Speak Up, Be Heard, Feel Empowered

No Mercy Business Podcast with Emily A Woodruff

06-02-2023 • 17 minutes

Why did you decide to start a business?

“Duh, Emily– to make money.” *rolls eyes*

Money is certainly an important reason, but for most– it can’t be the only reason. I believe many of us would say, “I started my business to make a difference.” Whether that is to make a difference in the world or to impact those around us, our “why” is found in the core of who we are. So why are we talking about this?

Have you ever voiced the reason you went into business to someone else? To your audience? Have you ever seen such chaos or a problem– you wanted to voice your opinion, but just didn’t know how so you didn’t say anything at all? Emily’s guest today, Terina Maldonado, is a vocal empowerment life coach that helps her clients to speak up, speak out, and live authentically.

This can take many forms like the scenarios described above, but what about small-scale issues that we face everyday? Maybe you need to motivate your work crew? Steer your business in a new direction? Need to have an important conversation with a client? Terina and Emily latch on to the discussion of empowerment through the words we use. Tune in to find out more!

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Get more details here:

https://moxieassist.com/vocal-empowerment/(opens in a new tab)