Recovering in Business when Burnout Hits

No Mercy Business Podcast with Emily A Woodruff

06-12-2022 • 28 minutes

Title: Recovering in Business when Burnout Hits


Entrepreneurship can be a rollercoaster for your emotions, ammiright? For some, you may have started your business because you were feeling a bit… underappreciated in your old position? Maybe you even felt undervalued? Ringing any bells?? Maybe you just completely lost interest or the job didn’t spark your joy after a while. Or perhaps, you woke up from an autopilot-like state and realized… you never felt that “spark” to begin with.

If you have ever felt this way, don’t worry– you are in good company. Left unchecked, these feelings result in burnout. Burnout is not this magical feeling that only teachers, nurses, or social workers can feel. It can be any job for any of the reasons mentioned before. Dare I say… you can even feel burnout in your *own* business.

In today’s episode, Emily is talking to business specialist, Kylie Ota, who specializes in burnout recovery. For all the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, or CliftonStrengths enthusiasts out there, this episode is right up your alley. Kylie shows us her business expertise by explaining the four different archetypes that we, as female entrepreneurs, can display during burnout. But here’s the great news, not only does she give us these four different archetypes, but also how the burnout recovery can begin for each.

Want to hear more? Tune in to this insightful episode of the No Mercy Business Podcast with special guest, Kylie Ota.
Unknown Speaker 0:00 Hey. Well, hello, everyone. Thank you so much for being here for another week of the No Mercy business podcast. I am your host, Emily Woodruff. And I am super excited to have Kylie OTA on here today. Kylie, why don't you go ahead and tell us about your business and what you specialize in. Unknown Speaker 0:21 So thanks, Emily for having me on today. It was so great connecting with you initially, and just hearing about your podcast and a lot of the things that you've talked about regarding burnout, which is what I help people with. And your story about burnout really intrigued me. And so anyway, without further ado, my name is Kyle Yota. I'm a Business burnout coach for female entrepreneurs, and I help them really understand the root causes of burnout so that they can pluck it out of their lives and really heal and recover from it. Because my burnout journey was, it was a long, long process of recovery. The physical pieces were or I would say, easily healed, or I was rested, I took supplements, from my natural path. And the physical symptoms cleared up right away. But the part that really got to me was when my doctor was like, okay, yes. And you need to alter it, you need to make some lifestyle changes. Yeah, really need lifestyle changes, or this will just resurface again a year later, and you're gonna be back in the same spot. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:33 Okay, so Unknown Speaker 1:36 that was really hard to hear. I mean, before that, I started seeing my natural path for just increasing my energy, I was a shift worker for 19 years. And right, in oil and gas, manufacturing, and just working days and nights. All of that really takes a toll on your body. And when my life group leader introduced me to her naturopath, I was like, Oh, my gosh, she's like, my energy is up through the roof. And so the first thing that we did was, you know, really fix the eating habits and figure out my food sensitivity so that I knew what to fuel my body with, so that I could increase my energy. Yeah, a lot of people were going to see him for that special diet for the weight loss. And I'm like, Well, I did actually lose about 2025 pounds during that diet, but it didn't really matter. That wasn't really what I was going to see him for. It was energy that she had talked about. So my energy went through the roof. And I was I thought I was doing good. I was really, you know, eating clean. And then all of a sudden, I went through a really stressful season. And as I like I just my bodies hang out in a major project at work, and got remarried, we have a blended family. Unknown Speaker 2:59 So how can relate to that? Unknown Speaker 3:02 Yeah. And it for me, it was like I was still eating clean. I hadn't really I wasn't really working out. Well, who has time to work out when you're working 6070 hours a week? Yeah. But actually, I was planning my wedding. And in the middle of a major project at work like a multi, I would say million, almost billion dollar project at work. And so I was still eating clean because I was going right into my wedding. Yeah. Into my wedding. Yeah. But then the hours that I was working, there was one week or I had clocked in over 100 hours. And I only knew that because I couldn't actually type in a three digit code for that three digit number for that week. So I had to talk to HR and say, Hey, I actually worked, like over 100 hours this week, and it was just crazy. So really understanding how I was working. And what was really motivating me and driving me was really the beginning of understanding the burnout journey for not only myself, I became a health coach, you know, learned the health things, there was an adrenal protocol that that I, I studied under, and I learned and I was applying that to my health coaching clients. Then a lot of my health coaching clients, well, clients, colleagues, they saw all of the systems and automations that I was building in my health coaching business, and that's how we're gonna transition into business, the business side of things and helping people set up their technology and their automations because right, we're online business owners. You have to you have to have random social media presence, you have to learn how to have links and like, what's the lead magnet and set up in email thing? Unknown Speaker 5:05 And Unknown Speaker 5:06 because I was, I guess, I don't know, I love technology like, I love actually, I'm, I'm an early adopter for apps, and I love figuring things out. It's probably because of the oil and gas background where, you know, we will get technology have to install it. Those are a lot of my projects, like getting new technology and installing it inside of the plant and understanding how it would all work, and then having to teach my colleagues do the training and all of that to teach them how it all worked. And I love figuring things out. I love tinkering, you know, so if you're not familiar, oil and gas manufacturing, I was in the field. And so that meant I had coveralls had a tool belt. I had a hard hat. I had steel toed boots. So I was out there. It was yeah, in some office I was out there with no, like, I'm with all the dudes working. Yeah. Because I know you have some of that background too, right? I mean, Unknown Speaker 6:11 I do I do. I work for a commercial construction company. There's only two women in our whole company. And there's only been four women in the over 100 years that we've been around. So there's a very small group of us. Unknown Speaker 6:27 Right, but I get to where I Unknown Speaker 6:29 don't have to wear steel toed boots and don't have to wear, you know, the same things they do most of the time. But sometimes they yell at me, but you know, Unknown Speaker 6:38 so that's the other thing with the stress and all of that it's not only the physical stress that my body was under, but there's a lot of that psychological stress. And I was in the army, I joined the Army right out of high school in order to find my way through college, and it's, it's crazy, like almost the same type of I would say, like boot camp language. And locker room language is what happens in these industries. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of that goes on. And it, it really takes a certain type of individual to be able to sift through that. And it's like a different language. It is. Unknown Speaker 7:25 It is we so my husband is also in the construction field. And we like, from him. To me, we don't like swear with each other, which sounds I feel like a middle schooler when I talk about this, but like he and I don't swear to each other in our regular conversations for the most part. But if he's talking about things that like happened in a shop, or I talk about when I was in the field will notice it. And then we're like, Okay, I just called you dude. And I said the F word three times. And that is not how I talk to you, my husband, and you know, and we kind of just laugh and it Yeah, it really is a culture. And then when I go in the field at my work now, you can see the men physically like, thinking about the words that they have to say, because not only am I what am I a woman, I'm a woman from the office, so they feel like they have to alter everything. And I'm like, It's okay. As long as you're not swearing at me. I really don't care. Right, right. Talk to me like you talk to your your guys out here. I don't care. Just don't call me names. That's all. That's all I'm saying. You know, it's funny. Yeah, it's Unknown Speaker 8:35 so it's, yeah. And same thing, I met my husband on the job. So when we talk about work things. I mean, we still talk about work things because he still works in a field and then I he comes home, and we talk about things that happen and like, oh, yeah, bla bla bla bla. And, yes, yeah, it's just so weird. Like how the language shift the energy shifts when we talk about work stuff. And yeah, like we don't say we don't talk to each other a day. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 9:07 Yeah, I call I call like, the different conversations we have. I named them like, different personalities for him. So my husband's name is Dan. So when it's hunting season, I call him Deer Camp Dan. And like when he's outside, I, you know, he's like, work from home, Dan, and this is shop, Dan, and it makes me get less mad at him. Because I take it out of him. Make it someone else, you know, so. But yeah, it's just funny how we do that sort of thing. So I want to hear about how you you have developed this, this personality test. It goes through and kind of teaches you how to determine what your burnout type is kind of names, do an archetype and then teaches you some resources or gives you some resources on how to avoid that. Why don't you talk about that for a minute? Unknown Speaker 9:56 Yeah. Yeah, for sure. So it, if you're interested in taking and getting your own archetype, you can go to burnout archetype And just type that in and it'll take you through a quiz. It's super short. I mean, Emily, you just took it. So yeah, yeah, super short. And just go with your gut, the first, the first hit in your gut, just pick that one. And you should be in and out within 30 seconds to two minutes. Because if Yeah, thinker. And we'll get to that archetypes of I would say that the overthinker would be the perfectionist archetype. So there's four, there is the powerhouse, there is the popular archetype, the philanthropist and the perfectionist. So those are the main four. And each archetype actually has a different type of driver. So the we'll just start off with, from the top, the powerhouse archetype. And she is, I will say, fortunately, unfortunately, driven by money. So that's why you'll find a lot of entrepreneurs who are in the powerhouse archetype. Because if you're right, if you're in entrepreneurship, you are driven by sales, you are driven by making sales because if we're not making sales and not making money, then do we really have a business? Yeah, right. And then on the flip side of that, so what if you're listening audibly on the podcast, you can draw a circle, it's gonna look like a little clock, draw circle, cut it into four quadrants. And suddenly, from the upper left hand corner, T I M, E, so this is my time wheel. And each of the four archetypes correspond to the time wheel, and the time acronym stands for T's. Time, is ideas, M is money and ease energy. So the time so the money archetype. I mean, the powerhouse archetype is driven by money and success, not in a bad way. But that is her initial driver, that that's what drives her to keep going. And on the flip side of that, on the opposite side of the wheel is the time, which is the philanthropist archetype. And how, like God downloaded it, to me was when we're looking at our calendars, and we have a lot of appointments with other people, that that's why the philanthropist is connected into time. Because a lot of her time, money and energy goes into spending time with people and helping people. So she's a real supporter type of energy. And she's that person that will give the shirt off her back to someone who needs it, because that's just the giver in her right, a true like servant leader. And the other two ideas and energy, the ideas is the popular archetype. And she would be the social butterfly, the one that's always like, she has so many ideas, she really doesn't know how to capture them and how to execute them. And on the opposite side of that her the opposite archetype is the perfectionist, so the perfectionist she is I would say, you could put people in here that are very honestly, it's numbers driven, but they are like they're oriented. Yeah, he tell oriented love to cross the i's. cross the T's, dot the i's. Yeah, obviously, I'm not that person. But you know, in, in the oil and gas, I was that type of person, because I had to be because of the projects that I was managing. So I had to kind of put on that, that hat for a little while, but my natural tendency is a powerhouse and the popular. Okay, my top two. And, like, so, Unknown Speaker 14:00 when you're looking at the power house archetype, yes, she is driven by money. But what really what it really boils down to, she gets burnt out, trying to keep up with the Joneses. Just trying to keep up with her, her fellow entrepreneurs. And it's different from the popular archetype, meaning like, the popular archetype will see things that are happening out on social media, and whatever she's like, Oh, that's a cute idea. Let me try it. And she really suffers from shiny object syndrome. She's always trying to do things like oh, that worked for that person, then that should work for me. And how the powerhouse is kind of different is she sees the success path that other people are putting out on the internet, but she will kind of look at it and see does that that tactic or whatever, line up with her goal And yeah, yeah, cuz she's really driven by that success path like, will it get me to where I want to go? As the the popular archetype will be like, Oh, yeah. Will it get me to my goal she is not that she doesn't care about that. That's not her primary driver, her primary driver is visibility. So that's why you'll see a lot of the people in the popular archetype. No hesitation, will go live will do, you know, get on all the podcasts talk to all the people, right? Kind of, I would say kind of like a politician, where, like, she's out here, you know, shaking hands and kissing babies. She loves being in front of people. And that's what's really the driver of her business is getting in front of people. Like I love networking events. Okay. COVID. I was like, Unknown Speaker 15:58 very challenging, Unknown Speaker 16:00 was a very challenging for me. And I actually went into a little depressive slump. Yeah, we ended up getting a dog because of like, I was home alone. Yeah, my husband, he still works in the fields. Like he's out nights and weekends. I was like, Unknown Speaker 16:15 I'm alone, like, Unknown Speaker 16:16 I need. I need some things understand. Yeah. And, and it was really affecting how I was showing up online because I would say the popular archetype is like, what you see what you get, she wears her heart on her sleeve. And sometimes it's hard for that popular archetype to show up online, because she is 100%, authentic, vulnerable, like, you can read her like a book, she's not afraid to share how she feels. She's totally open book. And then on the opposite side of that would be the perfectionist archetype. who struggles to show up online? If she is not at her 100%, if that makes sense. Like she wants to always put her best foot forward. So that's kind of like her Achilles heel. She, she will not put anything out unless it is perfect. Yeah. Right. There's that 8020 rule, right? Just Unknown Speaker 17:19 yeah, Unknown Speaker 17:20 80% is good enough. Just put it out there. And those are the people that you'll see. We'll put out stuff and like, the graphics aren't perfect. Like, did they have perfect? No, no professional photo shoots. Landing Page like, did they test it? No, like, that's the person. But the perfectionist will go through like, check the landing page a couple of times, test it, like, tweak, copy, like, oh, I don't like how this looks. Let me go back and like change this word, change that word. Let me swap out the images. And she's analytical, sometimes over analytical when looking at those things, because she thinks that's what matters. But what really, for her to like, how to really overcome that Achilles heel is for her to just use that 80% rule. Just yeah, it's 80%. Good. Like 80% is a B? Yeah, it's not an F. Yeah, it's some B. So, you know, like putting a B work is okay. Yeah. Sometimes she feels judged. And I think a lot of the perfectionist have been judged a lot in the past, and they feel like they can't show up imperfectly. Because someone or somebody will say something. And then next thing, you know, like, I'm done. I'm not sure. Yeah. And they think they toss in the towel way early because of that. So anyway, that's I Unknown Speaker 18:57 work with a lot of women who fit into that category. And actually one of my very close friends, she is in the process of launching her up. She's an author. So she's launching a website to go along with it. And this has been in the work works. I kid you not for at least seven years. And she's to the point. Yeah, she's to the point and she's gonna yell at me because she listens to this, she's gonna yell at me when she hears this, but I tell her all the time, like you need to just go live, your website needs to be live. Even if you don't have it. 100% you need to have it active because you are currently losing in your business. You can go in every single day and make those changes that you want to and get it to 100% but you having a presence over having zero. That's, that's unfathomable value. You know, you have to be able to be out there and she just No, no, I'm going back to the drawing board and I'm going to do this again, and I need to redo this and I need this to be just right. And like, No, you don't, not in this day and age, you do not have to, I appreciate that you value what you do, and there is beauty in it, but you can't let it hold you back. Because it's never going to be perfect. Perfect. It's never going to be exactly right. You know, and to get to get stuck on that and to hold yourself back from it. She's she's doing a ministry, she wants to write children's Christian books. So for her to Yeah, so for her to not be able to publish those and get them in the hands of little kids. Those are little kids that are not reading her stories and that learned about Jesus just a little bit more, you know, not to no pressure Kendra, if you're listening, Unknown Speaker 20:46 love you can giraffe. So, so how we can combat that Achilles heel is. So I would say like the popular archetype will just turn on her camera, go live and be done with it. Yeah, but the perfectionist, like her main avenue for social media, I would say would be writing, right? So she can curate her photos, right? curate her photos. And take the time to like, write a post. Oh, and then edited a little bit. And same thing. 80% rule like, set a timer, you can take however long you want to write that post, pick your photos, whatever. But go ahead and just put it out there and just hit post. And also for the perfectionist who are listening to this. You can always delete Unknown Speaker 21:40 post. Yeah, yeah, always delete. Exactly. If Unknown Speaker 21:44 not perfect. You hit post, and you read it. And you're like, oh, my gosh, is not perfect. One. There's an edit button. You can Yeah. And then number two, if you don't like it, or you're feeling some type of way about it, you can just delete it and wipe it off the face of the internet. And nobody will know. who've seen it. Sure. Yes. And could you? Yes, the ruminating thoughts like oh my gosh, they see it changing the school, right? Oh, my gosh. Unknown Speaker 22:16 You know, just Unknown Speaker 22:19 just better to get it out there. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 22:21 yeah, it's better to get it out there. And, um, and the thing with that is, you won't know what resonates with your audience or doesn't resonate, unless you start putting content out there. Right. You know, let your people tell you what they like and what they don't like. And yes, is there backlash? More Sure, of course. But as entrepreneurs we really, like if we're in this type of business, and we really want to get seen, we really have to go ahead and build a little bit of big skin. No, put on our armor, armor. All right, before we get online, and what I do is, I have issues I will i am the the popular archetype. So I can go ahead and press live and just be done with it. And I never watch it again. Like, right. I don't care if anybody watches it or whatever. But when I sit and I write something I don't like writing. So I'm like, an IT. I am. I am that 100 percenter when it comes to written polls, I'll just be honest. Sure, sometimes what I'll do for that is I will go in as like, Hey, God, what do you want me to share today? What do you want me to share today? And then I just hit like, whatever God puts on my heart to share on I guess. Unknown Speaker 23:57 flows, right. That's good. Unknown Speaker 23:59 Yeah. And then it flows. And so for those perfectionist who are listening, like just ask, like, what does my audience need to hear from me today? And if you've done that avatar work, right, a lot of it is it what does, where you name your avatar, you give her? You name her, you give her all the demographics psychographics and you you know, you build that already. It's even better. Like if we're talking to Dre right now, like, right, you name her and you pick it person from your audience that you're writing to. What does Kendra need to hear today? Yeah, about being a perfectionist. Yeah, that's a good example. And then what would you tell her how would you you know, educate her or exhort her? Wouldn't she need to hear today and that your website live? Okay. Unknown Speaker 24:58 So when Yeah, yeah. Why don't you go into why don't you talk a little about a little bit about what? Some of your clients like what what your engagement with them looks like having you as a burnout recovery coach? Sorry, that took a lot to say. No, yeah. Unknown Speaker 25:19 Yeah, so some of the things that we work on a lot of it first is identity, like, who are we, in Christ? And like, what is the message that we need to put out there? Because a lot of times, I'll be working with clients, and some are, you know, they built big businesses, but we keep going around a table, obviously, that was the perfectionist client, going around the table not being solid on offers, or rewriting copy, you know, things like that. And for for those type of clients, it's always about refocusing. And Ken Well, let's go back to your offer. Right. It's, we always start with the offer. Yeah. If we're, we're doing it anything out here that's not driving people back to our offer. That's what leads to burnout. Because you could be posting on social media, and be thinking like, well, what, what's really happening right now? Like, why am I not making any sales and it's like, well, you're not making any sales because you're not actually selling anything, you're not driving people back to your offer. So that's one way how we get the perfectionist archetype to start feeling burnt out and really focusing on what's really important, which is driving people back into your offer. A lot of times a perfectionist will get stuck in the details and like, well, I need to have an end strategy. Like I need to have X number of posts per week. What is my engagement percentage? What is that? What is that? Like? I'm sorry, I It's very cold here in California today. Unknown Speaker 26:56 Oh, goodness. What's the weather like out there? Unknown Speaker 27:02 It's cold and windy. But inside of the house. We don't have central heating. So it's like 66 degrees. The house Unknown Speaker 27:12 I'm laughing at I'm laughing at you because I live in Michigan. And it's 63 and I have a cut off shirt. Unknown Speaker 27:19 Yeah, and you're like, conditioning I'm in my car. And I'm gonna Lulu Hawaii's okay. Why? That's so funny. I have thermal. So funny. Have a turtleneck. Unknown Speaker 27:37 Hey, you do what you got to do. Well, thank you so much for being here with me today. Why don't you tell our listeners where they can connect with you online. Unknown Speaker 27:46 So Unknown Speaker 27:47 if you want to go to my website, which is not even at 100% but it's live, it's Kylie ky lie And if you want to take the burnout archetype quiz and find out your archetype, and you'll get once you take the quiz, you're gonna get a little blurb that tells you about, you know, the plusses and minuses of each archetype and how you can use your architecture advantage to avoid burnout your business. Unknown Speaker 28:18 Awesome. The burnout archetype. Unknown Speaker 28:19 Unknown Speaker 28:21 Awesome. Well, thank you so much. I appreciate your time and you being here with us today. Unknown Speaker 28:26 Thank you, Emily. Transcribed by