or I would say, easily healed, or I was rested, I took supplements, from my natural path. And the physical symptoms cleared up right away. But the part that really got to me was when my doctor was like, okay, yes. And you need to alter it, you need to make some lifestyle changes. Yeah, really need lifestyle changes, or this will just resurface again a year later, and you're gonna be back in the same spot. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:33 Okay, so Unknown Speaker 1:36 that was really hard to hear. I mean, before that, I started seeing my natural path for just increasing my energy, I was a shift worker for 19 years. And right, in oil and gas, manufacturing, and just working days and nights. All of that really takes a toll on your body. And when my life group leader introduced me to her naturopath, I was like, Oh, my gosh, she's like, my energy is up through the roof. And so the first thing that we did was, you know, really fix the eating habits and figure out my food sensitivity so that I knew what to fuel my body with, so that I could increase my energy. Yeah, a lot of people were going to see him for that special diet for the weight loss. And I'm like, Well, I did actually lose about 2025 pounds during that diet, but it didn't really matter. That wasn't really what I was going to see him for. It was energy that she had talked about. So my energy went through the roof. And I was I thought I was doing good. I was really, you know, eating clean. And then all of a sudden, I went through a really stressful season. And as I like I just my bodies hang out in a major project at work, and got remarried, we have a blended family. Unknown Speaker 2:59 So how can relate to that? Unknown Speaker 3:02 Yeah. And it for me, it was like I was still eating clean. I hadn't really I wasn't really working out. Well, who has time to work out when you're working 6070 hours a week? Yeah. But actually, I was planning my wedding. And in the middle of a major project at work like a multi, I would say million, almost billion dollar project at work. And so I was still eating clean because I was going right into my wedding. Yeah. Into my wedding. Yeah. But then the hours that I was working, there was one week or I had clocked in over 100 hours. And I only knew that because I couldn't actually type in a three digit code for that three digit number for that week. So I had to talk to HR and say, Hey, I actually worked, like over 100 hours this week, and it was just crazy. So really understanding how I was working. And what was really motivating me and driving me was really the beginning of understanding the burnout journey for not only myself, I became a health coach, you know, learned the health things, there was an adrenal protocol that that I, I studied under, and I learned and I was applying that to my health coaching clients. Then a lot of my health coaching clients, well, clients, colleagues, they saw all of the systems and automations that I was building in my health coaching business, and that's how we're gonna transition into business, the business side of things and helping people set up their technology and their automations because right, we're online business owners. You have to you have to have random social media presence, you have to learn how to have links and like, what's the lead magnet and set up in email thing? Unknown Speaker 5:05 And Unknown Speaker 5:06 because I was, I guess, I don't know, I love technology like, I love actually, I'm, I'm an early adopter for apps, and I love figuring things out. It's probably because of the oil and gas background where, you know, we will get technology have to install it. Those are a lot of my projects, like getting new technology and installing it inside of the plant and understanding how it would all work, and then having to teach my colleagues do the training and all of that to teach them how it all worked. And I love figuring things out. I love tinkering, you know, so if you're not familiar, oil and gas manufacturing, I was in the field. And so that meant I had coveralls had a tool belt. I had a hard hat. I had steel toed boots. So I was out there. It was yeah, in some office I was out there with no, like, I'm with all the dudes working. Yeah. Because I know you have some of that background too, right? I mean, Unknown Speaker 6:11 I do I do. I work for a commercial construction company. There's only two women in our whole company. And there's only been four women in the over 100 years that we've been around. So there's a very small group of us. Unknown Speaker 6:27 Right, but I get to where I Unknown Speaker 6:29 don't have to wear steel toed boots and don't have to wear, you know, the same things they do most of the time. But sometimes they yell at me, but you know, Unknown Speaker 6:38 so that's the other thing with the stress and all of that it's not only the physical stress that my body was under, but there's a lot of that psychological stress. And I was in the army, I joined the Army right out of high school in order to find my way through college, and it's, it's crazy, like almost the same type of I would say, like boot camp language. And locker room language is what happens in these industries. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of that goes on. And it, it really takes a certain type of individual to be able to sift through that. And it's like a different language. It is. Unknown Speaker 7:25 It is we so my husband is also in the construction field. And we like, from him. To me, we don't like swear with each other, which sounds I feel like a middle schooler when I talk about this, but like he and I don't swear to each other in our regular conversations for the most part. But if he's talking about things that like happened in a shop, or I talk about when I was in the field will notice it. And then we're like, Okay, I just called you dude. And I said the F word three times. And that is not how I talk to you, my husband, and you know, and we kind of just laugh and it Yeah, it really is a culture. And then when I go in the field at my work now, you can see the men physically like, thinking about the words that they have to say, because not only am I what am I a woman, I'm a woman from the office, so they feel like they have to alter everything. And I'm like, It's okay. As long as you're not swearing at me. I really don't care. Right, right. Talk to me like you talk to your your guys out here. I don't care. Just don't call me names. That's all. That's all I'm saying. You know, it's funny. Yeah, it's Unknown Speaker 8:35 so it's, yeah. And same thing, I met my husband on the job. So when we talk about work things. I mean, we still talk about work things because he still works in a field and then I he comes home, and we talk about things that happen and like, oh, yeah, bla bla bla bla. And, yes, yeah, it's just so weird. Like how the language shift the energy shifts when we talk about work stuff. And yeah, like we don't say we don't talk to each other a day. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 9:07 Yeah, I call I call like, the different conversations we have. I named them like, different personalities for him. So my husband's name is Dan. So when it's hunting season, I call him Deer Camp Dan. And like when he's outside, I, you know, he's like, work from home, Dan, and this is shop, Dan, and it makes me get less mad at him. Because I take it out of him. Make it someone else, you know, so. But yeah, it's just funny how we do that sort of thing. So I want to hear about how you you have developed this, this personality test. It goes through and kind of teaches you how to determine what your burnout type is kind of names, do an archetype and then teaches you some resources or gives you some resources on how to avoid that. Why don't you talk about that for a minute? Unknown Speaker 9:56 Yeah. Yeah, for sure. So it, if you're interested in taking and getting your own archetype, you can go to burnout archetype And just type that in and it'll take you through a quiz. It's super short. I mean, Emily, you just took it. So yeah, yeah, super short. And just go with your gut, the first, the first hit in your gut, just pick that one. And you should be in and out within 30 seconds to two minutes. Because if Yeah, thinker. And we'll get to that archetypes of I would say that the overthinker would be the perfectionist archetype. So there's four, there is the powerhouse, there is the popular archetype, the philanthropist and the perfectionist. So those are the main four. And each archetype actually has a different type of driver. So the we'll just start off with, from the top, the powerhouse archetype. And she is, I will say, fortunately, unfortunately, driven by money. So that's why you'll find a lot of entrepreneurs who are in the powerhouse archetype. Because if you're right, if you're in entrepreneurship, you are driven by sales, you are driven by making sales because if we're not making sales and not making money, then do we really have a business? Yeah, right. And then on the flip side of that, so what if you're listening audibly on the podcast, you can draw a circle, it's gonna look like a little clock, draw circle, cut it into four quadrants. And suddenly, from the upper left hand corner, T I M, E, so this is my time wheel. And each of the four archetypes correspond to the time wheel, and the time acronym stands for T's. Time, is ideas, M is money and ease energy. So the time so the money archetype. I mean, the powerhouse archetype is driven by money and success, not in a bad way. But that is her initial driver, that that's what drives her to keep going. And on the flip side of that, on the opposite side of the wheel is the time, which is the philanthropist archetype. And how, like God downloaded it, to me was when we're looking at our calendars, and we have a lot of appointments with other people, that that's why the philanthropist is connected into time. Because a lot of her time, money and energy goes into spending time with people and helping people. So she's a real supporter type of energy. And she's that person that will give the shirt off her back to someone who needs it, because that's just the giver in her right, a true like servant leader. And the other two ideas and energy, the ideas is the popular archetype. And she would be the social butterfly, the one that's always like, she has so many ideas, she really doesn't know how to capture them and how to execute them. And on the opposite side of that her the opposite archetype is the perfectionist, so the perfectionist she is I would say, you could put people in here that are very honestly, it's numbers driven, but they are like they're oriented. Yeah, he tell oriented love to cross the i's. cross the T's, dot the i's. Yeah, obviously, I'm not that person. But you know, in, in the oil and gas, I was that type of person, because I had to be because of the projects that I was managing. So I had to kind of put on that, that hat for a little while, but my natural tendency is a powerhouse and the popular. Okay, my top two. And, like, so, Unknown Speaker 14:00 when you're looking at the power house archetype, yes, she is driven by money. But what really what it really boils down to, she gets burnt out, trying to keep up with the Joneses. Just trying to keep up with her, her fellow entrepreneurs. And it's different from the popular archetype, meaning like, the popular archetype will see things that are happening out on social media, and whatever she's like, Oh, that's a cute idea. Let me try it. And she really suffers from shiny object syndrome. She's always trying to do things like oh, that worked for that person, then that should work for me. And how the powerhouse is kind of different is she sees the success path that other people are putting out on the internet, but she will kind of look at it and see does that that tactic or whatever, line up with her goal And yeah, yeah, cuz she's really driven by that success path like, will it get me to where I want to go? As the the popular archetype will be like, Oh, yeah. Will it get me to my goal she is not that she doesn't care about that. That's not her primary driver, her primary driver is visibility. So that's why you'll see a lot of the people in the popular archetype. No hesitation, will go live will do, you know, get on all the podcasts talk to all the people, right? Kind of, I would say kind of like a politician, where, like, she's out here, you know, shaking hands and kissing babies. She loves being in front of people. And that's what's really the driver of her business is getting in front of people. Like I love networking events. Okay. COVID. I was like, Unknown Speaker 15:58 very challenging, Unknown Speaker 16:00 was a very challenging for me. And I actually went into a little depressive slump. Yeah, we ended up getting a dog because of like, I was home alone. Yeah, my husband, he still works in the fields. Like he's out nights and weekends. I was like, Unknown Speaker 16:15 I'm alone, like, Unknown Speaker 16:16 I need. I need some things understand. Yeah. And, and it was really affecting how I was showing up online because I would say the popular archetype is like, what you see what you get, she wears her heart on her sleeve. And sometimes it's hard for that popular archetype to show up online, because she is 100%, authentic, vulnerable, like, you can read her like a book, she's not afraid to share how she feels. She's totally open book. And then on the opposite side of that would be the perfectionist archetype. who struggles to show up online? If she is not at her 100%, if that makes sense. Like she wants to always put her best foot forward. So that's kind of like her Achilles heel. She, she will not put anything out unless it is perfect. Yeah. Right. There's that 8020 rule, right? Just Unknown Speaker 17:19 yeah, Unknown Speaker 17:20 80% is good enough. Just put it out there. And those are the people that you'll see. We'll put out stuff and like, the graphics aren't perfect. Like, did they have perfect? No, no professional photo shoots. Landing Page like, did they test it? No, like, that's the person. But the perfectionist will go through like, check the landing page a couple of times, test it, like, tweak, copy, like, oh, I don't like how this looks. Let me go back and like change this word, change that word. Let me swap out the images. And she's analytical, sometimes over analytical when looking at those things, because she thinks that's what matters. But what really, for her to like, how to really overcome that Achilles heel is for her to just use that 80% rule. Just yeah, it's 80%. Good. Like 80% is a B? Yeah, it's not an F. Yeah, it's some B. So, you know, like putting a B work is okay. Yeah. Sometimes she feels judged. And I think a lot of the perfectionist have been judged a lot in the past, and they feel like they can't show up imperfectly. Because someone or somebody will say something. And then next thing, you know, like, I'm done. I'm not sure. Yeah. And they think they toss in the towel way early because of that. So anyway, that's I Unknown Speaker 18:57 work with a lot of women who fit into that category. And actually one of my very close friends, she is in the process of launching her up. She's an author. So she's launching a website to go along with it. And this has been in the work works. I kid you not for at least seven years. And she's to the point. Yeah, she's to the point and she's gonna yell at me because she listens to this, she's gonna yell at me when she hears this, but I tell her all the time, like you need to just go live, your website needs to be live. Even if you don't have it. 100% you need to have it active because you are currently losing in your business. You can go in every single day and make those changes that you want to and get it to 100% but you having a presence over having zero. That's, that's unfathomable value. You know, you have to be able to be out there and she just No, no, I'm going back to the drawing board and I'm going to do this again, and I need to redo this and I need this to be just right. And like, No, you don't, not in this day and age, you do not have to, I appreciate that you value what you do, and there is beauty in it, but you can't let it hold you back. Because it's never going to be perfect. Perfect. It's never going to be exactly right. You know, and to get to get stuck on that and to hold yourself back from it. She's she's doing a ministry, she wants to write children's Christian books. So for her to Yeah, so for her to not be able to publish those and get them in the hands of little kids. Those are little kids that are not reading her stories and that learned about Jesus just a little bit more, you know, not to no pressure Kendra, if you're listening, Unknown Speaker 20:46 love you can giraffe. So, so how we can combat that Achilles heel is. So I would say like the popular archetype will just turn on her camera, go live and be done with it. Yeah, but the perfectionist, like her main avenue for social media, I would say would be writing, right? So she can curate her photos, right? curate her photos. And take the time to like, write a post. Oh, and then edited a little bit. And same thing. 80% rule like, set a timer, you can take however long you want to write that post, pick your photos, whatever. But go ahead and just put it out there and just hit post. And also for the perfectionist who are listening to this. You can always delete Unknown Speaker 21:40 post. Yeah, yeah, always delete. Exactly. If Unknown Speaker 21:44 not perfect. You hit post, and you read it. And you're like, oh, my gosh, is not perfect. One. There's an edit button. You can Yeah. And then number two, if you don't like it, or you're feeling some type of way about it, you can just delete it and wipe it off the face of the internet. And nobody will know. who've seen it. Sure. Yes. And could you? Yes, the ruminating thoughts like oh my gosh, they see it changing the school, right? Oh, my gosh. Unknown Speaker 22:16 You know, just Unknown Speaker 22:19 just better to get it out there. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 22:21 yeah, it's better to get it out there. And, um, and the thing with that is, you won't know what resonates with your audience or doesn't resonate, unless you start putting content out there. Right. You know, let your people tell you what they like and what they don't like. And yes, is there backlash? More Sure, of course. But as entrepreneurs we really, like if we're in this type of business, and we really want to get seen, we really have to go ahead and build a little bit of big skin. No, put on our armor, armor. All right, before we get online, and what I do is, I have issues I will i am the the popular archetype. So I can go ahead and press live and just be done with it. And I never watch it again. Like, right. I don't care if anybody watches it or whatever. But when I sit and I write something I don't like writing. So I'm like, an IT. I am. I am that 100 percenter when it comes to written polls, I'll just be honest. Sure, sometimes what I'll do for that is I will go in as like, Hey, God, what do you want me to share today? What do you want me to share today? And then I just hit like, whatever God puts on my heart to share on I guess. Unknown Speaker 23:57 flows, right. That's good. Unknown Speaker 23:59 Yeah. And then it flows. And so for those perfectionist who are listening, like just ask, like, what does my audience need to hear from me today? And if you've done that avatar work, right, a lot of it is it what does, where you name your avatar, you give her? You name her, you give her all the demographics psychographics and you you know, you build that already. It's even better. Like if we're talking to Dre right now, like, right, you name her and you pick it person from your audience that you're writing to. What does Kendra need to hear today? Yeah, about being a perfectionist. Yeah, that's a good example. And then what would you tell her how would you you know, educate her or exhort her? Wouldn't she need to hear today and that your website live? Okay. Unknown Speaker 24:58 So when Yeah, yeah. Why don't you go into why don't you talk a little about a little bit about what? Some of your clients like what what your engagement with them looks like having you as a burnout recovery coach? Sorry, that took a lot to say. No, yeah. Unknown Speaker 25:19 Yeah, so some of the things that we work on a lot of it first is identity, like, who are we, in Christ? And like, what is the message that we need to put out there? Because a lot of times, I'll be working with clients, and some are, you know, they built big businesses, but we keep going around a table, obviously, that was the perfectionist client, going around the table not being solid on offers, or rewriting copy, you know, things like that. And for for those type of clients, it's always about refocusing. And Ken Well, let's go back to your offer. Right. It's, we always start with the offer. Yeah. If we're, we're doing it anything out here that's not driving people back to our offer. That's what leads to burnout. Because you could be posting on social media, and be thinking like, well, what, what's really happening right now? Like, why am I not making any sales and it's like, well, you're not making any sales because you're not actually selling anything, you're not driving people back to your offer. So that's one way how we get the perfectionist archetype to start feeling burnt out and really focusing on what's really important, which is driving people back into your offer. A lot of times a perfectionist will get stuck in the details and like, well, I need to have an end strategy. Like I need to have X number of posts per week. What is my engagement percentage? What is that? What is that? Like? I'm sorry, I It's very cold here in California today. Unknown Speaker 26:56 Oh, goodness. What's the weather like out there? Unknown Speaker 27:02 It's cold and windy. But inside of the house. We don't have central heating. So it's like 66 degrees. The house Unknown Speaker 27:12 I'm laughing at I'm laughing at you because I live in Michigan. And it's 63 and I have a cut off shirt. Unknown Speaker 27:19 Yeah, and you're like, conditioning I'm in my car. And I'm gonna Lulu Hawaii's okay. Why? That's so funny. I have thermal. So funny. Have a turtleneck. Unknown Speaker 27:37 Hey, you do what you got to do. Well, thank you so much for being here with me today. Why don't you tell our listeners where they can connect with you online. Unknown Speaker 27:46 So Unknown Speaker 27:47 if you want to go to my website, which is not even at 100% but it's live, it's Kylie ky lie And if you want to take the burnout archetype quiz and find out your archetype, and you'll get once you take the quiz, you're gonna get a little blurb that tells you about, you know, the plusses and minuses of each archetype and how you can use your architecture advantage to avoid burnout your business. Unknown Speaker 28:18 Awesome. The burnout archetype. Unknown Speaker 28:19 Unknown Speaker 28:21 Awesome. Well, thank you so much. I appreciate your time and you being here with us today. Unknown Speaker 28:26 Thank you, Emily. Transcribed by
Using your Unique Story to Find your Brand Voice with Jackie Sunga
Using your Unique Story to Find your Brand Voice with Jackie Sunga
Has Impostor Syndrome ever crept up and knocked on your door making you think something like this, “What makes me different from the others in my niche?”   Well let’s perk up those ears as we listen to today’s episode, shall we? Our guest today on the No Mercy Business Podcast is Jackie Sunga. Jackie is a conversion copywriter and brand voice expert specializing in sales copy and launch strategy.   *And no, we are not talking about the process of copyright with the little ‘C’ in the circle symbol.    Copy-writing is the practice of using words in a way that it motivates the reader to do something– like buy. Words can hurt and heal, but Jackie knows that words have the power to sell, too. Jackie takes it a step further and answers that question from the beginning for us. What makes you different from others in your area of expertise? The simple answer is you. Your story is unique. You may offer similar services as someone else, but your story (your voice) is ultimately what will connect with your audience.    Join Jackie and Emily as they discuss Jackie’s experience with her clients as she helps them highlight and find their brand voice and incorporate it into their websites, email sequences, landing pages, social media, and more!   Jackie Sunga is a certified master marketer, conversion copywriter, and brand voice strategist. She helps new and established online course creators, coaches, and creative service providers productize their knowledge and launch educational courses, coaching programs, and powerful brands with strategic messaging that scales their businesses.  Growing her own business to surpass six figures in one year, Jackie specializes in launching, sales copy, and brand voice to help her clients attract perfect-fit customers with customer-first messaging. Her approach to sales copy is strategic, data-driven, and fueled by deep customer empathy, so clients can sell from a place of integrity. Jackie lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and two dogs. Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: Instagram: Pinterest:   Unknown Speaker  0:03   Well, hello, and thank you so much for being here for another week of the No Mercy business podcast. This is your host Emily Woodruff. And I have another exciting guest for you today. I have Jackie Sangha with us, Jackie, why don't you tell us a little bit about what you   Unknown Speaker  0:18   do? Sure. Well, thank you so much for having me on the show, Emily. I am conversion copywriter and I specialize in sales copy for websites and course launches as well as helping entrepreneurs with their brand voice architecture. I love helping course creators, coaches, consultants really bridge the gap between their expertise and their audience with customer first messaging. So whether I'm teaching new entrepreneurs or whether I'm writing for big brands, I really love helping my clients find the words that will help them attract their perfect fit people and sell with integrity.   Unknown Speaker  0:58   That's so neat. How did you how did you get involved with this type of work?   Unknown Speaker  1:02   Good questions. So I was a before starting my online business, I was a music teacher before. So my last year of teaching, I was a teacher for five years. And during that time, in 2017, I was I was asked to be a social media manager for a music nonprofit. And I knew I really wanted to have digital marketing experience. And back then my sister was also an entrepreneur, and she had also gotten into email marketing and copywriting. And she was like, you know that email marketing is more effective than social media. So I was like, Okay, this really motivated me to study it on my own. And so fast forward a couple years, I actually enrolled part time in grad school to be a therapist. And while I was in grad school, I met all these awesome therapists online who had really great accounts like social media accounts, wanted to I like would purchase there while I was still teaching, like I would, I would purchase some of their things. And I was like, you know, if there's anybody who I would love to write for, to help them really connect, like their expertise to more people, it would be the therapist. So then, I actually had one of my first clients was a therapist, and she was really excited that I was in grad school for her exact niche or degree too. And so that was one of my first paid projects. And I had ended up writing literally all of her copy, like it was her sales page, or sales, emails, her social media captions. And I plan everything in Asana too, and it ended up we ended up tripling her sales goal, which was so awesome. And I was like, Cool. I'm, I can definitely do this. I want to do this again. Yeah, like that. So that's my story. In a nutshell.   Unknown Speaker  2:52   That's so great. So what is you mentioned brand voice and brand voice guides, when we were talking earlier? What does that look like for your clients?   Unknown Speaker  3:03   Yeah, good question. So often, I find the, it's, I don't just work with therapists anymore. I love working with all different types, of course creators and, and experts. And a lot of the times not all the time, I see some of them who will invest in custom branding, like visual branding, and imagery, which is beautiful, right, but they often don't have the same thing for their words. And so where I come in my one of my services is creating a brand messaging and brand voice guide, so that they can really have and feel super confident and how they want their values to be expressed. And how to resonate with their perfect fit people in a way even though you know, if they have lots of different competitors, there's always a secret sauce. Right? And that always comes in through either, like the experience that they've had. And, you know, I I've had, I had one client who was a therapist, she was like, you know, so concerned, like, all of these people have the same certifications and the same degrees that I do. And I was like, well, nobody has your story, right? And then you have your framework that you've created based on the results that you can get your clients. And so I really love helping people find what is your unique framework? What is that unique process? And how can we explain that so simply and so easily so that you know nobody can copy that right nobody can copy your story ranking copy the way that you help your clients achieve results because you created it right so yeah, so my my brand messaging brand voice guide it covers a lot of like the messaging angles that you would put in marketing, but also the very like technical things like style and tone and again, stories and like the rhythm of your words. So to make it easier for everyone to remember my spring voice framework is star so it's style tone, anecdotes and   Unknown Speaker  5:00   Rhythm. That's so great. That's so cute.   Unknown Speaker  5:03   Easy to remember.   Unknown Speaker  5:04   Yeah, no, I love it. And I love I love. I just love all that I forgot what I was gonna   Unknown Speaker  5:15   you know how it goes? Um, I know that's really neat. And I really like how how it pairs with regular branding, like what you traditionally think of as branding. That's a really unique service. And I like how it incorporates your story, like you say, it's, it's kind of just hopeful that you're right, nobody else has your testimony, or has your has the walk that you've been on, they haven't seen the same things as you. That's something that I encounter a lot as a branding designer as well. How do I know that you're the right one for me? And I'm like, you don't? You don't know. It's just gonna take time for us to get used to each other and to sometimes you just don't jive perfectly well with someone else. And that's okay. And I like I like to tell people, it's okay. Like, it's not, you're not gonna break my heart. If I'm, if I'm not the branding designer for you, I obviously want to be. But if we can't talk to each other on the same level, if we can't connect, if we can't see eye to eye, I would rather you be with somebody who's going to make your world turn upside down, you know, and do the things that you Yeah, that can tell YOUR story the way that you want it to be told.   Unknown Speaker  6:30   Yes. And that's a rave too, right? Because it's like, you know, it's, there comes a point in business where like, if you're just getting started, and you're like, you know, I think a lot of new service providers will take on the, the they'll take on any client. And then as as business gets more mature and whatnot, and it gets a little easier to find clients, then it's it's easier to step into that courage. I definitely remember for sure, well, how how I would have those conversations in my head of like, should I take this client? Or should I? Yeah, I know. But it's always better to say no, for your, for your mental sanity and my opinion to Yeah, to you and what you value. And that will resonate with the customer, too.   Unknown Speaker  7:21   I totally agree. And I mean, you're mentioning values, like there's a lot of people who are, especially in Christian based organizations, I think are faith based organizations that you're scared to tell somebody No, because maybe their brand or their company doesn't align with what you stand for. I'm, I'm very much in favor of saying, Hey, I appreciate you so much for reaching out, I just don't think that we're a good fit. Yeah, and a lot of times, they will just say, I appreciate you being honest with me. Yeah, sorry that it didn't work out. But that's okay. And they want to work with somebody who believes in the same things as them too. So, right. You know, it's not as terrifying as it seems, I think. And I, a lot of people laugh at me, because like, I've only been doing my branding business for about a year. So when I share stories like that I'm not afraid to to turn people away. I've been an entrepreneur for over 10 years. So I've seen it in so many different ways. And professionally, we have to turn people away too. So like, I just, it's all the same to me, you know?   Unknown Speaker  8:34   I hear you, I hear you. So   Unknown Speaker  8:36   how do you use your faith within your business? How does that coincide? How you interact with clients and such?   Unknown Speaker  8:43   Yeah, great question. So I would say my, my business isn't necessarily like, I will only work with Christian clients. I, I got this from one of my friends from one of my dears mentors, who she's a therapist, and you know, her practice isn't, you know, it doesn't have the Christian like sign outside of the door. But you know, she, she embodies it so well. And that is always been my inspiration for things in terms of, you know, if I'm having a lot of anxiety, not, I remember, like, when I first first establish the business and just having remember, like really, truly having a lot of anxiety about about this girl and leaning onto my face during that time period was just so crucial. And being able to pray and like really develop a deeper sense of trust, not just in the Lord but also like in myself. Because it can be so easy or we don't realize when we're first just when we're starting out how much you know, it's really up to us to make all of the decisions, right. Yeah, it's like, you know, whether or not someone is hired a bit Just coach. I mean, it's kind of cheesy   Unknown Speaker  10:03   to say, but it's like the Lord is my business coach. Yeah, no matter who I hire, yeah, you know what I mean? It's like, it's like,   Unknown Speaker  10:14   we're human we can make, we can make decisions that can go either way. And the truth of the matter is, like, the uncertainty of it is, that's the only thing that's certain, right? The only thing that's certain is the uncertainty. And I incorporate my faith, the best is how I, how I cope with the uncertainty and how I, and how I'm able to manage that. And granted, like, I have hired some incredible mentors and business coaches in the past, but ultimately, you know, it's not really their job to tell me exactly like what to do, like, I want to make my make the decisions that feel best to me, you know. And so, I can not separate my prayer life from that at all. Because if I'm, like, super stressed or anxious about something, then I'm like, I know, I'm not going to be able to make the best decision for your my family, etc. So I could say a lot more about that. But   Unknown Speaker  11:17   that's no, I love it, I love it. And I think that's something too, that's a neat thing. I don't work specifically with Christians only, either. But there have been times where there's been clients that have approached me and I'm like, I, it's just not, it's so different from what I believe in that I just can't do it. So I'm not afraid to, you know, work with non Christians by any means. You know, just to kind of throw that disclaimer out there. But, um, I, I think that people forget, or don't realize, maybe when they're working with Christians, how involved we really get with our clients. And like you say, you can't separate your prayer life, from what goes on in your business we have, I have a partner that I work with on some web development things. And we have a client right now that has kind of said, I just need to be praying about this, I need to, you know, go to the Lord before I sign this contract. And we're like, hey, just so you know, like, we are both on the same page, we pray together over these things. Like, it's important, and I'm glad to hear it and want you to know that we're on the same team. And, you know, it's just really neat to see when people do and when they're bold about sharing their faith in their business, and I just love it.   Unknown Speaker  12:35   I love that. I love that too. And I think it's really special when you can find clients who really have this who have that boldness, as you're saying, and who are who feel comfortable to share that with you. Yeah, I and even with my clients who are not Christian, it's it's always really, it's wonderful when we can talk about that, and be human with each other. Yeah, really connects us together in in ways that's beyond the actual work. And I think that adds just a rich layer to the relationship because you ultimately, I want to have relationships that I can I can lean on for a long time, you know, yeah, I want to have clients that i i Come back to or that like we were having conversations beyond just our work together. Yeah. And it's beautiful when that happens. So I love it. I love it.   Unknown Speaker  13:34   So how do you like what is what's the first step that you would suggest an entrepreneur takes when they when they're considering rebranding their business?   Unknown Speaker  13:43   Yeah, so one of the biggest things is to make sure that you're making decisions from a place of rest, and not making decisions from a place of being stressed out or burnt out. Because your brain is not in the best place to think deeply about the future and how your decisions now are going to impact the future. And, you know, it can be hard to take time off, right? If we're so used to, you know, wearing all the hats and things like that if you don't have an assister if you have one assistant or whatnot, yeah. Having that capacity, and then really deeply thinking about the mission of your business, and how has that mission changed? And when you think about your business, if you're a personal brand, for example, right? It can be hard to be like, Okay, well, what does my business stand for? And can that mission be customer focused? Right, so I like to give an example of one of my favorite brands, which is a funny water company called Liquid death. Their mission is threefold it is to make Compute or get people to drink more water, make them laugh and kill plastic pollution. So it's super easy to remember. Right? Yeah. incise. And so I was, and so if if you're going through a rebrand, is it easy for you to state your mission statement like why your company even exists the purpose of its being right? Very simply because if you can't, or if you're, if there's something that's making it difficult to express concisely or clearly, then that means there's some a little bit of deeper work to be done there. Yeah. And, you know, a lot of people will say, like, think about, you know, your vision and what and, you know, what do you want your life to look like, that's so important, right, to allow yourself to dream. But I also like to make sure that we're, we're not, we're not divorcing our customers from that vision to and how to help their their lives get easier. And transform, I think it's a one sided perspective, when you hear some business coaches talk about like, oh, the vision for your life or life, your life. But you know, there are customers who are affected by those decisions. Yeah. So what is that new value that you want to bring to your, to your customers? And why is that important thing, just really coming back down to the why? Because then once that foundation is so solid, it's going to be so much easier to it's going to be easier for your marketing, it's gonna be easier for your messaging, your team onboarding, your operations, and your overall customer experience and the delivery of your services or products, right? So programs, too. So that was really a long winded answer. But it has to start there. And because you know, it will get so much easier to sell your services or the the rebrand of those service suite, whatever it is, right? It's going to be so much easier to sell and think about big revenue goals. Because you're tied to a deeper mission. I think that a lot of business owners even in their, you know, even even people who are older than you and I are right. And if they've been in business for a long time, right? It can be easy to be like, oh, yeah, like I've already done that. Right? Or like, Yeah, but but, you know, if I noticed that there was any hesitancy in terms of like, okay, like thinking about money and thinking about your revenue goals, and like the growth of your business in the upcoming year, it's probably because there's still a lot of like ourselves wrapped up into position and not other people. Let me think about serving other people it just gets so it then becomes like, stupid, easy, you know what I mean? Yeah, not talk about this, or how can we not serve in this way? So anyway, long winded answer.   Unknown Speaker  17:58   I know. But   Unknown Speaker  17:59   no, it's good. That's good. I'm glad it wasn't just a one word answer.   Unknown Speaker  18:04   Yeah, sure. Cool.   Unknown Speaker  18:07   What else? What else? Is there anything in particular that you would want our audience or our listeners to be able to know about you before we head out today? Oh,   Unknown Speaker  18:17   um, well, if you have ever made the mistake of not clarifying your your mission in that way, you're not alone. And to think about your brand identity as three fold, right? You have your values, which, you know, it's a really good test to see if your values are clear when you ask like an assistant or ask your customers or people who follow you on social media, what they are. So first, your values, what is your value identity? Is that clear? And then your verbal identity, your verbal brand identity? Is it clear what problems that you solve? What customer problems that you've solved? What is it clear what the transformation is? Is it clear how you speak to, you know, why or what is it clear how you speak to other solutions in terms of like your own positioning in the market, right? And then then when when it's easy to talk about that and your brand voice and how your own brand personality is expressed through words, then cohesively it makes sense to be like, okay, cool. Here's my visual identity. So it's a beautiful, like Venn diagram, if you can picture like three circles, your value identity, your verbal identity, and your visual identity to help you honestly create this brand that not only feels like you, but that also resonates with your perfect fit person. So my construe rebranding all of those are that's what I would say is the secret sauce.   Unknown Speaker  19:56   That's awesome. Where can our listeners find you and connect with Do   Unknown Speaker  20:01   so my website is Jackie And you can also connect with me on Instagram at Jackie setup co no dot Hopefully that's not good evening. And for listening today your listeners can enjoy a brand voice freebie which I have over at Jackie So that's going to help you with your verbal brand identity in 90 minutes or less.   Unknown Speaker  20:31   Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being here. It was really great to chat with you.   Unknown Speaker  20:35   Thank you so much for having me, Emily. It was my pleasure. Yeah.   Transcribed by
When Chronic Illness Uncovers Your Inner Power
When Chronic Illness Uncovers Your Inner Power
Carrie Baquie (Bach-E-A) is a Chronic Illness Coach who empowers women who are sick & tired of being sick & tired to get unstuck so that they can reclaim a life they love even if they have been urged to accept the status quo. She partners with her clients to help them shift from surviving to their vision of thriving using a holistic approach that integrates wellbeing at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.   Socials Women Transforming Chronic Illness Facebook Group - A free, private community bringing together women living with long term health changes to give and receive support in transforming their experience of illness.      Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining me for another week at the No Mercy business podcast. This is your host Emily Woodruff. And I am super excited to introduce you today to Candice Batista. This. I feel like I just butchered it right that I'm sorry. I asked and I practice. Candace, why don't you go ahead and just tell us about what you do?   Unknown Speaker  0:28   Yeah, so my name is Candace Betty's I am a wife, a mom, daughter of the king? I, yes, yes. By day, I am a school psychologist by night. I'm an author podcaster. And prayer warrior on the wall. So yeah.   Unknown Speaker  0:49   Awesome. So you have kind of a specialty, specialty type of work that you do. You work with people through their heartbreak? Yes. Why don't you talk about that a little bit?   Unknown Speaker  1:05   Yeah, so this, what I call my calling was kind of birthed out of my own heartbreak. I experienced that devastating breakup in 2015, which really revealed that I had a lot of healing work to do from my past, because that wasn't my first breakup. It wasn't my first heartbreak. So it made me really go down this road of true healing and what that really meant and growing closer to God, partnering with him, growing my faith during that time. And, you know, once I felt, you know, much better, obviously, emotionally, and just so much growth happen. I learned so much about myself, I learned so much about God during that time. But you know, I didn't know what would happen in 2015 2016. I just knew that I wanted to tell my story somehow. And I fumbled through that a little bit. I went ahead and tried the YouTube channel, I tried blogging, those things didn't really work out very well for me. And then sometime later, while I have my daughter in 2019, and at the, like, January 2019. And then like, December 2019, God was like, you know, you're gonna write a book. I was like, Oh, cool. So I didn't know it all, you know, didn't know it all that would entail. But I worked through that writing the book and just published a book. And this October, like two weeks ago, we went ahead and released it. Yeah, it's called Goodbye, heartbreak Hello, purpose. It's a 365 day journey that kind of journeys with you for a whole year through that whole process. And then also, I've just started some coaching because through some market research, I've realized that women are really struggling with their self worth after breakups. And that's kind of hindering the healing process. So we're actually I'm offering something called self worth sessions kind of work with women through that.   Unknown Speaker  3:01   That's awesome. So I know that this is kind of this is a little bit different for my audience. But I really like it because we all are, we are women, listening, and we are all, you know, at least in common in that way. But I think that heartbreak can be something that it doesn't have to be relational. It doesn't have to be a romantic relationship. I've experienced heartbreak in my business, and I've experienced heartbreak professionally, and just really felt like this might be able to tie well together. So if you're, if you're sitting at home, and you're like, why are we talking about relationships? That's, that's where my connection is. And I think it's a really neat opportunity. Um, so why don't you talk about how, how can heartbreak motivate someone to thrive? Instead of reverting or failing? Can you talk about that for   Unknown Speaker  3:54   a second? Sure. So I always say, you know, of course, that initial shock of the heartbreak that, you know, it's you have to kind of make it through that season, right. And it's different from person to person someday. Some people it could take weeks, some people it could take months, but you know, it's really important to go through that healing journey, just the healing of emotions, but after that, I would say, you know, a lot of people I don't want to say a lot of people but you know, there are people who become better and better some people just go right back to the same old thing. You know, it's really different. But I think you have a, you have an opportunity during the season to grow, right. You're, you're some people say they're buried, some people say they're planted, right? So if you do it the right way, as being planted, then this is your opportunity for growth and everything that's piled on top of you, you can say, you know, this is my fertile soil that will help me and catapult me and that's what I felt like I felt my heartbreak catapulted me into purpose. So and that's, you know, that's why I named the book what I did And so, yeah, so I just think that it comes with renewing your mind. You know, the Bible says in Romans 12 two that we have to renew our minds. And it's a daily process. And so you know, I'm very much a faith based woman. So I've very much believed that get in your word and see what God says about you about what he promised you what you can have, what you have access to what you have authority over, and you take authority and dominion over your life over your area over the things that he's called you to step into your power, you know, and that's what I try to tell women like, you know, I tell them, we develop a something called a power statement. And it's just one like punchy statement that says, who you are. And then when you say this to yourself, say it with conviction and confidence and like, roll your neck, snap your fingers. Say, yeah, really thin and just, you know, own it. Because it, like I said, it's a unique opportunity to really just learn about yourself, you know, we get so caught up in relationships, that we don't take time to sit with ourselves and learn, you know, who am I? What do I want? What do I like? What do I enjoy what I don't enjoy, and just really do some self discovery. And you'd never know what you would uncover as far as maybe a hobby and interest, you can uncover a ministry a business, you know, you really don't know. But you have to pick that time with yourself.   Unknown Speaker  6:30   I love that so much. And maybe it's a God thing right now. But we were talking about this in Sunday school. On Sunday, we were talking about it in church on Sunday, in renewing your mind and how it is a daily process. And it's not just your mind that has to be renewed. That's something that I love that I've taken out of my little study recently is that it's a commitment, and I'm going down the faith train, but that's fine. That's not it's not just a renewing of your mind, it's a renewing of how you use your mind, how you use your body, how you use your gifts, and abilities and things every single day. It's a whole life commitment every single day. And that's really powerful to me, because when you think I'm renewing my mind that just feels like I'm gonna look at the glass half full today. It's not that it's way more than that, you know.   Unknown Speaker  7:21   So that's just choices and decisions, you know, choosing to live differently, and walk differently and talk differently. And you know, I'm gonna go, I'm not going to do this specific thing today. And I'm going to do that, you know, like, it's really it's everything.   Unknown Speaker  7:35   Yeah, it's like, when people talk about lifestyle changes, you know, I'm not on a diet, I'm, it's a lifestyle change, you kind of tease each other about it. But you know, like, it really is you have to change your mindset and everything that you do, along with it in order to truly adapt to something like that. So that's neat. That was a neat little tidbit just to throw in there. So how do you how do you work with individuals through their own personal heartbreaks? What does that look like for you?   Unknown Speaker  8:05   Yeah, so with the one on one, you know, like that I the stuff that I do weekly, I show up on my podcast, and I like to definitely always give out tips and encouragement and things like that somehow tos and walking through, you know, process isn't everything. But the book is one thing, you know, I said, it's, it's kind of like me hand holding you through a whole year. But then also, I just started the coaching. And so I mentioned that I'm doing self worth sessions. And what I do through that is like we're developing, again, the renewing of the mind. So we are developing the biblical affirmations, we personalize and we go ahead and target like, what what are your top three, like negative thoughts that are plaguing you, like What's weighing you down? What's the thing that you're telling yourself, that you're being mean to yourself, you know, you're not being kind. And it's the thing that you know that I'm not enough, or I'm unworthy, I'm not loved those things like that. So as we can target those thoughts, then we were going to battle that. So that and we get the words to battle that. And we spend like an hour we go through that. And what I've realized that it's sometimes hard because women don't. And I say women because I work with women, but people in general just don't want to admit the thoughts that they have. Yeah, that's hard. It's hard to say, I can't believe you know, that I think this about myself. Yeah. So it takes a little bit sometimes to get to the root and to get the truth out, not because someone is maliciously lying, but just because it's just hard to admit. Yeah, we get to that and we come up with affirmations to really like Battle those thoughts. Like I said, we do the power statement. You know, my clients say they leave feeling refreshed. Yeah. And then we follow up with some you know, I give tracking a tracking sheet via like a Google Sheets. And we also do accountability. Be a follow up, I want to know, how's it going? I want to know, like, what was the best part of your day, the worst part of your day? What's, you know, all of those things are tracked in that tracking sheet. And I want to know, like, how often are you actually repeating these affirmations? Because it's, it's a battle, you know, there's a battlefield in our mind, and it's a battle. And so I'm working with them. You know, to me, that's the first step, knowing that you're worthy of healing, because some people just feel like they're not worthy of it. Yeah. And so if you're going to mend your heart, if you're going to heal your broken heart, the first thing you have to do is give yourself some grace, and be kind to yourself, as you walk through this journey.   Unknown Speaker  10:34   I love that. That was beautifully said. Yeah, what so what kind of advice could you give somebody who might be feeling defeated or broken or just run down by their business or by their, you know, their regular nine to five job? Yeah,   Unknown Speaker  10:53   it's interesting, you asked that, because, you know, I feel like I've been in the non epi world for quite some time, but I'm very new to the business world, and I'm trying to, you know, balance the two right now. So I'm actually very much in that, that space of the roller coaster of it all. And so I feel like right now, I'm actually like, you know, being weighed down by the nine to five. But it's like, I said to myself, and I was like, God is showing me you know, as, and it's different for everyone what you're experiencing, but just to keep pushing, like to keep your head down, keep pushing, you know, give yourself time to rest, of course, but as you are working, like not looking to the right, not looking to the left, not comparing yourself to anyone else, not comparing yourself, your progress to anyone else's progress. Those things are so helpful, especially when you're starting out something new, when you have a business that's just not quite flourishing just yet. You know, giving it your all before you say, I'm gonna throw it out, throw in the towel, you know, those kinds of things, and really just praying over and speaking over, you know, I don't want to come off as hyper religious, right. But I believe in the power of prayer, and if you really just speak good things over your business, and you're planting those positive seeds. And so you know, and I believe that those seeds are going to flourish one day, so just go ahead and speaking life into your business, instead of saying, Oh, this is not working. Oh, it's, it's still failing, I'm not seeing the results. Say what you want to see until you see what you say, yeah. So that's my advice with that, as far as the nine to five, the way that I feel about it, you know, we are, you know, some people are called to that. And if that's your purpose, that's your passion in life. I mean, give it all that you have. For me, I am in a place where I am, I'm just trying to figure out how do I work my nine to five, and do what I have, what I came to work to do, and to make it work as best as I can for me, you know, you know, take care of my responsibilities, but definitely how do I make this work for me and my life, because I have small kids, I have a one year old, a three year old, and I also have a bonus daughter who's 19 years old. And you know, it's like, yeah, and you know, I still take care of my household, I still cook, I still, you know, we I show up in my household, and then I have to work nine to 540 hours a week and the business and a podcast. So it's a lot. And so give yourself grace, and do what you can do. And because you can't do more than that, yeah, you can don't beat yourself up. You know, be kind to yourself, once again, be kind to yourself. And that's, that's the best I got for you.   Unknown Speaker  13:36   That's great. That's great. So how do you because we encourage Christian businesses here? How do you in? I don't know how to say the word. Incorporate sorry? How do you incorporate your faith into your teachings with your clients? Like, how does that? How does that play out for you?   Unknown Speaker  13:56   Yeah, it's the basis of my business really, because I you know, it's a faith based business. It's based on the like I said, we're building affirmations but they are biblical affirmations. And so you know, we're going through like, what does God say about you and who you are? Let's get in there. So you're having what we kind of thought of you? You haven't you're not loved. Well, John 316 says, God so loved the world. I'm like, yeah, just want to get their son for you, their child because I'm not giving my son Right. Right, somebody's gonna give their son for you, then you better believe that they love you, you know, that? Yeah. worthy of love and goodness and grace and everything that that he says you can have, so that you're going to combat those thoughts. And I believe that that is just so essential. God's word, and your faith to believe in His Word is like essential. And, and, and beyond that, you know, again, like I said, I speak life into my business. My business is small. It's the baby. I don't know what it's gonna be, you know, like one of my children. I don't know what There's got to be so I am praying for the business and I'm praying for it to grow and flourish and be healthy. And so you know, not only am I working with my clients on the faith base component as far as like building affirmations and renewing their minds, but I'm also incorporating God because I'm like, Look, this is your business. Actually, it's not mine, right? We're a business and I want you to be the head. I want you to be all up in it. I want you to be part of the team, right? You just tell me what you want me to do. I want you to give me the strength to do it even when it's may not be the popular belief or what people are normally doing. Just yeah, he's all up in there. That's awesome.   Unknown Speaker  15:38   That's so great. I love hearing that. Is there anything else that you would want to share with our listeners today that they should know about you?   Unknown Speaker  15:49   I mean, they can reach out they can connect with me my podcast is goodbye heartbreak. Hello, healing. The book is good by heartbreak Hello purpose. Everything really is that Candice ate I'll give you all of that to put in the show notes. That way they can know how to spell my name. Right and and if anyone is interested in self worth sessions, they can email me at goodbye heartbreak. Hello   Unknown Speaker  16:14   Awesome. Well, thank you so much for your time today. It was really great to have you on.   Unknown Speaker  16:18   Thank you Emily. I really enjoyed it.   Transcribed by
Healing from Heartbreak in Business with special guest Kandice Bateast
Healing from Heartbreak in Business with special guest Kandice Bateast
First and foremost, Kandice is a daughter of the king! She’s a wife, mother of 3, Nationally Certified School Psychologist, and a Christian Mindset Coach. Kandice is the host of the top 1.5% globally ranked podcast, Goodbye Heartbreak, Hello Healing, and the author of the newly released book, Goodbye Heartbreak Hello Purpose:  A 365 Day Devotional. Kandice helps Christian women move forward from heartbreak through emotional healing, spiritual growth, identity work, and building their self-worth so that they are confident to walk into their next stage of life. Kandice's mission is to see women healed, whole, and thriving. Podcast link   Website Join my email list   Facebook Group link The Healing Heartbreak Community, Single Women, Healing Broken Hearts | Facebook   IG @goodbyeheartbreakhellopurpose Get my weekly business tips / newsletter here Unknown Speaker  0:03   Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining me for another week at the No Mercy business podcast. This is your host Emily Woodruff. And I am super excited to introduce you today to Candice Batista. This. I feel like I just butchered it right that I'm sorry. I asked and I practice. Candace, why don't you go ahead and just tell us about what you do?   Unknown Speaker  0:28   Yeah, so my name is Candace Betty's I am a wife, a mom, daughter of the king? I, yes, yes. By day, I am a school psychologist by night. I'm an author podcaster. And prayer warrior on the wall. So yeah.   Unknown Speaker  0:49   Awesome. So you have kind of a specialty, specialty type of work that you do. You work with people through their heartbreak? Yes. Why don't you talk about that a little bit?   Unknown Speaker  1:05   Yeah, so this, what I call my calling was kind of birthed out of my own heartbreak. I experienced that devastating breakup in 2015, which really revealed that I had a lot of healing work to do from my past, because that wasn't my first breakup. It wasn't my first heartbreak. So it made me really go down this road of true healing and what that really meant and growing closer to God, partnering with him, growing my faith during that time. And, you know, once I felt, you know, much better, obviously, emotionally, and just so much growth happen. I learned so much about myself, I learned so much about God during that time. But you know, I didn't know what would happen in 2015 2016. I just knew that I wanted to tell my story somehow. And I fumbled through that a little bit. I went ahead and tried the YouTube channel, I tried blogging, those things didn't really work out very well for me. And then sometime later, while I have my daughter in 2019, and at the, like, January 2019. And then like, December 2019, God was like, you know, you're gonna write a book. I was like, Oh, cool. So I didn't know it all, you know, didn't know it all that would entail. But I worked through that writing the book and just published a book. And this October, like two weeks ago, we went ahead and released it. Yeah, it's called Goodbye, heartbreak Hello, purpose. It's a 365 day journey that kind of journeys with you for a whole year through that whole process. And then also, I've just started some coaching because through some market research, I've realized that women are really struggling with their self worth after breakups. And that's kind of hindering the healing process. So we're actually I'm offering something called self worth sessions kind of work with women through that.   Unknown Speaker  3:01   That's awesome. So I know that this is kind of this is a little bit different for my audience. But I really like it because we all are, we are women, listening, and we are all, you know, at least in common in that way. But I think that heartbreak can be something that it doesn't have to be relational. It doesn't have to be a romantic relationship. I've experienced heartbreak in my business, and I've experienced heartbreak professionally, and just really felt like this might be able to tie well together. So if you're, if you're sitting at home, and you're like, why are we talking about relationships? That's, that's where my connection is. And I think it's a really neat opportunity. Um, so why don't you talk about how, how can heartbreak motivate someone to thrive? Instead of reverting or failing? Can you talk about that for   Unknown Speaker  3:54   a second? Sure. So I always say, you know, of course, that initial shock of the heartbreak that, you know, it's you have to kind of make it through that season, right. And it's different from person to person someday. Some people it could take weeks, some people it could take months, but you know, it's really important to go through that healing journey, just the healing of emotions, but after that, I would say, you know, a lot of people I don't want to say a lot of people but you know, there are people who become better and better some people just go right back to the same old thing. You know, it's really different. But I think you have a, you have an opportunity during the season to grow, right. You're, you're some people say they're buried, some people say they're planted, right? So if you do it the right way, as being planted, then this is your opportunity for growth and everything that's piled on top of you, you can say, you know, this is my fertile soil that will help me and catapult me and that's what I felt like I felt my heartbreak catapulted me into purpose. So and that's, you know, that's why I named the book what I did And so, yeah, so I just think that it comes with renewing your mind. You know, the Bible says in Romans 12 two that we have to renew our minds. And it's a daily process. And so you know, I'm very much a faith based woman. So I've very much believed that get in your word and see what God says about you about what he promised you what you can have, what you have access to what you have authority over, and you take authority and dominion over your life over your area over the things that he's called you to step into your power, you know, and that's what I try to tell women like, you know, I tell them, we develop a something called a power statement. And it's just one like punchy statement that says, who you are. And then when you say this to yourself, say it with conviction and confidence and like, roll your neck, snap your fingers. Say, yeah, really thin and just, you know, own it. Because it, like I said, it's a unique opportunity to really just learn about yourself, you know, we get so caught up in relationships, that we don't take time to sit with ourselves and learn, you know, who am I? What do I want? What do I like? What do I enjoy what I don't enjoy, and just really do some self discovery. And you'd never know what you would uncover as far as maybe a hobby and interest, you can uncover a ministry a business, you know, you really don't know. But you have to pick that time with yourself.   Unknown Speaker  6:30   I love that so much. And maybe it's a God thing right now. But we were talking about this in Sunday school. On Sunday, we were talking about it in church on Sunday, in renewing your mind and how it is a daily process. And it's not just your mind that has to be renewed. That's something that I love that I've taken out of my little study recently is that it's a commitment, and I'm going down the faith train, but that's fine. That's not it's not just a renewing of your mind, it's a renewing of how you use your mind, how you use your body, how you use your gifts, and abilities and things every single day. It's a whole life commitment every single day. And that's really powerful to me, because when you think I'm renewing my mind that just feels like I'm gonna look at the glass half full today. It's not that it's way more than that, you know.   Unknown Speaker  7:21   So that's just choices and decisions, you know, choosing to live differently, and walk differently and talk differently. And you know, I'm gonna go, I'm not going to do this specific thing today. And I'm going to do that, you know, like, it's really it's everything.   Unknown Speaker  7:35   Yeah, it's like, when people talk about lifestyle changes, you know, I'm not on a diet, I'm, it's a lifestyle change, you kind of tease each other about it. But you know, like, it really is you have to change your mindset and everything that you do, along with it in order to truly adapt to something like that. So that's neat. That was a neat little tidbit just to throw in there. So how do you how do you work with individuals through their own personal heartbreaks? What does that look like for you?   Unknown Speaker  8:05   Yeah, so with the one on one, you know, like that I the stuff that I do weekly, I show up on my podcast, and I like to definitely always give out tips and encouragement and things like that somehow tos and walking through, you know, process isn't everything. But the book is one thing, you know, I said, it's, it's kind of like me hand holding you through a whole year. But then also, I just started the coaching. And so I mentioned that I'm doing self worth sessions. And what I do through that is like we're developing, again, the renewing of the mind. So we are developing the biblical affirmations, we personalize and we go ahead and target like, what what are your top three, like negative thoughts that are plaguing you, like What's weighing you down? What's the thing that you're telling yourself, that you're being mean to yourself, you know, you're not being kind. And it's the thing that you know that I'm not enough, or I'm unworthy, I'm not loved those things like that. So as we can target those thoughts, then we were going to battle that. So that and we get the words to battle that. And we spend like an hour we go through that. And what I've realized that it's sometimes hard because women don't. And I say women because I work with women, but people in general just don't want to admit the thoughts that they have. Yeah, that's hard. It's hard to say, I can't believe you know, that I think this about myself. Yeah. So it takes a little bit sometimes to get to the root and to get the truth out, not because someone is maliciously lying, but just because it's just hard to admit. Yeah, we get to that and we come up with affirmations to really like Battle those thoughts. Like I said, we do the power statement. You know, my clients say they leave feeling refreshed. Yeah. And then we follow up with some you know, I give tracking a tracking sheet via like a Google Sheets. And we also do accountability. Be a follow up, I want to know, how's it going? I want to know, like, what was the best part of your day, the worst part of your day? What's, you know, all of those things are tracked in that tracking sheet. And I want to know, like, how often are you actually repeating these affirmations? Because it's, it's a battle, you know, there's a battlefield in our mind, and it's a battle. And so I'm working with them. You know, to me, that's the first step, knowing that you're worthy of healing, because some people just feel like they're not worthy of it. Yeah. And so if you're going to mend your heart, if you're going to heal your broken heart, the first thing you have to do is give yourself some grace, and be kind to yourself, as you walk through this journey.   Unknown Speaker  10:34   I love that. That was beautifully said. Yeah, what so what kind of advice could you give somebody who might be feeling defeated or broken or just run down by their business or by their, you know, their regular nine to five job? Yeah,   Unknown Speaker  10:53   it's interesting, you asked that, because, you know, I feel like I've been in the non epi world for quite some time, but I'm very new to the business world, and I'm trying to, you know, balance the two right now. So I'm actually very much in that, that space of the roller coaster of it all. And so I feel like right now, I'm actually like, you know, being weighed down by the nine to five. But it's like, I said to myself, and I was like, God is showing me you know, as, and it's different for everyone what you're experiencing, but just to keep pushing, like to keep your head down, keep pushing, you know, give yourself time to rest, of course, but as you are working, like not looking to the right, not looking to the left, not comparing yourself to anyone else, not comparing yourself, your progress to anyone else's progress. Those things are so helpful, especially when you're starting out something new, when you have a business that's just not quite flourishing just yet. You know, giving it your all before you say, I'm gonna throw it out, throw in the towel, you know, those kinds of things, and really just praying over and speaking over, you know, I don't want to come off as hyper religious, right. But I believe in the power of prayer, and if you really just speak good things over your business, and you're planting those positive seeds. And so you know, and I believe that those seeds are going to flourish one day, so just go ahead and speaking life into your business, instead of saying, Oh, this is not working. Oh, it's, it's still failing, I'm not seeing the results. Say what you want to see until you see what you say, yeah. So that's my advice with that, as far as the nine to five, the way that I feel about it, you know, we are, you know, some people are called to that. And if that's your purpose, that's your passion in life. I mean, give it all that you have. For me, I am in a place where I am, I'm just trying to figure out how do I work my nine to five, and do what I have, what I came to work to do, and to make it work as best as I can for me, you know, you know, take care of my responsibilities, but definitely how do I make this work for me and my life, because I have small kids, I have a one year old, a three year old, and I also have a bonus daughter who's 19 years old. And you know, it's like, yeah, and you know, I still take care of my household, I still cook, I still, you know, we I show up in my household, and then I have to work nine to 540 hours a week and the business and a podcast. So it's a lot. And so give yourself grace, and do what you can do. And because you can't do more than that, yeah, you can don't beat yourself up. You know, be kind to yourself, once again, be kind to yourself. And that's, that's the best I got for you.   Unknown Speaker  13:36   That's great. That's great. So how do you because we encourage Christian businesses here? How do you in? I don't know how to say the word. Incorporate sorry? How do you incorporate your faith into your teachings with your clients? Like, how does that? How does that play out for you?   Unknown Speaker  13:56   Yeah, it's the basis of my business really, because I you know, it's a faith based business. It's based on the like I said, we're building affirmations but they are biblical affirmations. And so you know, we're going through like, what does God say about you and who you are? Let's get in there. So you're having what we kind of thought of you? You haven't you're not loved. Well, John 316 says, God so loved the world. I'm like, yeah, just want to get their son for you, their child because I'm not giving my son Right. Right, somebody's gonna give their son for you, then you better believe that they love you, you know, that? Yeah. worthy of love and goodness and grace and everything that that he says you can have, so that you're going to combat those thoughts. And I believe that that is just so essential. God's word, and your faith to believe in His Word is like essential. And, and, and beyond that, you know, again, like I said, I speak life into my business. My business is small. It's the baby. I don't know what it's gonna be, you know, like one of my children. I don't know what There's got to be so I am praying for the business and I'm praying for it to grow and flourish and be healthy. And so you know, not only am I working with my clients on the faith base component as far as like building affirmations and renewing their minds, but I'm also incorporating God because I'm like, Look, this is your business. Actually, it's not mine, right? We're a business and I want you to be the head. I want you to be all up in it. I want you to be part of the team, right? You just tell me what you want me to do. I want you to give me the strength to do it even when it's may not be the popular belief or what people are normally doing. Just yeah, he's all up in there. That's awesome.   Unknown Speaker  15:38   That's so great. I love hearing that. Is there anything else that you would want to share with our listeners today that they should know about you?   Unknown Speaker  15:49   I mean, they can reach out they can connect with me my podcast is goodbye heartbreak. Hello, healing. The book is good by heartbreak Hello purpose. Everything really is that Candice ate I'll give you all of that to put in the show notes. That way they can know how to spell my name. Right and and if anyone is interested in self worth sessions, they can email me at goodbye heartbreak. Hello   Unknown Speaker  16:14   Awesome. Well, thank you so much for your time today. It was really great to have you on.   Unknown Speaker  16:18   Thank you Emily. I really enjoyed it.   Transcribed by
Practical tips to start your business out on the right foot with Dawnette Palmore
Practical tips to start your business out on the right foot with Dawnette Palmore
Dawnette Palmore is the founder and owner of Your Money On Purpose Coaching where she empowers professional and entrepreneurial women who make great money but don't know where it goes to gain control of their finances without sacrificing their lifestyle so they can live a financially stress-free life. Dawnette is committed to helping women to thrive in their business and life instead of just surviving. Through her own mistakes with money, she discovered how to keep vision focused instead of budget focused which has allowed her to get out of debt, save and invest in her future all while enjoying the things she loves. Since 2015 Dawnette has empowered hundreds of women to create a thriving and profitable business, live their life on their terms and be at peace with their money. When she is not empowering other women, she can be found spending time with her family and friends.   —----------------Transcription   Unknown Speaker  00:02 Well, hello, everyone. Thank you so much for being here for another week of the No Mercy business podcast. This is your host Emily Woodruff. And I am super excited to have done at Palmer with me today. Donna, why don't you go ahead and tell us about your business?   Unknown Speaker  00:17 Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be on this call. And so, like you said, my name is Dawn at Palomar. And I am the owner and founder of your money on purpose coaching. And what I do is I empower women entrepreneurs and professionals, to hopefully you can edit this out, just lost my train of thought. Okay, I empower professional and entrepreneur women to gain clarity, control and confidence with their money, so they can run a thriving business, live a financially stress free life without sacrificing what is important to them. Awesome.   Unknown Speaker  01:00 So what why do you think that female entrepreneurs need a money? Coach?   Unknown Speaker  01:06 That is a great question. And something I always recommend is that we get wise counsel around us, right expecially as business owners, these are people like tax professionals, we obviously need someone to help us with the tax code, because it's forever changing and what we can we can we need an insurance broker, you know, to make sure that we're being covered properly. Coaches, so there's many coaches, we have like business coaches to make sure that we have our systems and processes in place. And, you know, thinking about any other type of coach or professional that pertains to your industry type. And then we have money coaches, and you would hire a money coach to help you become wealthy, and to continue to increase that wealth. And our businesses are our greatest source to create that wealth. Coaches also help you to talk through things, sometimes you just need to bounce things off of people and really talk through and get an unbiased opinion or view of, of whatever it is situation you're in or decision you need to make. They also hold you accountable. So those are really important aspects to have around you and thinking about a client last year, having a coach she grew her business by 97%.   Unknown Speaker  02:31 Wow. That's amazing. That's amazing.   Unknown Speaker  02:35 Right? So it really does make a difference because coaches can help you focus in on what's important, what's going to be bring growth to your business, which is what we're all trying to do.   Unknown Speaker  02:47 Yeah, no, that's great. How did you start to get involved in in this realm of work?   Unknown Speaker  02:54 So seven years ago, I started my business. And before that, I have been a small business owner myself for over, gosh, it's been 22 ish years now. Okay. You know, we can get caught up in the day to day we do get caught up in the day to day just, you know, family life, all this stuff. And we were making really great money. But we were always like, when money came in, it was great, but when it was it, you know, when we're waiting for the check to come in, we're freaking out. Yeah, cause stress it cause relationship problems, because not only are we married, but we're in business together.   Unknown Speaker  03:31 Right. Right.   Unknown Speaker  03:33 We had a double whammy Yeah.   Unknown Speaker  03:36 Why love my husband, but we can never   Unknown Speaker  03:41 it's a tough situation. It's so you know, just getting you know, one day I just got tired of it. I was like I've had enough we should be a long more in our financial life in our relationship. And so I began to do some research on what can we do I mean, I It feels so overwhelming to think about finances and all the things that we need to do in the first place. You know, we have Okay, we got to pay our bills. Well, that's a given. Kids need to go to college we need you know, birthdays and holidays and, and in a business on top of it and trying to just figure all that out. And I just felt really overwhelmed. So I found a system and process that brought me hope. And I was like, I gotta share this with people because we need to be able to see oh, I can do this step by step by step. I don't have to do everything all at once. It's great. Then I burst my company, which was I had it originally was proverbs financial coaching. And the last few months I just rebranded and now it's your money on purpose coaching.   Unknown Speaker  04:43 Great. That's really neat. So what about why don't you share about some of the bigger mistakes or like common mistakes that you see entrepreneurs making with their money?   Unknown Speaker  04:54 So one of the biggest which I know it's the biggest because I did it Is commingling our business and personal finances. That is one of the biggest things I see that happened or is happening.   Unknown Speaker  05:10 I agree 100% I have a handful of friends and clients that have just always kept their money together. And I'm like, how do you function? It doesn't make any sense to me. Like my brain just does not work that way. There's no way for me to feel like I have peace or clarity on how my business is doing. If it's intertwined with with my other finances, there's just no way.   Unknown Speaker  05:37 And that exactly, no, totally 100% What you just said, no peace or clarity.   Unknown Speaker  05:44 Yeah, like, I just I can't handle things like that. I need to know. I'm very analytical. I'm very, like, cut and dry. I don't want to have to piecemeal through things I want to know. Every second how much is my business? You know, and that's great for   Unknown Speaker  06:00 you. Yeah. Yeah, I think what happens is, you know, maybe we started it as a little side hustle, or we were just making a little bit of money. Yeah. And then it just started growing and growing. And again, especially with women we met, we wear so many hats. And we're juggling so many things at once that we just think, okay, I'll get to it later. Okay, I'll get to it later, or a fine, and we never get to it because we're trying to do all these other things. And I think that's, that's really what happens. It's not something we do intentionally.   Unknown Speaker  06:35 Totally agree. I got a little lag here. Sorry. It's raining where? The internet's not great. Where are you? I'm in Michigan. Where are you at?   Unknown Speaker  06:44 Okay, I'm in California. Okay, so it's nice. Oh, yeah. This week, it's supposed to be, you know, in our 80s. So last week, we had thunder and lightning storms.   Unknown Speaker  06:56 Well, it snowed yesterday. So Michiganders are pretty happy right now.   Unknown Speaker  07:04 A little bit early for that.   Unknown Speaker  07:06 It is we're not happy. Well, great. Um, so what about some, some practical tips that you can suggest to our listeners to get on the right foot and, you know, start things out the right way?   Unknown Speaker  07:19 Yeah, so I always say, and this is so important, even when we're starting business. And I think again, we just get caught up in starting the business, getting it going. And then life happens is really to go back to our why. And evaluate why we started our business. What we're trying to accomplish with our business, you know, did we start it for extra income? Did do we want to quit our nine to five? And, and, you know, time freedom. I mean, that's huge for us. Right? Yeah, think about that, and why we started and then focus on making a plan. That's great. Really, right? The, the secret sauce, right and in anything, right, that's where it should be starting. But it will give us more of that clarity, that confidence and that peace moving forward in our business, and even in our personal lives. And so what do we have to do? We got to start with our personal because when we're commingling these things, if we start with our personal finances, you know, getting on a plan with that being more intentional with our money, where is it going? Where we want it to go? And what is our lifestyle really costing us? And we really need to look at that. Do we need to make some changes? We need to have honest, honest conversations with ourselves. And when we do that, that we know what what our business needs to pay us, because we need to get that. Yeah, we need to be paid. Yeah. That's screaming, right. We ended up running our personal expenses through our business or vice versa. And so we think we're really not making money. So if we go back, start with our Y, get our, our personal finances in order, and then do the same thing in our business. And just ask ourselves, you know, these questions, what does it keep to keep our doors open? Right? If we brought nothing in? What does our business still have going to cost to run? Right? And, and again, that includes paying yourself right, so not just, you know, our everyday business expenses, but what is our you know, our financial responsibility to ourselves? Yeah, costing as well.   Unknown Speaker  09:35 There's a lot of people that forget that, like you leave your nine to five, you leave your traditional job. And you think that it only costs the management the, the what's the word that I'm looking for the overhead fees to run your business? Yes. Yeah. But it's, it's definitely got to include you on your payroll because Why did you leave your job in the first place because you could be more profitable somewhere else, being your own boss, your nine to five wouldn't have forgotten to pay you. You wouldn't be struggling to do this, that you would never be in the situation in your regular job. Why is it even on the table? For you in your business to not get a check?   Unknown Speaker  10:15 Exactly. And if your nine to five didn't pay, you wouldn't stay?   Unknown Speaker  10:18 Right. Right. I could talk about that for days. You know, the boundaries that people place between a traditional workplace and in the flexibility they give themselves in their own small business. That's a whole sermon.   Unknown Speaker  10:36 It truly is. And we're really doing a disservice to ourselves and to our business and to our families and our purpose. Yeah, we don't run our business like a business and become thinking, Okay, this is a business and we need to run it as so.   Unknown Speaker  10:53 Yeah. I had somebody on earlier this summer, and she said that exact thing. Well, I said, What is what is the day in the life of you as a small business owner? What does that look like? She said, Well, I run my business, like a business. And that was so profound to me. I try to run my business as a business, but just to hear it put so plainly, like that changed the way that I looked at things. And I loved it. I loved it.   Unknown Speaker  11:21 Yeah. And we forget to do that. You're right. We do. And and it really is that simple.   Unknown Speaker  11:27 Yeah, we try to overcomplicate things so much. And it's just it's not that hard. You know, I mean, there's hard things I'm not not displacing Matt. But yeah,   Unknown Speaker  11:38 yeah. You need to, you know, take a step back. And, and like you said, remember why we went into business and what we're trying to accomplish and, and that pain ourselves, you know, you hear it from all, you know, the financial gurus to pay yourself first. Yeah, that is paying yourself first. Yeah, we need to keep the door open. But we also need to keep food on the table. Yeah, we're not doing that, we're not going to be able to keep the doors open. And it's, it goes hand in hand. And that's why I always say go start back with your why. And then get your personal finances in order, so you know what your lifestyle is costing you. And then you can go move into your business and know what your business needs to keep the doors open. Yeah,   Unknown Speaker  12:22 it's like the the airplane analogy, you know, that if, if you're an emergency, the oxygen back drops down, it's written on the instructions, 15 different times, put it on yourself, first, you have to take care of yourself, before you can take care of someone else. And I don't know what it is about Americans and you know, taking care of ourselves in this self hatred. I know that self love is really popular right now. But it's really because self hatred is so popular, and is so imminent. And I don't know why we lower ourselves to all these different bars that we shouldn't ever, we shouldn't ever be at, you know, we have to take care of ourselves before we can care for others. So that like statement,   Unknown Speaker  13:11 no, no. 1,000%. And I think it goes back to, you know, what does self care look like? Yeah, I mean, I've been told for so long not to be selfish, you know, putting everybody before us. And I think it's almost become natural for us to put everything before us. Yeah, before ourselves. And then we're trying to pour from an empty cup at a business on top of it. And we can't function that way any more. It's not. It's not working. And so we really have to take a step back and and reassure women that, you know, self care, putting ourselves first paying ourselves first is not selfish, right? Actually, when we don't do that we're, we're doing a disservice to the people that we love. So I think we just need to rewire and rethink the way that we have been programmed. Yeah. And it's been a slow process, but we're getting there.   Unknown Speaker  14:12 I think we're on the right path.   Unknown Speaker  14:15 We are on the right path.   Unknown Speaker  14:17 That's great. Well, what are Are there any other things that our listeners should know about you and your business? Or what's something you would want to leave them   Unknown Speaker  14:23 with? So one thing that I think is important that sets me apart, I would say two things, but one of them is that I don't offer a cookie cutter process. I really teach my clients how to do value based spending. And that's again, taking a step back what is my why what is important to me, and then creating a plan from there. Because we don't want to give up what's important to us and nor should we. And then, you know, also, I do spending plans based on yearly spending and Not monthly. So this really gives us a better picture of what life is costing us. And when what I mean by that is, you know, we think, Okay, we have these monthly bills, and that's it, then I have all this leftover, I don't have this leftover or whatever. But look at the whole picture. We spend throughout the year we spend on things like insurance, sometimes that's a monthly expense. Sometimes it's once a year or every six months. We have property taxes, business taxes, we have events, holidays, memberships, I mean licenses, and we can go on a whole rest with that. So when we take a step back and look at that picture, then we can actually plan for those things in advance. And that will give us a foundation of what we're spending throughout the year, make it come into a monthly spending. So we're setting aside, we're doing what I call a short term savings. Then we know from there what we need to make or what we have left over so that we could reach our other goals. Yeah.   Unknown Speaker  16:07 That's great. That's great. Well, thank you so much for being here if you want to share where our listeners can connect with you online.   Unknown Speaker  16:16 Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. I always have fun. I love to make money, a fun topic. And I really want to take the taboo out of money so that we can open those conversations, but you can find me you know it all the places that Instagram LinkedIn, YouTube, it's your money on purpose. You My website is all your money on And you just type that in. I'll pop up.   Unknown Speaker  16:42 Awesome. Well, thank you so much. It was great to have you today.   Unknown Speaker  16:45 Yeah, you as well. Thank you so much. I had a great time. Thanks. Transcribed by Get my weekly business tips / newsletter here
The Impact of Nutrition & Fitness as an Entrepreneur with Ashley Carlotta | Episode 22
The Impact of Nutrition & Fitness as an Entrepreneur with Ashley Carlotta | Episode 22
Ashley Carlotta resides in Mckinney, Texas with her husband and 3 kids. She believes that it is absolutely possible to lose weight without being on a diet. As a Certified Health Coach, Ashley has held hundreds of women accountable to eat well and exercise while living in moderation and practicing mindfulness. She is the founder of Better Health by Accountability, coaches women all over the world, and believes that daily accountability support is key to reaching your health and wellness goals. Her accountability coaching provides daily communication, check-ins, guidance and continuous reminders. Ashley’s clients are successful with her direct, no excuses, fun loving coaching style. One of her greatest passions is helping others succeed in finding confidence in their bodies because for so long, she hated her own.  She knows all too well how awful it feels to be stuck in a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting and how freeing it feels to be on the other side of that. Ashley will rarely turn down a girl’s night, loves to dance, and thoroughly likes a good reality show like Married At First Sight.   Links: *Website: *Landing Page for Freebie: 5 tips to living your life like a normal person (while still losing weight): *Instagram: *Facebook: *TikTok: *Linkedin:         Get my weekly business tips here     Unknown Speaker  0:00   If you're a female entrepreneur and you're looking for community, encouragement and empowerment in your journey as a small business owner, this is the podcast for you. Tune in with me as we interview women from all over the world on different walks in their business journey. We'll hear about their highs and their lows, their struggles and successes. They'll share tips and tricks and tutorials on how to grow your business. So pull up a chair and turn the volume up as we share the nitty gritty of female entrepreneurship with no filters, no scripts, no judgment on the no mercy business podcast.   Unknown Speaker  0:49   Well, hello, everyone. Thank you for joining me once again, on the no mercy business podcast. This is your host, Emily Woodruff. And I have a special guest with us today. Ashley Carlotta is here. Why don't you tell us about your business, Ashley?   Unknown Speaker  1:03   Hi, Emily. Thanks so much for having me today. Yeah, so I am an accountability health coach. And I guide mostly women men too, but I guide people to lose weight in a sustainable way without dieting. And without feeling FOMO on their weight loss journey, for lack of a better word fear of missing out is what that means. Because I know a lot of times people start on these restricted diets, and they don't stick to them. So with my coaching, what I'm doing is I'm having my clients send me pictures of what they're eating. And I'm giving them suggestions and guidance along the way, helping them make sure that they're getting enough calories, not eating too many calories, and watching their macros and things like that. I also plan their workouts for them, if that's something that they want to have done, and I hold them accountable to get those workouts in. Without making excuses. I am sending reminders throughout the day, I am making sure that they're eating on some sort of a schedule, sending nudges to drink their water. And sometimes it also turns into like helping them make sure that they go to bed on time with a nudge in that area, you know, or maybe they want to be good about having a daily devotional or meditation in the morning. Really, I'm just the support system to make them make healthier choices. Because ultimately, that's that's what they want. And so yeah, that's my business in a nutshell.   Unknown Speaker  2:30   I love that. So when I first kind of read your bio, I thought it was all health focused, which is really cool. But it's really neat to hear about the, like you just said like a devotional or just daily reminders. I have a friend right now that I'm, I'm doing some things with some medical things in my personal life. And there's a certain thing that I'm not doing every day and I need to and she's like, I'll help you. I can do this great. She hasn't done it once. I knew what she meant, whatever.   Unknown Speaker  3:03   No, I'm telling you, do you have any friends? Or how many times and me and my friends like throughout the years have said, Okay, let's make sure that we don't have any sugar this week or something. And then by the time Thursday rolls around, they're like, Okay, I really want to go to happy hour like do you want to do and it's like, alright, let's throw in the towel. So it really does help to invest in somebody who's like, really going to keep you on track versus somebody who like, wants to make you feel good too. Because I can tell you that like if I tell my husband to be like, okay, don't let me have any ice cream for this week. And the moment he looks at me funny, like on Wednesday when I'm gonna be like, Ah, don't judge me. I'm your wife. You love me however I am.   Unknown Speaker  3:47   Yep, exactly. Exactly. Get it? So how how did you start to get involved with us? What is your backstory with it?   Unknown Speaker  3:57   Sure. So it kind of fell into place in a very natural, random way. I I have had body insecurities from like the age of six years old, where I like looked around me and I realized that like little girls were like a lot smaller and skinnier than me. And I had to put on a leotard and tights for this Nutcracker show. And I was crying and I was telling my mom I didn't want to go out there because I felt like I looked fat and from six years old that truly breaks my heart. I yo yo dieted through my teens and my adult years like in my 20s for sure. I was never satisfied with the way that I looked and I didn't know how to lose weight but again, like I said in the beginning I did it in a very restrictive way. So that by the time I got back to my goal of where I wanted to be like at my wedding, for example, well, then it just it got it came right back. Yeah. So after I had my My second child, meanwhile, let me back up for a second. So I was an accounting and tax professional for years. And all the personality tests and things that I would take because I love taking those tests and stuff it so yeah, you should be a life coach. And you know, you should work with people, I'm extroverted. But I was always sitting behind a desk doing taxes, but yeah, security for me. And at the time, I lived in California in the Bay Area, and I just, there was no risk factor to where I could be like, I'm just gonna quit my job and become a lifeguard right, sir. Plus, I didn't even know what that looked like. So anyway, after I had my second child, I had gained 50 pounds with each pregnancy, and I didn't lose it enough from the first, I was determined to figure this crap out. I was so tired of just not liking the way that I looked in the mirror. I was tired of going on another diet. And so what works for me is, I did have a friend that that actually held up to her part in this is I would send her like my food diary log at the end of the day, we would do it together. And we did that for a long time, because that was just a part of her daily life. Anyway, she was already at her goal and had maintained her goal for years. And so I just kind of started watching what she was doing. I started asking people a lot of questions. I think the problem was that I was never fully vulnerable about it. But once I started to say, I really don't know what I'm doing, like, what do you eat for lunch? You don't I mean, what snacks are you having in the afternoon, because clearly, I'm not choosing the right ones. Or I learned that you're not supposed to restrict before you go out to dinner, like that's the worst thing you can do. But a lot of us tried to like save up our calories because they're going out for a meal. So slowly, but surely, I lost the weight from those two pregnancies. And I just, I felt amazing this time, specifically, because I was incorporating the strength training, I was exercising regularly. And I had done it slow enough to where I felt like, I think I can actually manage it this time. And I did for two solid years, I maintained within like a three to four pound range, which I had never done in my life. Yeah. And then we had another baby, which was a choice I wanted to, but I find myself back at square one, like, Okay, I didn't gain as much weight. But I was like, you know, you just you gotta get back into the motions, and you got to get back to like reining it in. And   Unknown Speaker  7:28   so what I did is I had moved to Texas in the meantime, like as I had my third child, and I wasn't doing the accounting anymore, I had taken a break, and I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do next. So I posted my journey of my weight loss on Instagram, like every normal person, right? But I was like, You know what, if I want the ultimate accountability to actually do this, and not wait for Monday to like, just come around again, then I'm going to do this. So I was logging it. And people just started asking along my journey, what are you doing? What program are you doing? What are you eating? What workouts are you doing? And I was like, I'm not doing any program. Like I truly am just doing this the way that I know how I know what to do. I just wasn't doing it. And so having you all watch me is holding me accountable. And people were like, can you like, can you help me? Like, can you give me tips and stuff like that. And so I slowly but surely I started just like coaching people like friends on the side. And I was like, Oh my gosh, this might be able to become a business. So I started charging people a little bit. And as I saw that it was working. And I even started to have like repeat clients like they'd be with me for 12 weeks. And then you know, they'd go through a season of something, you know, there's things that happen in your life, you have a family member who dies, or you're going through a really hard parenting time or whatever it is, I saw them start to come back like no, really what works is having the support and the accountability to do it because I know what to do. So that's where this came into place better health by accountability. And I truly believe it's the missing piece for most people. I mean, there's nutrition guidance in there, obviously, and workout guidance, but for the most part, it's just having that angel on your shoulder that's there for you and not letting you quit because it's so easy to quit after like three days. Yeah. So that's my long story of how it came to fruition.   Unknown Speaker  9:20   No, it's great. It's important. It's good to hear the whole thing and it's, it makes it makes you more relatable and makes you feel like somebody that we've you know, might resonate with us a little bit but I'm sorry, I'm not getting my words out. Well tonight.   Unknown Speaker  9:35   Later and I'm on the same page as you it's like it's the end of the day, but we can fit this in   Unknown Speaker  9:40   today has been a base. So you work you work a lot with women, moms, entrepreneurs, that's kind of your specialty.   Unknown Speaker  9:50   Yeah, that's great. Yeah. And it's just it I work with mostly people who have really busy schedules Whether it's through their work, or what their kids are doing both, and it just feels so overwhelming to them, if they've been out of this healthy lifestyle for so long that they need somebody to come in and be like, Alright, what do I do? Tell me what to do, you know, take the thinking out of it a little bit for me. Now, granted, I do make you think. But for the most part, it's just like, I try to make it easy for them so that they can do this. So they don't see oh, I have to go do an hour workout at the gym every single day. Like that's just not going to work for a lot of people. So if you can get 15 minutes and that you weren't doing yesterday, that's better than nothing. If you can maybe get a vegetable on your plate today that you didn't eat any yesterday. That's better than nothing, right? Sure.   Unknown Speaker  10:42   Yeah, for sure. So why don't you talk about how you see nutrition and fitness and how they affect your productivity and your mental wellness? And how that can look in your, your personal and business life?   Unknown Speaker  10:58   Yeah, so as women in general men too, but as women, we can be very emotional. And I don't mean that by Boothbay. Yeah, no, I know. But a lot of times we are eating, because we're trying to comfort ourselves in some area, sometimes we're celebrating, sometimes we're sad, sometimes we're depressed, right. And I have found that with productivity in not only just your business, but just in running your life, you know, we have to like plan our day. And all of those things like if you have a foggy mind, because you're eating just like crap. And by crap, I mean, that doesn't even necessarily mean eating like a bunch of us food or anything. But if you're not fueling your body properly, you are not going to be running like a well oiled machine when it comes to your thought processes and getting things done. And you're also just not going to feel strong. I know a lot of us want to have, you know, a firm or a muscular body composition. And if you're not lifting any weights, or you're not making time to go out and go for a walk and make time to breathe and take those breaks. Yeah. And you're just sitting because I don't know about for you, Emily, but like when you have your own business, it's like, you could always be doing something, oh, yeah, I had a to do list a mile long. And I could just keep adding to it. And I could choose not to get up and go to my workout, I could choose not to get up and fill up my water, or put together a lunch that really is probably only going to take me five minutes. But in my mind, it just seems like I have so much to do. Yeah, you will feel better, you will sleep better. And you will have more energy in the day, if you're taking care of yourself. And so that's why I just think it's so important. And me as an entrepreneur myself, I have to hold myself accountable to do those things and make sure that I'm asking myself, when I'm craving chocolate, or when I'm craving something like chips or things like that. It's I have to pause. I always suggest pausing. Why is it because you haven't had a good meal and a couple of hours? Is it because you're feeling an emotion, like and you're just really mad at your partner and you need to like call your friend or your mom or like take the roads or get in the bath or whatever it is right? Like, I can promise you that most of the time if you are binge eating, or you're gravitating to things such as like not just choosing one cookie, but six cookies. Because something else internally is going on, maybe you're really stressed at work. I know that was a trigger for me in the tax accounting office to like during those busy seasons. At the time, I used to just stop everything, it stopped my health journey, essentially because it's like, well, Work comes first and you get in the office at 7pm and I mean 7am And literally like I'd have to make myself leave to come home because the work Yes, for stops. But I always hated it because I knew I needed more balance in my life. But it was just the profession that I was in. So I did like I did have to start setting boundaries. I did have to start putting on my calendar from 11am to 1130 I'm walking I'm gonna go out and walk because I know I'm going to be here forever and I need to get some air. I mean and you know if you take breaks, you can come back feeling refreshed and get more work done. But if you're not you it's just you feel rundown and yeah, you know how it is? It's yeah, a lot. Yeah.   Unknown Speaker  14:41   I so I have a regular nine to five job also. So I sit at a desk all day long today was I said today it was a day and it's because meeting started at eight o'clock and ran until the first one ended at almost 11 which is a really fun way to start your De Yeah. And then I had to listen to a recording from a meeting two days ago, that was two and a half hours long. I didn't get a lunch hour, and we had a bid do so we have all these things that I can't, I literally am not supposed to get up from my desk. I, you know, I wear like a smartwatch or whatever, and it'll buzz at me and tell me, Hey, you haven't moved in a while, then like, but I'm in a meeting and I'm, I'm checking bids, and I'm checking emails, and I literally can't do anything different. And then when I get little 10 minute bursts, I almost am like running down the hallways trying to like, I just have to move, I just have to do something, you know. So it's really difficult for that. And because I live so far from my house, or from my live so far from my work, I'm in the car for two extra hours every day. So I'm sitting, and it's just, it's so difficult. And then you get home. And it's like, well, I have all these things to do. But I know that I need to go for a walk or I know that I need to do this. And it's, I can just relate to this a lot.   Unknown Speaker  16:05   And you are so not alone. Like that's really a lot of us are living in that same world. And I understand like, it's an you got to go to work, and you got to get there and you got to sit in the car to get there. Right. Yeah. And it really is a lot. And that's why I believe in making things easy for you. Yeah, making sure that you know, like, for example, what protein filled lunch you're going to have, and you're going to make it easy. And you know, you're probably going to make that every single day. And that doesn't even need to be like meal prepped on Sunday, because that's not something I would ever do. I'm kind of more of a spontaneous, spontaneous person. But it's like, if you know, you're not gonna be able to get up for your desk for hours. And you might be stuck on a call or a meeting or whatever, you better believe you need to have like a drawer of like some nuts and some protein bars, or whatever. And you need to just be you know, I mean, we all need to eat, we all need to go to the bathroom. And it's like, you have to start setting those boundaries there too. And I'm not saying that you have to block out like full 30 minutes. Yeah, they're, even if that means that you're going and you're scarfing down your salad real quick, I hate that because I want you to be mindful of it. You know, you also need to make sure that you have snacks in the car so that when you come home, you're not like ravishing through the pantry or Yeah, picking up takeout that, you know is like not the best thing. But by then you're so burnt out, and you're hungry, and you're tired. And you don't want to think and so that's where I come in to really help you to be like, Okay, do you have some turkey meat in the fridge? Like, let's roll it up into a tortilla, put some fruit next to that and like call it a day for dinner? If like, if if that's what it is, if you don't have time to cook, you know? And yeah, I know it is. It's hard. If you're coming home and you're like, cool. I haven't worked out yet. And you're just but I can promise you that if you do again, even for a short amount of time, like a 10 minute strength video or something. You're all of a sudden, gonna have more energy to complete anything else that you need to do that evening. Yeah. But it's just about actually doing it in. Yeah, like, well, I'll do it tomorrow.   Unknown Speaker  18:11   Yeah, well, and in some other things I can kind of speak to a little bit is that so I have PCOS. So I fight with a lot of other things on top of my regular health struggles, you know, just dietary struggles and things but so I've been really trying to drink like a protein shake. I'm not somebody I don't like fruit. And I don't know if I am ready to put that on the internet. But I just I don't eat it. I just have never liked it. But if I can have a protein shake, I can guarantee that I get fruit every single day. And I eventually once I'm more consistent with it, I can start sneaking vegetables in there. And I can I've done this before, and I've lost tons of weight really fast really easily. And now. So here's the funny thing. We have kind of a small hobby farm. And we just got goats last week. Yeah, so now they're my goats too. So I have to go out there every single day, which seems like it's not a big commitment. It's really not that far. But it forces me to get out of the house. And I don't usually come home and just sit down. But it forces me to walk further. And to run around in the pen with the goats and let them climb on me and put you know, just the things that I do interacting with them. I already noticed a difference in just little things like that, you know, right? Yeah, like just the walk out there. I hit my step school during the week. And normally I come in like 800 Steps short of it like so I'm always close but now I do it every single day. And if nothing else, it just makes me like yeah, I can.   Unknown Speaker  19:53   Like I have a purpose and I have to go do something you know they need you to yeah I'm super cute. We work with a lot of clients that have PCOS. And it's even more important, I know you don't want to hear this. And I know you've heard it already, it's even more important to focus on your nutrition, making sure that you're having really balanced meals with enough protein, especially in the morning. So that's great if you can put all the fruit in that you can in there and get it in and granted you I mean, really like two servings of it, it's fine. Anyways, I would rather have more vegetables. Sometimes our clients find it helpful to be gluten free, when you have PCOS. Sometimes it works, sometimes others don't really see a difference. Yeah, unfortunately, it's just it is what it is weight loss is slower, it just and which is reason why you need to be even more consistent and not have it be a race, it's got to just be a lifestyle. And that doesn't mean that you don't have you know, a glass of wine in your piece of cake. And you don't have to be like so strict that. But you have to be consistent with it and you have to eat throughout the day. You can't go from nine to five and then be starving and have a huge meal after that. Like that's not how your body works. And not Yeah, your metabolism.   Unknown Speaker  21:17   Yeah. And then that is something for me personally, that I'm trying very hard to I'm trying really hard right now to add steps to my day. And because it's beautiful fall weather, we have really great weather right now. So and I'm, I'm Ginger skin so I don't love being in the sun in the summertime. So I usually will walk on my lunches. And that is super helpful for me. And then I'm trying to do like the shakes thing. And then shortly here, I'll add something else into it. But yeah, anyway, yeah, that's just me and my little journey. But what I don't think   Unknown Speaker  21:49   that's important, I think it's important to not change everything all at once. Because otherwise we won't stick to it, I think that it's good that you're choosing like, Okay, I'm doing this first, then I'm gonna add this in. And then when you're consistent with that, you can add another thing in.   Unknown Speaker  22:04   Yeah, and I know too, I know that winter is coming. So some of some of those habits will just naturally change because it's going to be like below zero, and the wind will hurt my face. And I don't want to be outside walking for that. So once hopefully by that point, I will be so used to it that it will feel natural for me to want to go downstairs and use our treadmill and you know, do it in other ways. But yeah, so for people who are not me, what are some other tweaks or some additions that you would suggest somebody add to their daily, your morning routine?   Unknown Speaker  22:37   Sure. I think it's important to not grab your phone first thing in the morning. I know for me, that's something I used to do. And I would stress myself out because then my kids needed me. But then I needed to respond to something and all of a sudden, like my mind was all worried and anxious. So I think getting up for me personally, I like to read a Bible verse of some kind. And I mean, when I say meditate on that, like, I'm literally talking like a minute, like, I'm not asking anybody to do like 20 minutes, but it's just like, think positively. You know, for me, I like to thank God for whatever it is that's going on in my life that's going well at that time. And then you know, a lot of times a little prayer will be like, alright, Lord, help me through this day. You know, I'm not a morning person. So a lot for me to get out of bed. Yeah, I think it is important to make sure that you're drinking enough water throughout the day, people just, they neglect that a lot. And the reason is, is one it can help speed up your metabolism, it's not going to make it go in like you know, a crazy way or anything like that. But it helps but it also makes you think about whether or not you're actually hungry or if you're just dehydrated. So I always drink a big cup of water before my cup of coffee in the morning. And I also recommend not just having coffee without having some kind of food with it as well. Because it can also it can be like acidic for your stomach and it's just it's good to pair with that and and just make sure to eat breakfast a lot of people do fasting. It's not wrong. It's just not what I teach my clients to do. Because I know for me like if my if I'm in a good routine, like if my stomach's not growling by 9am I know like something's off, right? Yeah. And making sure that you're not drinking too much alcohol. I know that's like a party pooper thing to say. But really, if you're drinking wine into the late hours of the night, yeah, and I just wake up feeling groggy and yucky. Right so watching that. But also in the morning. I just I really believe in just prepping somewhat for your day like I would I hate it sometimes when my clients are so rushed that it's like, okay, you made your kids lunches. You did all these things. You got them to school yet you left and you didn't bring any thing for yourself. Like, we have to treat ourselves like children too. And we have to take care of ourselves because we're needed in the world, whether or not you have kids or not, it's like to be just like a good human. You need to eat or else you're just gonna be an irritable angry person is   Unknown Speaker  25:16   so good. That's so good. That's so real. Because I'm sitting here like, Yep, I packed my husband his lunch most days, not, not every day. Do things for him, I make sure our kid has some of them before we get out the door and make sure everybody's got their bags. And then I'm like, Oh, crap, we're five minutes late, you know? And, okay, I guess I'll stop at the gas station and get something and it's just never, you know. I mean, I get like goldfish, so it's not like anything horrible, but it's not great. You know?   Unknown Speaker  25:45   Well, I mean, Goldfish are horrible, but they're definitely not feeling you. I can tell, you know, some goldfish. I'm going to be hungry in about 20 minutes after that.   Unknown Speaker  25:54   Yeah. No, that's great. So do you have any, this is just kind of a sidebar. But you mentioned having something like with your coffee, is there anything in particular that you would suggest?   Unknown Speaker  26:07   Yeah, so for my clients who get up, and they like to have a cup of coffee and not eat like a whole meal before going to the gym. For my early workouts, I usually recommend like having like a half of banana and a piece of toast, or just a handful of almonds, you could do a half of a protein bar, I just like you to get something in your system. Now, if you're not a, you know, morning work router, then I really would suggest trying to wait to have coffee until you're ready to eat your breakfast. And I feel like it goes together. So I mean, what am I favorite breakfast is is avocado toast, which is like so basic, right? But I do that a few things on the site. It's so good. It's so nice. Some people don't like avocado, and we can't really be friends if you   Unknown Speaker  26:54   don't like what's great.   Unknown Speaker  26:57   I also like to do oatmeal with berries, and I put like some collagen or protein powder in it too. Just what am I trying to put up a little bit beefy? Thank you. Yeah. And, um, Greek yogurt, or cottage cheese with berries are really good options. I mean, there's a lot like, even the I don't know if you've heard of the Kodiak brand, but they have that for pancakes and waffles like so you can eat what you want. You just have to make sure that it has protein in it. And I promise you that healthy food is good food, I think a lot of what to do. And we think like, Okay, I need to have spinach. And it's like, okay, yes, spinach is good. And yes, put it in a protein smoothie. That's another thing that you can have as you're drinking your coffee. But it doesn't have to be boring. And it doesn't have to be difficult, like I give my clients a lot of meal ideas and healthy recipes. And I can tell you that if it weren't easy, I wouldn't do it either. So I had to make it easy for myself. And you do have to make it a priority though. Like you the you do have to put some work in.   Unknown Speaker  28:00   Yeah, no, I think that's great. I think that's awesome. Well, thank you so much for your time. This is really great. Where Where can our listeners find you online or connect with you?   Unknown Speaker  28:10   Yeah, well, my website is better health by accountability. You'll see me and my coaches on there, and it'll explain a little bit more about what we do. But go grab your freebie. It's like how to eat like a normal person without dieting and to lose weight. So go grab the freebie, but mostly I hang out on Instagram at Better health by accountability. And seriously, feel free to reach out and ask any questions. I'm on there a lot. And I like to chat so   Unknown Speaker  28:36   awesome. Well, thank you so much. I I really enjoyed this.   Unknown Speaker  28:41   Thanks, Emily. I really appreciate your time and you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work. Thanks.   Unknown Speaker  28:45   Thanks. Before we go, I just wanted to reach out real quick. A lot of you have talked about starting your own podcast and you're just not sure where to start. I wanted to let you know that Libsyn is an awesome platform. And right now they have a great deal for you to join if you use the code Woodruff WOD Are you Ff you can get in at a great rate and get started today. Feel free to shoot me an email or send me a message if you have any questions. I would love to walk you through starting on your own   Transcribed by
Getting out of your own way with Ana Maria Tromp | Episode 21
Getting out of your own way with Ana Maria Tromp | Episode 21
After working in HR for 20 years, Ana Maria recently quit her 9-5 job to go full-time in her coaching business, Coach & Bounce.    She was born in Venezuela and have lived in Aruba and the Netherlands. Ana Maria is a mom of two girls, living currently in Aruba. She has experienced different challenges in life that led her to become a Women's Empowerment Coach. She helps women go from being stuck and overwhelmed to more energy, clarity, and confidence so they can manage their life better and hit their goals.   Her entrepreneurial journey has been scary and super exciting at the same time. She started with what she thought was important (logo, name, and website) unit the point that it was obvious that what was holding her back were her fears. She has focussed on healing some core wounds to be able to show up with confidence and create the results that her clients desire. Get my weekly business tips here Unknown Speaker  0:00   If you're a female entrepreneur and you're looking for community, encouragement and empowerment in your journey as a small business owner, this is the podcast for you. Tune in with me as we interview women from all over the world on different walks in their business journey. We'll hear about their highs and their lows, their struggles and successes. They'll share tips and tricks and tutorials on how to grow your business. So pull up a chair and turn the volume up as we share the nitty gritty of female entrepreneurship, with no filters, no scripts, no judgment, on the no mercy business podcast. Before we go, I just wanted to reach out real quick. A lot of you have talked about starting your own podcast and you're just not sure where to start. I wanted to let you know that Libsyn is an awesome platform. And right now they have a great deal for you to join. If you use the code Woodruff WOD Are you FF, you can get in at a great rate and get started today. Feel free to shoot me an email or send me a message. If you have any questions I would love to walk you through starting on your own.   Unknown Speaker  1:22   Well, hello, everyone. Thank you so much for being here for another week on the no mercy business podcast. This is your host Emily Woodruff. And I have a special guest with me today. Her name is Anna Maria Trump, and she is going to tell you a little bit more about herself.   Unknown Speaker  1:39   Yes, hi. Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here. So yes, my name is Anna Maria thrombin. I live in Aruba. And I'm a woman empowerment coach. And so by that I help women feel empowered by getting out of overwhelmed and feeling stuck and like really moving towards their goal. So the result of working with me is having clarity and feeling more energized and ready to really focus on what it's important for them in their life.   Unknown Speaker  2:11   That's awesome. How did you get started working with the women empowerment specifically.   Unknown Speaker  2:21   So at a certain point, I niche needed to find. But I've started very general, like, Okay, I maybe kind of a background I use, I'm from Aruba. Originally, I used to live in the Netherlands and I worked there for my whole life. So I didn't have any experience working in a Caribbean island, which was different from my working experience in the Netherlands. So at a certain point, I thought, okay, even though I'm from here, I need like something needs to help me to have better conversations at the workplace. So that's how I ended up doing the coaching training. So it really started very broad, very general. But I've always had like, I don't want to call it like feminist type of energy. But I do think that we are amazing as women. Yeah, and most of the time we hold ourselves back. Mostly because of we want to do things perfectly. We want to people, please, we are avoiding any type of judgment and rejection. So I ended up little by little, like every client that I attracted was a woman. And that gave me energy. And the thought of working with men is not something that I have not done as a coach is just that I just think that we are amazing. I prefer to work with women. That's great. And specifically helping women like really reach their potential. I think that that's something that not knowing your potential is something I worked specifically because most of the times that you don't know your own potential, and then really connecting to that and really working towards detoxing of any framework that you have been programmed with. So yes, that's great.   Unknown Speaker  4:03   I used to do, I used to be a boudoir photographer. So I love women and just love that's that's who I focus on too. Obviously, it's just women wherever they are really feeling like you can feed into one another. And obviously speaking from a woman's standpoint, you can you can relate to each other a little differently than if I had male clients and like you say, I'm not opposed to working with men. But I can connect with women on a totally different level and feel like I can. I feel like my impact with them is so much better than me trying to connect with a male for obvious reasons. You know, I had somebody the other day just saying why women and like what do you mean, why not women? Like why not? Because I need to feed into that, you know? No, it's great. So how, how did you you've recently switched from working a nine to five to doing this full Time, what did that look like for you making that switch?   Unknown Speaker  5:04   Very scary, for sure. It's not an easy job. Let me just go back and you finish your coaching training. And to me, it was like, That angelic moment that you see a movies like the sun shining and the angels were singing. Yeah, it felt like, Okay, this is what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. And then you go back and you crunch the numbers, and I was an HR manager, I was making a good salary. And then you start comparing, and then it's like, Oh, my God, this will never like, kind of a reality check. And I thought, okay, if I wanted to make that amount of money that I would have to have, like, 200 clients for the way that I was searching. So I think the job like really, as, as I think, I hope the majority of people think I started with, I need a website, and I need a logo, and I need to like really have those really tangible things in place. And then you have them and you think, Okay, I'm gonna pose one time. So they are two times and then clients will come to me. And that's not the reality of it. And with the thing that I need to work and focus most on was my own fears. My own fear of being rejected me trying to do things perfectly. You think that that one thing would make it happen, right? So it's not the one post is the compound effect of everything that you show? It's going live people getting to know you like, being yourself. So all the things that I thought I needed to work on board were in place would not get me clients. And then when I started to really like, yeah, like stair stepping out of my own way, that was the thing that I thought, Okay, now making clients and I think the belief part is essential, like really believing, besides crunching the numbers. And of course, that's important, the finance part, but like really believing a really, I'm good at what I'm doing, I can offer value. I really can help you like I have a council call later on today. And I'm already like, Oh, my God. Yeah. And that feeling is amazing. And that converts like that really created a foundation of me saying, Okay, now now I feel that I can do it. But it was a lot of mindset work. It was besides having the website and the business card, and the logo and the colors and the branding, which are important to get. Those are important. But it really started like jumping, like really jumping really was me working in the past two years on my mindset and a mind drama, and the roller coaster of emotions that yeah, that you step in as an entrepreneur. It's part of that. But having fear doesn't mean that you need to, that you have made a wrong choice. It's just something that you need to learn to deal with it. So yes,   Unknown Speaker  8:01   it's great. So you ended up like having to coach yourself to be able to be your own to be able to do your coaching business been right?   Unknown Speaker  8:08   Yeah, yeah. And I also I shared it with my clients as well, because I think it's there's something when I started that, that perfect image that you want to create. So coaches that I know, my business and I have figured out all and that's how I can help you. But I don't think that that's a I mean, I have my own mind drama, on a different level that my clients have, right. So you're a step, a couple of steps forwards from your clients. But that doesn't mean that you're a human. So you also have your own mind drama. And you also have your own insecurities and fears. So I think it's, I, I love it when my coach says I have a coach. So because I yeah, I mean, we're not perfect as coaches, we also have need the support as well as our clients need it for them to like, yeah, get on there, get out of their own way. So yes, having a coach is something that I, I am passionate about being a coach, but I'm passionate about also having that support for myself. Yeah,   Unknown Speaker  9:11   and I think that's important in any type of business that you're in, whether you're an entrepreneur, or if you're in a big corporation, they always kind of say it's lonely at the top. So if you're doing it by yourself, you you obviously need to have people pouring into you because there's no one around you. Entrepreneurship is lonesome sometimes and yeah, but it's also true in big corporate or, you know, regular regular corporations, our everyday job sort of thing. I'm really fortunate at my nine to five that we do have leadership training. annually. We have things that are pouring into us we have underlying things that we're able to do like throughout the year, but I know that a lot of companies do not offer that. And yeah, it's yeah, it's isn't necessary on every level. That's that was the point I was trying to   Unknown Speaker  10:03   make. Yeah, there you are. Yeah. Whether you think specifically with with us independent strong women, we tend to forget that it's okay to have support. So it's okay to reach out and have that support as well. And I've worked in corporate and I, for 20 years. So it's it, there's no shame or you should have any guilt and need in that support. It's also not something that you need to be afraid of being dependable off. It's just the same way that you service your car, you go once in a while to service your car, we all kind of need that kind of mirror in front of us to do the chat like, okay. And most of the time, like we we tend to think that we are alone, that we are the only one have in mind drama, that we are the only one struggling with a certain issue. And I mean, specifically now working internationally, like working with people all over the world. Yeah, it's, I think that that's what I love the most like, it doesn't matter where you are, it doesn't matter what your background is, we as humans and have the same things that we encounter. So yes, for sure. I   Unknown Speaker  11:24   love that. I love that. So you do work with people internationally, you work with, with anyone anywhere in the world,   Unknown Speaker  11:32   I work with anyone in the world, that I feel we have a chemistry, I think my cookie is women that feel stuck and overwhelmed, because I know how difficult it is to get out of there. And my, my clients are ambitious women, strong women. I just posted. We love you personal development, we love reading books, we love that. But there's another thing in loving that having that level of awareness and taking action. So I did set up my business for it to be online. Because it's something that I really was wanted to have that in my life. So that has allowed me to really meet people all over the world and have clients all over the world as well. And I think that that's what we what I can say now a couple of years further, like that's so amazing to see that we have so much in common like we forget that when we kind of compare ourselves with someone else, but we have so much in common.   Unknown Speaker  12:35   Oh yeah, for sure. For sure. We're all doing the same life here. It's just looks a little different from the outside, you know? Yeah. That's great. So what what do you what's in your forefront for your business? What's something exciting that's coming up any anything you've got in the works?   Unknown Speaker  12:54   Um, so I've been in my business full time for three months now. So the transition has been interesting. Let me just say, for anyone listening, like I prepared myself, I had the mindset said, but life happens anyway. So my focus for now is like certain certain foundations that when you are not working full time, you would have had no time or focus on so that's something that I am working on right now. And for now, I'm really focusing on like, I have a masterclass tomorrow that I'm very excited about about silencing your inner critic, because that's something that we all struggle with. And it's such a transformation within an hour you, you just get to know yourself a little bit better. And without even deciding to work with me, you can on your own start making some shifts in your mindset. My focus now is my 12 week coaching program. So I offer a 12 week coaching program. It's a one on one coaching program. We meet for 12 weeks. And I help you like really we decide on what it is that workout will focus on. And I think this is like the perfect timing. We tend to wait until January to make our New Year's resolutions. What how amazing it is to end the year on a high note so that you feel like that you're kicking off the year on a high note as well. So it's a perfect timing to work on that. So that's something that I am a podcast I'm excited about next year long term.   Unknown Speaker  14:30   That's exciting. Good for you. And that takes a lot to be able to manage mastermind classes and one on one that's a lot.   Unknown Speaker  14:38   Yeah, yeah, it is right I must say like, although I thought okay, I'm gonna have a super super time because you're now full time that's not the case. Yes, still keeping the focus on is very important. And I said mastermind is a masterclass Sorry, I keep on its masterclass. So, And every now and then I have a special so this month is energy shift session. So it's specifically for women that feel that they wake up drained, it doesn't matter how long you sleep, you just feel tired, you feel like you're live being live is living you instead of the other way around the three o'clock in the afternoon type of dip, short fuse, you feel irritated by a lot of things without knowing that. So if you want a quick assessment of that, and a strategy on how to start shifting things around, I have a special for this month as well. So I know that I have more time I am excited about, like really jumping on my inspiration and creativity to help people besides my 12 week coaching program. Yeah,   Unknown Speaker  15:51   no, that's great. That's super exciting. We'll have to link it in the comments. And thanks for people to check that out.   Unknown Speaker  16:00   Do you have anything that any like words of advice or first step that you would encourage listeners who might be considering coaching? Like like reaching out to a coach, if there's something that they should look for in every coach, or something that should resonate with them? Before they select one, you   Unknown Speaker  16:21   know? Yeah, I think it's important to have a chemistry with the person like to really listen to that notch, let me just start with that, like really listened to the fact that there is a certain level in which you can achieve certain things on your own. But there is a point in which you know that you will need some support. So just follow that gut instinct, innocence, that intuition. And when finding a coach, look around, have counsel calls, I offer counsel call to everyone, I think it's important for the coach as the person that's looking to coach a coach as well to have a chemistry because you, you're pouring your heart out, you're meeting someone for 12 weeks, or maybe longer than that. So there needs to be a connection. And you really need to don't do it from a fear of missing out like, Oh, my God, I need to do this because this person has a special or it's that price range or anything like yeah, you really need to have a very deep trust in the person that you are selecting. And there needs to be that chemistry between the two of you. And trust that this person is going to help me she gets me and she's going to help me. Yeah,   Unknown Speaker  17:38   totally agree. Totally agree. I did. One of my friends was going through her teaching certification. She's almost done with it now. But I was able to be one of her first students. And that was so important for us to be able to relate to each other and connect and feel like I can actually speak with her and she can talk to me and I can take it enough professional manner instead of me just like talking to my friends. And you know, her being able to be separate from it was a really big, it was really neat to start out and kind of see her in a professional light and see things differently from her perspective. So it's I haven't done too much coaching on my end, but my experience with it so far. It's been really good.   Unknown Speaker  18:24   Yeah, so that is I love coaching I get a coach. Yeah. Yeah,   Unknown Speaker  18:30   I mean, for me personally, I have coached people, but I haven't had tons of experience. Yeah,   Unknown Speaker  18:38   yeah. I was gonna come into the ICF I add something to that is go into the coaching, with the determination that no matter what you're gonna get out of it, what it is that you need. Because I have hired coaches in the past in which I did it from a point of view of a very needing energy and then you jump in to try expecting that person to like, fix your whole life. Yeah. And that's when this league you get disappointed because you need to go into the coach and feeling empowered, that no matter what you are going to get out of the coaching what you need out of the coaching. And that's in your hand and not in the other person's hands. So that's an addition to someone else.   Unknown Speaker  19:29   That's great. That's really important. Well, awesome. Where Where can our listeners find you online? Where can they connect with you?   Unknown Speaker  19:38   I am mostly now on Instagram, which is Coach bones of resilience. There you can find me Yeah. i We can link my website as well. For   Unknown Speaker  19:52   sure. Well, thank you so much for being here. Is there any last minute things you'd want to share with anyone? Oh, Um,   Unknown Speaker  20:01   don't wait. That's the only thing I always keep on saying Don't wait. Don't wait for the perfect circumstances don't wait until the other person does something, just just do it. And, and I mean, you have nothing to lose with a console if in terms of off of just filling out the chemistry with someone, just get the support. Don't wait, make your dreams a reality. And there is nothing special about me making the jump. That's something that I want to say like, we all are unique. But I don't think that there's anything special about me, a girl from Venezuela living in Aruba. And with a lot of money, mindset blocks and fears that took this job that would be different   Unknown Speaker  20:46   for you. You can do it. Yes, you are special, but we're all special, too. And so what you're saying? Yeah, but I   Unknown Speaker  20:56   I used to think like, oh, she must be have yes or that in order for her to have make her dreams? Yeah. In order for her to create that life. And I just think that we are all in the same way and be special. Yeah, and unique. And there is nothing more special about someone else that is doing that. Then you besides making the decision to just don't wait and just make even if it's taken a little step today, just do it.   Unknown Speaker  21:22   That's great. Well, thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you being here. Yes. Okay.   Transcribed by