17. Ten minutes with Robin Vincent-Smith: Humanity has no Borders for MSF


19-06-2024 • 9 mins

See transcript here: https://imaginize.world/robin-vincent-smith-podcast/
Robin is particularly working on how MSF is adapting its operations to the reality of climate change  and reducing its environmental footprint.
His focus is how people work together. We talk about a wide range of issues around and beyond the humanitarian world. His perspective is unique because it blends reality on the front lines with the big picture of how you can bring change, how you can share learning.

IMAGINIZE.WORLD takes you beyond our familiar boundaries. You'll discover how forward thinkers, scifi visionaries and pioneering organizations see the future. You'll learn to imagine your future and develop ideas to move in that direction. Also see A Global Vision for 2043 from 200 people around the world.