7. Will technology have our back? with Thomas Vander Wal


03-02-2024 • 56 mins

Thomas Vander Wal, well-know technology expert, is the creator of the term “folksonomy” where people define their personal categories for words (versus organizational, official taxonomy). Along the same lines he also defined the concept of the “personal info cloud”, the information you collect, organize, save and keep close to you. Thomas has done much more for the world of technology but these two inventions (=perspectives) show the deep importance he gives to people as you will see in our conversation. What he calls the “model of attraction” underlies much of his thinking and you’ll see.

We talk about many topics including AI, in particular generative AI which Thomas calls “performative ” AI, and the impact on human-created content and how it can be used in educational contexts. He shares his thoughts on the future of our planet, sustainability and the role of technology.

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