#59 DOLL Living Lab: An Innovation Playground Building Synergies in Smart Cities

Smart in the City – The BABLE Podcast

10-01-2024 • 35 minutes

In this episode recorded at the 2023 edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress, we discussed with Teddy Axelsen, the Head of DOLL Living Lab at We Build Denmark.

In this conversation, Teddy delves into the concept of the "Innovation Playground," detailing how DOLL bridges the gap between technology partners and decision-makers in the realm of Smart City solutions. From addressing city challenges to measuring the success of initiatives, the dialogue covers key themes such as data visualisation and the role of living labs in shaping the future of sustainable and connected urban spaces.

Are you interested in gaining practical experience and knowledge of Smart City developments through a site visit to a Living Lab? Register your interest here.

Overview of the episode:

[00:01:45] Teaser: If DOLL Living Lab were a recipe, what would be the key ingredients for its success?

[00:02:34] Teddy's Professional Background

[00:03:58] What is DOLL Living Lab and what is its mission?

[00:07:37] What is the main challenge that cities are confronting today?

[00:11:10] Two types of technologies that have been tested in DOLL: Waste Management & IoT

[00:13:23] BABLE & DOLL collaboration: "Deep Dives"

[00:17:02] What is behind the concept of an "Innovative Playground"?

[00:18:59] What are the advantages for public decision-makers in participating in initiatives like DOLL Living Lab?

[00:20:57] How is the success of the initiatives and technologies tested within the living lab measured?

[00:23:03] What are the drawbacks and concerns associated with the extensive digitization of public spaces and the deployment of smart technologies in cities?

[00:26:53] Flip the Script: our guest is asking the question!

[00:31:51] Ending Question: To you, what is a Smart City?

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