18-06-2024 • 53 minutes

Precious and expert on exposing the international network of evil! Bolsonaro of Brazil, modi of India, and diaper Donald's here in America! Is he the cause or the symptom? I'd say both, and a leading organizer of modern-day fascism in USA. I also suggest, as presidential candidate, National SIT-IN! SURROUND ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT! We need people to around the building and sit down 👎 AND DON'T LEAVE UNTIL THESE PEOPLE RESIGN! That means all six corrupt AF Supreme Court justices who lied under oath and therefore perjury perjure themselves! We should be Mass reporting Clarence Thomas to the IRS why aren't they charging him with tax fraud?!? REMOVE ALL SIX THEY ARE CORRUPT AF! Then, surround the Congress! And sit down maybe hold hands sing kumbaya hahaha don't go home until 200 insurrectionist Republicans are indicted, and f* REMOVED from office to face prosecution for insurrection! Surround the GOP headquarters in sit down and don't leave until they drop diaper dump as candidate !!! Surround the IRS and sit down 👎 DON'T LEAVE UNTIL CLARENCE THOMAS IS INDICTED AND REMOVED FROM OFFICE!!! SURROUND THE DOJ AND SIT DOWN 👎 DON'T LEAVE UNTIL ALL 200 COP TRAITORS ARE REMOVED FROM OFFICE!!! Why are Americans allowing a 91 * convicted felon and rapists run for president?????? Have you all been chemically rendered into idiots????? US Constitution 14th Amendment section 3 clearly says NO INSURRECTIONIST MAY HOLD OR RUN FOR OFFICE!!!! Why aren't any of the prosecutors filing to have him undergo court ordered psychiatric evaluation?????? This mfer should be hauled off and put in a home for the criminally INSANE. All the medical professionals including Yale university's Dr bandy Lee have been sounding the alarm for years THAT HE IS A DANGEROUS MAN, A MALIGNANT NARCISSISTIC PSYCHOPATH MUCH LIKE JIM JONESwhy don't you listen America??????? This mfer wants to TERMINATE the Constitution!!!!! LOCK 🔐 HIMUP!!!!!!!!!!!! SHAME ON THE COWARDS AT THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT 202-514-2000 I'm disappointed that you guys never talked about the genocide that's going on in Palestine. I know your big biden supporters, but you really give him a pass on that one! Biden is number one recipient of aipac money pro-israel lobby 11 million!!!!!!! What you should do is call for both parties to reopen nominations both major party candidates are UNFIT Biden should step down and let us nominate and elect a more competitive candidate! He's too old, could croak at any moment and then where would we be????? And hes too corrupt!!!! Is Israel's b**** and he dragged us into Iraq and Afghanistan illegal wars of aggression!!! Is dragging out the Ukraine conflict when all he has to do is refer Putin to the ICC. We need a presidential ticket that will be a LANDSLIDE MERRICK GARLAND AND THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT ARE BUNCH OF F** COWARDS! Why the hell haven't they gotten a search warrant and searched the rest of his properties for the rest of our national secrets????? Everybody knows he's got some more lots more!!!! 🐔 💩!!!! Dude, this f* investigation has been going on forever! He and the rest of the unindicted domestic terrorists in Congress should be behind bars not in congress! Everybody tell Jack Smith to do his damn job call the DOJ 2025142000 HURRY UP AND REMOVE THEM ALL FROM OFFICE SO THEY CAN FACE PROSECUTION!!! WE'RE TIRED OF WAITING FOR JUSTICE HURRY THE F UP!!!! ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: PRESIDENT TRISTA Date: Fri, Jun 14, 2024, 8:02 AM Subject: PRESS RELEASE: SHERIFF CANDIDATE TRISTA CALLS TO ARREST SIX PEOPLE FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY, FALSE REPORTING! To: PRESIDENT TRISTA Here are some videos with my statements: Any questions please let me know Trista Tramposch di Genova MDt, Oxford University Candidate for President, Sheriff & District Attorney https://youtube.com/shorts/3bKMeutFTOg?si=UEWn-loRk0EF46oC https://youtu.be/HLLrqz8U6FE?si=4ENvIZ-0SlLozxEo https://youtu.be/uTclTyvCepQ?s

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