Climate as a risk multiplier - Interview with general Tom Middendorp

Sur le front climatique

01-02-2023 • 36 minutes

General Tom Middendorp, commander of the Dutch armed forces from June 2012 to October 2017, answers Julia Tasse's questions on the role of climate as a risk multiplier and crisis trigger, and how climate change can shape the security challenges faced by armies. Adaptation, awareness, water resilience, and technological innovation are just some of the issues discussed in this interview with the "Climate General."

"Sur le front climatique" is the Defence & Climate Observatory's podcast produced by IRIS on behalf of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces’ Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS). This interview was recorded at the french Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) at 2bis, rue Mercoeur in Paris, 11th arrondissement.
Editing : Julia Tasse.
Sound recording, editing, communication: Aurélie Roché.

Credits : Near Deaf Experience.

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