Ep. 19 - Affion Crockett on Being Authentic to Yourself |Season 2|

Inspire To Inspire

06-02-2024 • 51 minutes

Welcome Back to Season 2 of the "Inspire To Inspire Podcast"! On the this episode of INSPIRE TO INSPIRE |Season 2| our guest "Affion Crockett" ​⁠ talks about (Being authentic to yourself, how to break the rules to create a new ones, and how to separate yourself from the pack.) Affion has been in the buisness for over 30 years and has had multiple viral moments from his work. As successful as he has been, Affion understands what it takes to keep moving forward even when things don't work out as you expected. On this episode Affion showcases true authenticity, revealing why he's been able to stay relevant for over 30 years. This episode emulates why you need to understand who YOU are and why you need to have a vision for yourself. Create for you, not the fame. .

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