Knowing When to Outsource so you don't Bottleneck Your Business

No Mercy Business Podcast with Emily A Woodruff

04-04-2023 • 31 minutes

In this episode, Emily is talking to the Fresh Princess of Email Marketing, herself, Liz Wilcox. Our Virtual Assistant (VA) series continues by talking specifically about outsourcing and how you can know it is the right time to do so.

As Liz and Emily discuss a mutual unappreciation of the word “solopreneur,” the sentiment behind that word is brought to light in detail. As Emily says, many entrepreneurs burn out quickly because they either try to take too much on themselves to accomplish, or have no idea just how much they are doing or what needs to get done for their business to be successful.

Liz offers great insight into how she realized it was time to outsource and when she could realistically do so for it to make financial sense for her situation. Listen in for more!


















