Ditching perfectionism to become "Flawesome" w/ Mindvalley co-founder Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani

Conscious Matters ® Podcast

30-06-2023 • 44 minutes

As a "recovering perfectionist", I’ve already talked about perfectionism several times on this podcast but it’s always a good reminder to revisit the subject because sometimes we have to heal the same thing multiple times to fully remove all of the remnants of it. I am super honored to have Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani discuss this very subject with me today. Kristina is the co-founder of the mega self-development learning platform Mindvalley, you know the one with all of the personal development superstars. In her upcoming book “Becoming Flawesome”, she reflects on her own story, her battle against perfectionism, and her journey toward her most authentic self.

Listen up to this gem,
Namaste listeners!


GROW by learning about -

  • Self-worth;
  • The controversial side of personal growth;
  • The "Hermione Syndrome",
  • Embracing our uniqueness;
  • Facing our fears;
  • And more ...


WITH Kristina


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~ Kristina's book: "Becoming Flawesome" with bonuses here

~ Conscious Matters' free 5-day self-love challenge: here

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READ the full blog post here: www.consciousmatters.co/podcast

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