Counteracting the negative messages of our inner critic with positive self-talk w/ host Melissa D. Barry

Conscious Matters ® Podcast

31-03-2023 • 23 minutes

Have you ever found yourself getting caught up in negative self-talk? Maybe you've thought to yourself, "I can't do this" or "I'm not good enough." It's easy to fall into this trap, but what if I told you that the way you talk to yourself can have a profound impact on your confidence, motivation, and overall success? Today, I want to talk about the power of positive self-talk and how we can use it to counteract the negative messages of our inner critic.

Also, a big announcement: Conscious Matters ® has now expanded to a full-on educational portal for all things wellness, mindfulness, and mindset.  Have a look at: on the date of the launch: April 6th, 2023 aka this upcoming Thursday Be a part of this Conscious Community by signing up for the weekly newsletter to empower yourself by stacking up on your holistic wellness tools, and benefit from the free 5-day self-love challenge on there!

Listen up to this gem,
Namaste listeners!


GROW by learning about -

  • Understanding the Inner Critic;
  • Benefits of Positive Self-Talk;
  • How to Use Positive Self-Talk;
  • The Power of Affirmations;
  • And more ...


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